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Do you guys think that they have already had Covid???? Their behaviour just really really really shocks me. I don’t care about them, I care about everyone they come into contact with including retail, restaurant and hospital & health care workers. How many trips have they had??

they don’t mention skiing in video but P. And mother’s bullshit selfish excuse, if it’s my last one blah blah blah. F’ing assholes

to me they represent the very very worst America has to offer.
I get so sick of hearing that excuse- "this may be my last- Christmas, Birthday, Thanksgiving" etc etc. My own mother and her husband are both in their early 70's with some very serious health issues. My brothers and I told her we would not be visiting. She was angry. She and my stepfather spent the day today visiting several friends. This was a jab at us, and we know it, but I love her and if she makes poor choices thats on her. I could not forgive myself if I exposed her simply because she was ticked. Its a fine line, and it sucks, but the bottom line is A&P are selfish. They wouldnt risk their parents if they truly understood the risk. I have even HAD Covid, and wont risk it. They just tick me off. :mad::mad:
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Chatty Member
Okay, shoot me right here right now. I almost got used to the constant contradictions and retconning (sometimes within the same vlog), but this thing took it to whole new level.
Abbie is one curious case. She is both neglected (at least emotionally/cognitively) and spoiled and insufferable at the same time. It is actually kind of impressive how two adults can fuck it up this much.
She needs to learn that there are consequences to her actions. Heck, cockroaches and bumblebees are capable of learning that, so Abbie should be as well. (And she is. The mere fact the she only taunts and attacks one person means that she predicts how said person is going to react). Well done ABA would do her a ton of good at this point. She would likely even enjoy it, since that would give her a sense of stability, since she is constantly overwhelmed by the ever changing rules and complete lack of structure. Well, we know that both consistency and discipline are bad words in that household, so poor Abbie is stuck. Pretty depressing to be honest.

Merry Christmas and Frohe Weihnachten everyone!
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When I first found the FA channel, I really like their videos, they seemed so likable and as I started to watch, I noticed that weird relationship Summer had with Abbie and how she seemed so obsessed with her, so I googled the internet and found this website, since then my eyes have been opened and I started to notice how fake they all are and use Abbie to exploit her to make money. I think it’s so sad how fake and delusional they really are, I am so grateful for all the tattlers who have opened my eyes. Merry Christmas everyone!
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I haven’t watched many of kaitlyns videos but the ones I’ve seen are her complaining she can’t go places or do anything she’s a nurse surely she should see first hand what this virus is. She’s actually worse than asa and Priscilla
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The only thing I can think of that would have made it "not work out" for his stepmother would be finances. Obviously they found the bike. Its safe to assume they are on a limited income. Instead of Asa being GENEROUS and paying the difference, he bought the bike, stole her idea and the credit. I really thought I could never think less of him, but this is the LOWEST shit I have ever seen in my life!!!
That is what I think happened. She ask for Ass help (you know he didn’t come up with it) probably gave a price range. Then he just went out and bought whatever... and just gave it as something from himself. I doubt Ass has enough awareness of others feelings to know if his stepmother was upset or not.

The decent thing would have been to just say it was from her... regardless if they paid more than she could give. Really is a self serving narcissistic move to take a heart felt gift someone else wanted to give and claim it as your own. No matter how you spin it that is a garbage move from a garbage person.
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I detest that revolting arrogant little prick, he's such a liar and can't even get his lies straight, his dad was consoling Donna and that brain dead pillock left it in the vlog to add further humiliation.
He has no feelings apart from the 'look at me, I'm wonderful' attitude, he can buy people expensive presents only because of Abigail and doesn't have the empathy to recognise anyone elses feelings.
What an absolute loser he is.
I cut the video off right after the bike gifting because I had enough of his narcissistic praising of himself, but since you pointed this out, I went back and watched the part you're talking about, oh my God, it's utterly heartbreaking. That poor woman, and how upset she looked. You just want to hug her and tell her, I get it, he's a piece of shit and you're feelings are 100% valid. And if that wasn't horrible enough, him once again praising HIMSELF at the end of that video for the wonderful gift HE got his makes me want to throw up.

