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I really don't understand why they get so defensive when the humpers question why they buy toddler toys for Abbie versus teen things for her.

They've been pushing the narrative of Abbie being a "typical teen" for so long that's what the humpers see and believe. When they really should have been saying she's a "typical toddler" because that's exactly what she is.
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Also look who got caught eating a cookie lol...he turned the camera on as she was chowing down...he wanted us all to see that she does eat full portions one can convince me otherwise he 100% shows her meals and her bad angles on purpose! He sees her eating the cookie, turns on the camera immediately, and says “what’s that called?” (Referring to cookie)
P: “I don’t know!!?” With a big attitude and shrugs her shoulders and rolls her eyes which I don’t blame her
also look at her face she is so annoyed or mad at him for filming her eating..and rightfully so...I hate her, but honestly could you imagine living like that? Constantly worried about every meal, every bite, being filmed?
I couldn’t., I would probably never eat ...he is such an asshole I almost feel bad for her but then she goes and says “we used club crackers which is different cause you know.,.I don’t follow recipes” as if she is too good to follow recipes🙄 bitch you should follow the recipe then maybe your slop would come out better lol


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Wow! I haven’t watched a vlog in weeks, I tried today and couldn’t even last 2 mins. They are so boring and fake. I didn’t realize it was this bad. I’d much rather read here to get updates, it’s so much more fun and lively.
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Here’s a gingerbread house more up their alley. It probably wouldn’t have made it this far. P would have eaten all the cheese.
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Hello, I am a long time watcher, but I felt I had to register to comment, I myself have a teenage son with autism and non verbal which is very difficult for him, but we make sure his needs are met, but I got so upset watching Abbies mum with her today, Abbie was so clearly upset, did not want to do the things, and then when she gets home her dad says she has to learn to behave, I am crying for this girl watching this video, I feel so sorry for her, they ignore her when she tries to ask for anything
Welcome Shocked and Upset. I also have a non verbal teenage son. This whole thing is upsetting to me as well. It's nice to see another autism parent on here with the same concerns.
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Merry Christmas
Hope everyone enjoyed their day
Looks like the Maassives dropped an early present
It better be the only's interrupting my long distance movie marathon already

1. 2 seconds in and already with the ma'am crap
2. Why doesn't Piggy do her hair....she says she does it all the time in the mom morning vlog
3. Stop with the cutesy talking to santa aww inducing crap...I am trying not to swear today but already these idiots are making it hard
4. Puke inducing "I love you so much" from know what that means....SHOT
5. Dang Abbie has wicked high arches
6. Love you too 🤢🤮....yup really sincere
7. OMG with the oh so sickeningly sweet voice....JUST STOP PIGGY
8. Stop with the Santa crap....wait is this the shopping with her mother that was on Instagram that was a while ago🙄 or Christmas Eve....ah ok Christmas Eve
9. Dang that chin is huge
10. He is beyond insincere
11. She is too
12. What is with all the new freaking traditions
13. I wonder who the handicapped tag is for....her mom I would guess since I never noticed it before
14. Pushing Target again
15. Yup you're lushes
16. This is nauseating
17. So stupid waiting till major shopping Christmas Eve
18. Yea bets on how long before the new toys disappear
19.. the whole no peeking bull....Abbie really doesn't care
20. 7m20s....thar she blows
21. "Knows" about holidays...they really cannot make up their minds🙄
22. SHOT...screw the shot ... grab the bottle
23. Of course they must include Summer
24. Awwww look HogBoy and Asswipe bonding time
25. STFU HogBoy
26. Piggy with her family crap and HogBoy and Asswipe trying to be curtsey hip 🤢
27. This is so freaking stupid
28. All this crap will disappear by jan 1 never to be seen again
29. No she will never ride her bike on her own....even though the seat is a good idea
30. After the beep...stupid as usual
The End
Don’t get the bike seat at all, she can’t ride the bike without the help of three or four people pushing her and even if she could pedal she has no conception of why she is riding it or direction, left or right. What a waste of money...again.
As for her trying to see her presents in the bags, she was looking for donuts, not toys, she is spoiled and her behaviour is going to become more dangerous the older she gets. Let’s face it we barely see how aggressive she really is, I believe it’s a daily occurrence and I think she has regular tantrums, they just don’t let us see. Good luck to them, they are going to need it.
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Yep- it stopped being focused on when she stopped losing.
They are masters of deflection.
But she said the WLS was so she could be there for Abbie and be healthy ..... Have they forgotten that part of the SCRIPT ...oops

