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Right I’ve done 4 minutes of that shit show. It’s 26 minutes long and not a twin routine, it’s another vlog of a day in isolation.
It starts, very randomly, at gone 9am! She spoon feeds breakfast, from the same bowl before showing herself cleaning! Then talks about them taking turns to have breakfast, alone, so they have time without the boys! Have meals together these boys are being taught no social skills!
Wait....taking turns to have breakfast alone? She wanted these babies so much and can't even be arsed eating breakfast with them every morning?
Take it as you want guys but i find this a kick in the teeth to anyone out there who has tried everything to have a baby and failed and then be told there is nothing else can be done to help. 😕😕🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Hi All, long time follower of the threads. I can't believe at a time like this Nikki thinks it's acceptable to carry on doing AD's and her videos like that is what people want ATM. How about dip in to your BIG pot of savings Nikki instead of doing swipes ups and AD's for non essential items! Just to get a little bit more money. She really lives in her own world!

Side note :- Does anyone follow Rachel gorry home decor? She's in Ireland and set up an IG a few weeks back to take her mind of the fact her husband has terminal cancer. He sadly passed away this morning. They have 3 little girls. She has been signed to an agency aswell but she ain't constantly posting Ad's. Nikki could learn alot from people like Rachel and Chelsea.
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She just doesnt care about anything or anyone else.
Come on. That's hardly fair. She cares about the gym crèche. Costa, her Botox, her hairdresser, her kitchen "island" her Gucci bag. . . . The list is endless.
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I had a quick scroll through the comments,, spewed a little in my mouth, read about 100 that started with ‘you’re amazing’ so spewed some more ..... it’s not a pandemic I’m worried about - it’s the fucking stupidity of her sheep that I’m not sure I can survive!
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She really has got a teflon coating eh? EVERY bit of criticism bounces right off her, she was hammered (quite rightly) over the ad and aff links, must have spent 90% of her day checking and deleting comments or adding salty replies and yet something in her pea sized brain told her it would be a good idea to do a controversial post the very next day.........honestly she is an embarrassment to herself, her family, social media on the whole, hell even her cleaner feels it!!
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Chatty Member
Isn't her degree in business? Surely that would give her an advantage with the whole influencing thing? Make her more aware of what works and what doesn't? Then again, she probably thinks she knows better than tried and tested methods 🙄
She’s roughly my age so we did our degrees a looong time ago 🤣 The Internet was in its infancy then so whatever she studied would be of little relevance to being an influenza now. I did IT & we saved our dissertations on floppy disk! 🤣😭😂
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I'm definitely not Fopperholic 😂😂 Have been here since the whole MOD thing then followed the Pip Schofield goss.
Not sure what comment I "wowed" at and have no clue how to check but, I'm not her lol
Of course you're not old Fopps. She isn't clever enough to think to change the hers would be Nikki_r 😂
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how long until that gets deleted 😂
She will delete things because she actually cannot articulate and write a decent reply - she gets aggy and salty and way too defensive... This woman is making a very valid point but she will probably just delete it because deep down she knows the woman is right and she hasn't an answer to say otherwise..... she's thick as turkey mince she really is !
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That's exactly what I thought. Chelsea's twins have a pram and a shopping trolley and she gets loads of positive comments. Next thing, Fopps posts photos of her boys doing the same. However, Chelsea bought her kids them, whereas Fopps kids played with them on holiday. Big difference. She's so transparent it's embarrassing. And don't get me started on the Florida vlog and giving us all a telling off. It looked like a shite holiday anyway, the kids looked hot and fed up and Fopps looked like she couldn't wait to get out of the theme park. Does she actually know how to have fun?
She's got such a stick up her ass hasn't fun vacuum. Must be like being married to a fucking ironing board for all the personality she doesn't have. Poor Chebs.
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Someone told her that she hoodie she's wearing at the start has been recalled from River Island due to high levels of lead and followed up with a link, Fopps didn't even say thanks, and people on her insta were asking WheRe'S yOuR HoOdiE fRoM and she's all 'River Island sweetie😘' perhaps warn your followers? Too much to ask?
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How on earth can she be proud to show that 'cooking video'? What a total shitshow. The vile globs of fry light, the pack of tasteless meat dumped on top of raw onion, then half a pot of curry powder tipped over the top. Then scraping the non stick pan with a fucking metal spoon. Still, I'm sure she just wears her stuff out unnecessarily so she can just buy more. HOW can she think this is decent content??! I honestly don't understand. And the close ups of the ingredients at the beginning, with her zooming the camera about quickly. Does she even watch it back after? How many times have people said she needs to slow down the camera?? I honestly despair, she's a total joke.
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"do you do your stock cube like me or like Chris?" really fopps? wow whats that I can hear????? oh yes its the bottom of the barrel being scraped :rolleyes:
PS - metal spoons and metal pans should not mix!! buy a wooden one they're UH-maaaazing
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Skipped thru the vlog, pile of shit. I can't believe she made curry for everyone and had a subway salad one day 😂 fuck off you're on holiday!! Adament her dad makes his own choices to go out and she goes on about getting stuff from the shop when she's back as there's no official word not to.. What an idiot
Don't hate on me ya'll but I didn't follow her before the twins so had never seen the birth vlog... skimmed through that too today.... OMFG.... !!

1. Why would you vlog on the way to hospital done up like a dog's dinner !

2. How does she know they were the worst contractions ever she'd never been in labour before !

3. She actually had a subway salad and dry jacket potato when in labour !

4. Her make up is horrendous.... thick lip liner and spider lashes is not a good look !

5. She sounds common as muck... she is so... so... so... common and chavvy....

She's a car crash you can't stop watching though 😂🤣
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She does realise that toddlers can listen to any music doesn't she 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ mine are big fans of queen etc, life is shite enough without listening to that tinkly crap all day long 🥴
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Chatty Member
Her cooking skills 🤦🏻‍♀️
Is she so desperate for engagement she's just going to churn out any old rubbish.

Her boys sleep alot I think for their age. Although how much is sleeping and how much is ignored in the dark with the door closed? I feel for any mum struggling through this as it's not easy. But she's just getting on my nerves. She has made out the last 18 months her positive attitude has got her through and she's winning at motherhood. Truth is soft play, lunch out, gym creche and grand parents were the reason she made motherhood look sp easy.
Welcome to actual parenting.
*I expect at some point we will be reminded that she has done bath and bed alone every night for 18 months*
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