As a parent, it's hard to see your child in a bad light, but when they do horrible things (like this) to another family member (or just anyone), at some point you have to say enough is enough, even if that means having to walk away or distancing yourself, especially with someone who has obvious Narcissistic Personality Disorder and is manipulative like Assa, and emotionally abusive. It's just not right, none of it.

And I would like to say, you are a disgusting vile, bottom-dwelling subhuman Assa, and nothing about you is redeeming. The way you treat others, especially family, it's disgusting.

On a side note: I've been studying NPD for a few years now, mostly to try and cope with my own experiences due to a Narc in my life and wanting to understand the whys of Narcissist and their abuse, because it is traumatizing, they are very insidious people and they dehumanize their victims, I can only imagine what it's like when the cameras are off in that house. Anyways, I digress. If anyone is curious in trying to understand why this POS does the things he does or wants to know more about the workings of the mind when it comes to people like Assa, I would recommend checking out Dr. Ramani Durvasula, she is a clinical psychologist who's written books on the matter of NPD and even has numerous appearances on other YT channels (even has one of her own), talking about this subject and people like Assa.

It's very eye-opening.
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Sooo, Asa looked like a woman that looks like a man in the vlog tonight.....Abbie hates her mom, I hate her mom...the end
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About Abbie staring at ppl when they get their food first...for me I wouldn't mind, I probably would give her weird and silly looks to see how she would respond. Now, based on the evidence of various vlogs I am sure Pigcilla doesn't apologize for Abbie and that is what I have a problem with. Lack of respect. I remember Piggy posting pictures of Abbie doing this and found them:View attachment 359426View attachment 359427View attachment 359428

I snapped a few screenshots from tonight's vlog comments.
First up is a big WTF?
View attachment 359432
Next, someone wrote a damn book!!
View attachment 359440
Just like Once upon a snarky suggested, here is a comment about not keeping presents under the tree. But what someone replies is another big WTF?
View attachment 359442
Kool-Aid is wearing off some. Come join us! Everyone is really niceView attachment 359443
Now for some cringey comments about the truck trashView attachment 359444

and finally last but not leastView attachment 359445
When did they start giving Abbie juice to drink on her own while in the car? They always have her drink it while one of them are holding the container. Abbie is not capable of properly waving or shaking her head fully; but somehow turns into Houdini and is able to break out of her automotive straight jacket.
These people are a hot mess

Abbie definitely has something going on with her right eye.

View attachment 359452View attachment 359453
View attachment 359454
Why they think having her looking unkempt is a step up and is keeping her from looking like she is special needs is beyond me. I think people notice her messy hair and wearing a backpack with an out of breath heifer holding on for dear life while Abbie is honking and pinching her mother with a few signals for donuts, baths and candy.

My Joey is dreaming of Christmas morning🎄 He is our 14 year old cocker who was diagnosed with canine cognitive disorder( dog alzheimers) thank goodness he thinks he is a puppy again. Merry Christmas to all of you!!!! Though our Christmas’ our altered I pray you find peace and happiness in the New Year!
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View attachment 364206They should have given him this too. Assa and P have trained him well.
He is a lazy f**k who will always look for the easy way out....just like his father.
Yea he was used as a third caretaker but the more I think about it boo f**king hoo.
Lots of kids were and still are used as caretakers. Is it fair, no.....does it happen yes.
His "all the things" personality with the arrogance and the smugness came fully out and it is getting worse.
He's only going to get more obnoxious and he may not like what he sees at home now but it hasn't stopped him from mocking Abbie and he gives just as many disgusted looks at her as Piggy does. He's in for a rude awakening if Asswipe cuts him off because at the rate Asswipe and Piggy are hemorrhaging money I can see that happening.
I'm one of the ones who found him arrogant and full of himself from the beginning and now he's proving us right
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Hey Guyths! Want to play a game? All you gotta do is guess

If you guessed...BAAABAAA...

