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Chatty Member
Today’s post (and the subsequent fawning hunz) has really highlighted how insecure she is.

It’s really quite sad that someone of her age needs to rely on SM for her ego.
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Anyone notice the low fat meal she had on the plane and the 0% fat fage yoghurt in the cool bag when she was out one day. Does she ever have a day off dieting. What a sad existence! Her body must be crying out for a bit of fat.
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Another thing in the 'vog' that makes me laugh, why would you wait till 2am for cots, just put them in bed with you and get some sleep 🙄
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Video blog cracks me up... it's something I'd call it as I'm mid 50's and not very tech savvy 😂😂😂 for a social media content creator she should know the jargon 🙄🙄
Me too, I'm in my 50s and I don't understand the jargon. It does make me wonder though, what type of person decides to start a you tube or Instagram account? I think you'd have to be quite confident and like attention to film yourself and put it out there. Maybe not so much with Instagram but definately You Tube where you actually point the camera at yourself and speak. I couldn't do it, I don't even like having my photo taken let alone filming myself. Fopps isn't a delicate flower, that's a load of bollocks. She's an attention seeker, she's driven by money and I also think she's extremely manipulative. That Insta post yesterday was absolute proof. She said she'd been criticised for letting the twins watch tv. That isn't what we pulled her up on, we told her she shouldn't be bragging about her purchases and trying to make money during these difficult times, but she very conveniently forget to mention that. And viola, she gets a ton of responses saying poor, Nikki, you're a great mum, your beautiful and we all love you from the sheepies. She's a sneaky one, thats for sure 🤑
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How much do you want to bet on Friday (2 weeks since she’s been back in the uk) we will get a video of her on the way to the supermarket saying how nervous she is and how weird it is etc but will also say it’s nice to get out away from the boys! We all know she’s probably already been to the shops!
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Florida is my favourite place in the whole world. I watched her vlog and it made seem boring, bland and awful. Why would you go on holiday and make a fucking SW curry? I don’t think she knows what fun is
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I didn't know we had to potty train them, no one told me, im a first time mum still learning"
I didn't know they had to be registered for school, no one told me, im a first time mum still learning"
I didn't know they had to be out of cots by the time they start school, no one told me, im a first time mum still learning"
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I’ve stopped reading or watching the news. I’m sure we’ll all get some kind of alert to give us any further instruction if the lockdown is going to get more severe.

Eyes rolling so hard back in my head at Nikki’s new drinking habit. I’m not promoting excessive drinking but I’m just waiting on Thursday when our recycling is collected for the bin men to report us for having an illegal massive party when it’s actually just been me and my BF here the whole time 🙈🙈
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15 minutes in and it's the most boring video I've watched in a loooooooong time... Anything but uuuuhmazing
I’ve watched about 4 minutes.

1. she is a bitch and deserves to lose followers over her attitude alone.

2. Why did they all not eat together at the airport? Why make it more difficult by giving the boys dinner and then, later, having to decide what they were going to do!

3. what a spoilt bratty comment about her parents not staying in the same hotel (is she getting a £1 for every time she says Hilton?!) and aren’t there to help with bags In the morning. Then follows it up with “we will have to get a trolley”. Wow! Really....

I can’t watch anymore, vile vile woman!
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Chatty Member
Ah yes, in a time of complete worldwide uncertainty, where people have been left jobless, working from home, schools and nurseries closed, where everyone's routine has gone COMPLETELY out the window..... NOW is the PERFECT time for a twin routine video.

Is there a more tone deaf moron on Instagram right now?
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How does she get ‘so many messages’ asking where she buys things, when you can’t reply to her stories? 🤔
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Hi Nikki!

I'm so glad you got the tips we gave you on how to navigate your way through first time mumitis.

Here are a few more tips.

1. Please feed the boys more often. They need it for energy (they might even sleep more!)
2. Please let them play alone (that might mean you get time to do your makeup)
But imagine if someone took your makeup brush out of your hand and did your makeup for you. Controlling their play is like that.
3. Please turn the TV off and eat together at the table as a family (it'll mean you've more time after for "me time"
4. Please ensure to give the boys water through the day to drink and maybe a few extra snacks. They won't get fat. They just might be less whingy and clingy... Voila! Even more time to play fastest finger first on comments!
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I'm sorry... She wanted her parents to help with the bags?!!!!
Yes the words were something along the line of “we are staying in this Hilton, but my parents are staying in a different Hilton. So they aren’t able to help with the bags tomorrow, so we will have to get a trolley” I stopped watching at this point, because it confirmed what an absolute spoilt brat she is!
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I seriously hope she got some flack in her inbox for that sports direct post, you can imagine the responses now “oh we have been away, I didn’t realise” “I ordered it over a week ago, before this was even announced” “it wasn’t this bad when we left, we had no idea”
Absolute muppet.....
I got blocked for commenting that I wouldn’t be advertising sports direct right now... 😂😂😂😂.
Can see from my other account that she has indeed taken it down though, so the message got through. That’s my achievement of the day 🙋🏽‍♀️
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That disclaimer is not from a positive person who sees the best in life. Nikki what happened to if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all?! Then you come out with the anxiety comment! 🤔 you are SO rude to people as soon as someone questions something you don’t give a kiss/leave a short blunt reply. How do you physically have the time to police Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/parenting & your relationship... never seen ‘banter’ between you or Chris he always looks very miserable & fed up unless he is making some crude comment 🤦‍♀️ This is what they call car crash TV no need for negativity you are the most negative ‘influencer’ you need to rethink your ‘brand’ I can help... DROP THE BUDGET MUM! Have you been ringing Tesco recently for your special twin trolley?!? Be careful because universal credits won’t pay for your extra followers
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Chatty Member
Got half way through skimming.

1. I take great satisfaction at how much of a grade A dick she looks like with those Minnie mouse ears. I'm so grateful to know better than to embarrass my kids by doing that AND filming it.

2. You're not a happy go lucky positive person, you're ignorant.

3. Disney looks like hell for toddlers. Very glad I haven't wasted thousands of pounds I don't have by going there unnecessarily.

I can't deal with anymore. The end.
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If she let them eat their breakfast on their own without her spoon feeding them, she could eat her breakfast at the same time 😉 top tip for you that foppy, that's how the rest of us do it 👍🏻
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Something else that crossed my mind while watching the ‘vog’ was that I don’t think I’ve ever heard or read her referring to them as her sons.

It’s always the boys, the babies, twins, twin boys, two babies etc. It’s as though she uses these terms because they are more insta worthy but I find it sad they aren’t ever just referred to as her sons.

Maybe I’m reading too much into it but I find it sad. The whole thing is sad. How little time she has spent with them alone, how focused she is on making sure they sleep for two thirds of the day & even then still needs alone time away from them for breakfast on her own, that they don’t seem to gel as a family and can’t relax with them, it all has to be regimented and everyone doing separate things like mealtimes. Sad that she isn’t confident in being enough for them in terms of entertaining them, it’s always about the next bit of plastic she can buy or video she can put on you tube. Not letting them grow up and be independent, feeding them small portions, spoon fed, lack of water apparently, all probably holding them back in so many ways. The whole thing just screams of someone who isn’t coping or isn’t happy.
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