Anyone remember when she was losing weight and ARSEWIPE dragged a suitcase round the room in the old house proclaiming this was what she dragged around on her body before the WLS .....AND how proud he was of his Maassive 🐖

God I Hate them
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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Happy Sunday
Visions of Maassives ski trip danced on our heads
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Melissa Roper

VIP Member
Maybe the stepmum didn't have enough money to afford the bike and the dad would have stressed wondering how she got it. So why not just take the money she did have for it, put the rest in and say it's from both of them? I'm sure the dad would be able to work out on his own that Asa paid more and if showing his dad what a big man he is is so important to Asa he could have just quietly told his dad later.
I'm going to have to disagree with you, the father has a house in Florida, and a house I believe in Virginia, I believe he has a farm too if I'm not mistaken, they have a mobile home, and I'm sure they have savings in the bank. They lived through the times where people saved money. So I'm positive that she had the money for the bike for her husband. She asked him to go out and pick out a bike for him because her foot is broken and she couldn't do it. Isaiah and Assa went to a few different bike shops (shown in the vlogs) to find the bike for the dad. That was a gift from the stepmom Donna. Assa took credit for it. There's no excuse.
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Hi everyone
First up Stripe69 should be able to help Noir Fan with those song lyrics😉
It's a Christmas miracle...short vlog

1. All of a sudden we are spared the sight of Piggy in 2 miracles in a row
2. Awwww now we get to hear how busy he is and don't give a f**ck about your tape measure fear
3. Whoopie shit HogBoy edited his vlog and Piggys mailing out gifts to her people...don't know what's worse, referring to them as her "ladies" or "people"
4. Bet it's some cheaply made FA they can all have a bit of Abbie🤢
5. Asswipes gonna do laundry....refreshing those fingers time
6. This is beyond f**king boring
7. So of course going to Dunkin...after all she's doing great "communicating" and she's only had 2 donuts all week🙄
8. So he's doing what....oh yes rewarding Abbie with like she knows what the reason is for 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣....if she doesn't miss the damn donut WTF are you getting them now for
9. Is it just me or do both Hogsaiah and Piggy look a bit "off" in the thumbnail... almost embarrassed...just me, ok u know where I am
10. That clock is a gigantic waste of time...just another thing to make
humpers go awwww
11. Don't care about mandalorian
12. Does Piggy really think she looks good🤔....
14. Abbie won't even notice Summer is gone
15. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣finally he shaved
16. No grabbing...Abbie grabs🙄
17. Get the f**k on with this....super boring
18. Great dark ass F**KING STUPID
19. One day that asshole is gonna electrocute himself....hopefully
20. Awwww look father/son bonding
21. Two asshole bonding and KEEP YOUR FREAKING SHIRTS ON
22. After the beep...rocking Abbie to sleep 2011...going for the heartstrings tug...and teenager
The End

More BullF**ks in this vlog
Boring, bad lighting, boring crap....oh did I mention boring
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View attachment 357742
Get ready for the queen of the beasts to start peddling some pet crap....also, LOL at #farm. She ain't kidding.
When you've run out of new and exciting ways to exploit your child, move on to your neglected pets.

Guys, I really cannot with these comments from last night's vlog...

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He has a bloody answer for everything, we watch the vlogs, we know what he does and doesn’t do and denying things doesn’t make it disappear. If she were my child, I would forget colours, stupid clock and signs for food and teach her to go to the toilet, it’s ridiculous that it hasn’t been a priority, apart from the dignity aspect, she must smell awful. I suppose that would require effort and consistency neither of which the two ton teds have.
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Chatty Member
The vlog
See Dad Challenge. My channel is about raising autism awareness and educating & helping people. I regularly talk about a topic..... I am scrapping the barrel here and our channel is kind of irrelevant now.... however Tons and Tons and Tons of viewers are therapists and they consult with our channel in the comment section to help. It has happened yet, but I called a whole bunch of people and asked them to.... here’s hoping.