Want to play one more game?
All you gotta do is tell me...




What the fuck is this???

Seriously, WTF? I'm scared:eek::poop: :m 🤮
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Once Upon a Snark

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Thanks for this! I love them! Those kids are so much older.. I remember the “Christmas Jammies” (Will Smith’s ‘Miami’ spoof) video they put out a few years ago!

On a less fun note... comments from Babywipe’s vid. Also- who came up with Babywipe because that is GOLD.
I normally lurk and read and get enraged at these fat fools from the other side,IsaAsssses video did me in and here I am. What an entitled brat he is! Showing off his haul his sister paid for. I left a bad marriage (narcissistic ass like someone else we know) and am going through a pretty bitter divorce and didn’t have much money to be able to give my kids much this year. We had a nice Christmas, but there was so much more I wanted to give them and do but it just wasn’t in the cards. It makes me so mad these fatties are overbuying, still going about life with no regard to COVID and exploiting Abbie any chance they get for their own benefit to get “all the things”. I am so tired of these people.

Anyway... excuse my little rant😂! Glad to finally be posting and glad to be here! Happy New YearTattlers!!!
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......and just like Mama and Papa Pig, Hogsaiah chooses the late night hours to really blast his true colors to the YouTube followers. Sorry, not sorry have earned Every. Single. Snout...all of them! Chubby Checker could have least given a shout out to his sister as she honked in the background!
Thank you for the new Paddle Board and Ski Trip, Abbie. ❤ Hogsaiah.
There ya go Moobs Jr., try it out and see if you can form these words. Best of luck to you!
View attachment 364553
And just like his father he can't keep his fat trap shut
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It's that time 🙂.......the last one of 2020

Welcome to the Darkside!
New Members
Former Members
Lurkers who are coming out of lurkdom

Great to see everyone

All food and drinks in The Corner are "all the GROSS things" free and so are the seat cushions......oh and the food is so much better than Piggys slop
The bartenders are still hunky, as are the pool boys, and they make real powdered crap allowed and we're never opposed to trying new drinks .
Masks and social distancing are also required
I run a clean establishment and want to keep it safe and COVID free
So bring your humor,after all the Maassives give us so much to work with, and insight and have some fun.
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So is this an indication that Hoglet has entered the gay scene?
That's complicated.

A lot of uber-modern slang originated somewhere in black and/or queer culture.
You've heard the phrase "spilling the tea" or just "tea" in relation to gossip, I assume? It's ubiquitous now, but that's a direct import from the New York drag scene.

Cake in terms of (male) butts started in queer spaces, made its way to black spaces where it's been largely used to reference female butts, and has started to move into what's called "stan culture" spaces.
Stan spaces are small, specialized, insular groups of people who are obsessive fans of a certain thing - could be a TV show, a movie, a musician, an actor/tress, etc. They tend to develop their own specialized patois of slang, much of it pulled from other groups, most often black & queer groups.

Isaiah using the terms cake and double cheeked-up isn't some sort of subtle coming out, but the way they were used was enough to make me raise an eyebrow. He's either:
1. Heard them used so often in a space where they're used to reference male butts that it's "normal" to him
2. Heard them used in a stan space often enough to use them, though is awkward enough to use stan patois on a public-facing vlog not geared towards that stan group
3. Heard them used in black spaces and, without a trace of irony, went ahead and picked that slang up, used it in the wrong context, and failed at being "cool."

And thank you, again, for coming to my TED Talk.
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A link to a vlog from 11/16/2019 popped up in my video suggestions. I added the link in case anyone wants to watch it.

I'm not a fan of Big P :m, but I will give credit where credit is due. Look at her in this screenshot I'm attaching, she actually looked GOOD. 🤔
Even if she had on Spanx, her face even looks smaller.

What a difference between then and now. It's a shame she did not stick with the program, imagine where she would be today. In the vlog, they are discussing Abbie's stims and getting their new fridge after moving into their current home. I have not even watched it all the way thru, I just stopped it to grab the screenshots of Big P.

Caregiver Forever - Autism Parents

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