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Chatty Member
At 18 months they "mark make"
Not scribble and strategically place lovely colour dots arpund

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Nah fuck off, has she actually just done those dots herself and passing it off as the boys?! How embarrassing! I'm sure she did a story a few months back of them drawing with pens and it looked exactly the same as that, strategically placed dots and lines.

Fopps here's what a child of nearly 2 painting should look like, you're welcome 😜


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Well-known member
Absolute bullshit though. No one said she needs to be more creative; that wasn't the point. The point was it was grim to advertise so many new toys when a) people have fuck all money or even food at home and b) we shouldn't be making ridiculous deliveries.

Go get a job in Tesco and contribute something to society please.
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Don't think she has mentioned her massive ahhmazing pot of savings lately?

You know you are on your arse in Influencer Land when you are promoting JD Seasoning.

I'm so enjoying this shit show. Couldn't of happened to a more deserving person.
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God this woman is an idiot! She keeps saying 'there was no official advice not to travel' no there wasn't an official guideline Nikki but a sensible adult would have realised what was going on. By the time she flew to Florida Italy were already in lockdown so it wasn't exactly hard to predict what may happen to the rest of the world. My parents were due to fly to Florida around the same time and made the decision about a week prior not to go and cancelled their trip, they lost all of the money (they were due to stay in a Disney hotel so had paid a lot more than Nikki would have) yet still realised what was coming and knew there would be issues with flights etc. She really is a fucking idiot and I still cannot believe she put herself and her family in such danger.
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The bit I don’t get it is she’s so high strung and determined to have the boys doing as little as possible by themselves... but by doing that she’s actually having to do more for them and is stressed out? Like I can’t comprehend the stupidity of it... invest some fucking time and in a couple of years they’ll be so independent you’ll just have to look through the glass in the playroom to check they’re still alive and go back to your pristine living room. She’s a fucking moron, honestly.
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What she (Fopps) is also failing to realise that is the amount of people who have handled that parcel BEFORE it even reaches her anyone of them could be carrying the virus - also I think it's been reported that it can stay present on cardboard for at least 24 hours... I doubt very much she removes from packaging, wipes it all down and washes her hands before she gives it to the boys !!! She is so uneducated in what is happening right now - she is just more concerned about how this is going to affect her social life ! Selfish Twat !
She probably doesn’t know she needs to wash her hands... probably no one has told her
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That anxiety comment has me absolutely fuming!! There is nothing worse than having people like that cunt who experience feeling a little anxious once in a blue moon claim to have anxiety, especially when they make say things like people who struggle with anxiety are just negative

News flash cunty bollocks we don’t choose for our brains to run in a negative direction but it’s out of our control

Sorry rant over 😶
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Needs engagement so pulls out the woe is me card. Standard. That’s not the kind of post/person that brands what to work with Nikki, so make up your mind, decide what you are/aren’t, and stick to it. If you decide you want to do ads, then your insta is not a hobby, it is a business. Good businesses take feedback and learn from it. Good businesses learn from their mistakes and don’t bury their head in the sand.
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I am wondering why she thinks she needs arts and crafts skills, just to do arty stuff with toddlers?
Does she think she has to paint the Mona Lisa with them🤣 ffs
That’s the point, she doesn’t have to do anything, just give them the stuff and let them play on their own!
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Hope she enjoys all the grief she'll get from pushing JD seasonings for the £2.32 she'll get from doing it 😂 can't see many if any being in a rush to order these at the moment, what are they going to sprinkle them on when not much in the shops apart from jars of beetroot and tinned idiot
Completely ignoring the pleas from sensible people around not ordering non essential items.

Sometimes I'm torn between "is she genuinely thick" or just "fucking ignorant"
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I'm watching her latest vlog now and I'm going to have to start taking notes of what I want to talk about on here as there is sooooooo much 😉 firstly why does Chris need to get ready, why does Fopps need to get ready? Ready for what? Why the hell are they having 'me' time to eat breakfast and catch up on messages etc alone?! 😳
Is she actually feeding both boys, that's twins, two babies breakfast from the same bowl and same spoon 😳🤢
The way Chris asks if Fops has opened his delivery, he was not happy at all!!!
Puts the boys into their cots even though and she says herself they are not quite that tired yet, for their nap 🙄 Now I'm not a first time Mom, but I was 6 years ago, and I've not got twins, two babies! But I do have 3 children the youngest being 6 months older than the Ryan twins and he does still have a nap but he normally lies himself on the sofa with a cushion when he is ready for his nap, or (before lockdown) he might nap in his pushchair on the school run. If I tried to put him in a cot or a bed for a nap at a certain time every day he would scream the house down! Not often but depending on what we're all doing shock horror he doesn't nap at all and I still have to get all my shit done 😅 and if he tries to nap anywhere after noon he gets 20 mins max otherwise he's a fucker at bedtime! I know all children are different 💕 but I can't believe two babies can go to sleep at the same time, together for the same amount of time every single day!!!!
I'm going to carry on and try and watch the rest of her vlog now 😂 I'm sure I'll be back 🙄 soon 😅
Did I mention I have 3 babies, not twins though! The eldest is 6 and fast asleep in bed, the middle is 3 and fast asleep in bed and the youngest is 2 and fast asleep on the sofa next to me whilst I drink my wine and catch up on here and Fopps newest installment! 🤪

Back again! So bath at 6pm yet by 6.15pm both boys, two babies are washed, dried, dressed and had a splash in the bath 🤔
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Doesn’t know it is Disney World in Florida, and not Disneyland. And doesn’t even know the elephant is Dumbo. She was just going for show. Makes herself look so stupid.
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you did what ? surely that it child labour 😂😂
oops forgot #bekind 🤷🏼‍♀️

what has she posted today.... I haven’t had the time to set up my 9th account yet 😂😂
The boys eating fruit, with a scoop. After having weetabix and getting up later (nothing to do with the click chance).
A random picture of Boris Johnson
Some donation thing, that she probably never donated too.
A picture of the milkshake monkey, so yet another TV programme to list.
And a list of available on line activities for children....
An exercise video she is doing.

.....I feel the need to add “and a cuddly toy” but she didn’t post that 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I’ve decided to delete my Instagram and a few news apps at the moment but never Tattle, I’m loving this thread and some of your comments on her vlog are priceless 👍
She is definitely getting a sweaty upper lip with all this ‘feedback’
Keep up the good work 🤣
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She's now touting JD seasonings🙄
She is one desperate bint. She hasn't wheeled that wagon out in ages. She never really made that much effort to promote it in the past. Nothing is beneath old floppybollock now is it, now that she's gonna be skinto instead of minto! I am going to relish every second of her misery - not even sorry!

Does anyone have any idea of the figure they'll have to refund the golfers? I bet they'd already spent the money or a good portion of it. People like them always do, because they want everything yesterday to impress the neighbours. She was so cock sure of herself and her actions. Not so funny now is it 😂😜😏
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Right Nikki, seen as I am home schooling English this morning, I will give you a little lesson to.
Below you will find the meaning of the word “obsessed “ your homework for today (and every day after) is to use this word it the correct form. Find a sentence that is actually fits in. Your boys are not “obsessed “ with blueberries they “like” blueberries! Good luck with your challenge.....


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