We are not one of those family channels that exploit our child. Please ignore my wife who is surreptiously on her phone (as usual) scamming people. Please also ignore the fact that we are Covid deniers and had a bunch of people over for food again (notice paper plates, drinks etc) clearly they ate before the Xmas lights Drive by, this was the second course. Please ignore my son is cashing in on the BLM movement by selling photos of the one BLM protest he attended with the sole purpose of taking photos, not participating. Please ignore that....

Dad Channel I’m not a douchbag, but really I am. p.s please ignore the fact we treat our animals like shit as well.
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I haven’t watched many of kaitlyns videos but the ones I’ve seen are her complaining she can’t go places or do anything she’s a nurse surely she should see first hand what this virus is. She’s actually worse than asa and Priscilla
She's definitely part of the spreader problem and she has no business in an ER 12 hours a day because of her risky lifestyle, trying to be up 🐖's ass for YT money.
I can't stand her.
All she does is make excuses for that wild ass kid of hers.
Moreover, she is 🐖's BFF so because if that alone, she's lower than pond scum in my book.
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Chatty Member
So I just watched tonight's vlog. ABA and their almighty parenting "cured" her eloping, but Cilla is out of breath and has to tell us about keeping hold of the handle on Abbie's backpack. She's totally out of breath just from leaving the lunch table an walking on the sidewalk.

Proud of Abbie for doing well with her mask though. :)

Ass, if you need a bike for Christmas, maybe plan more than three days ahead!
I’ve noticed since the dad podcast thing, every single vlog they talk about autism! Wonder why? Also, Asa says she doesn’t elope anymore, how come silly was holding the loop on the back pack and she even mentioned she holds it so she won’t elope!! Get your stories straight Asa! Your such a liar and a fake! Y’all are delusional even your cult!!
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Also look who got caught eating a cookie lol...he turned the camera on as she was chowing down...he wanted us all to see that she does eat full portions one can convince me otherwise he 100% shows her meals and her bad angles on purpose! He sees her eating the cookie, turns on the camera immediately, and says “what’s that called?” (Referring to cookie)
P: “I don’t know!!?” With a big attitude and shrugs her shoulders and rolls her eyes which I don’t blame her
also look at her face she is so annoyed or mad at him for filming her eating..and rightfully so...I hate her, but honestly could you imagine living like that? Constantly worried about every meal, every bite, being filmed?
I couldn’t., I would probably never eat ...he is such an asshole I almost feel bad for her but then she goes and says “we used club crackers which is different cause you know.,.I don’t follow recipes” as if she is too good to follow recipes🙄 bitch you should follow the recipe then maybe your slop would come out better lol
I dont feel sorry for her lol. She knows the drill. If she doesnt want it on film, use some self control.
And beside that, she is the Queen of "Im comfortable in my skin." "I've got a cute butt." etc. etc. She made a HUGE deal of losing weight for health, not vanity. She cant have it both ways.
As far as filming angles, is there really a good angle of her? Seriously....there isnt.
And this made me recall her famous t-shirt, you all remember it- " #thesecurves " We havent seen that in months and months. Her curves blew that shirt to shreds Im sure!
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Hogsaiah started vlogging for one main reason. 💲💲💲💲💲💲💲
Easy, quick money, He knew exactly what he was doing and WHY! He has watched his parents rake in the cash for years. He knew Abbie’s FA followers would subscribe to him as well. Just like we know his sarcastic behind likes to throw shade at his “haters”. You would have to spend your days in a desolate cave to not notice that shit!
My point is..Whether he is 19 or 49 he has made a conscience decision to be just like his hog ass POS parents and suck every bit he can off of Abbie’s disabilities as well. There ya have it...the rest is just speculation and hogwash. The young MAN is walking right in their footsteps, therefore he will get dragged just like the other Abbie parasites.

well..well...more fitting than one could hope for.😹❤😹
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