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Unfortunately now it seems like dumbass has deleted my comment and blocked me because I can't see my comment in a private window so even if I make more comments they won't be visible to anyone except for myself.
I can still see your comment on Instagram. 👍

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FireShot Capture 104 - (4) Facebook -

1. Youtube's security doesn't much matter when creators let themselves get phished. Asa's supposed to be an all knowing Youtube expert and he fell for what's likely the most basic scam email.
2. Your "actual representative" knows you don't make Youtube any real money anymore so you're just not a priority, Atha. They're just not that into you anymore.

EDIT: Damn, search on Youtube for Fathering Autism again. The scammers have now changed the channel name. :ROFLMAO:
This is gonna be such a mess!

And Isaiah has court in the morning, doesn't he?
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New video
The whole video about the haircut is ridiculous. It's not like she wears it all pretty and styled and long. She either looks like Cousin ITT or else it's tied up in a stupid bun with it half hanging out. Just cut her damn hair
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And another thing, GB, you smug little asshole.
You are supposedly educated now. Why are you glossing over Abbies intellectual disability, and still maintaining that it is only autism? Why aren't you speaking up? How can you pretend to be spreading awareness when you aren't even speaking honestly about her condition?
You are ok with all of this because it benefits you. When you become a therapist are you going to ignore your clients other comorbid conditions? Don't think you'll get away with that for very long. Fucking poser, lol.
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This has GOT to piss Asshat off to no end!!! I just seen that there was new paperwork filed by the lawyer last week in the guardianship case and it wasn't sealed yet... Here is the court monitored answer!! So, now Maass Media has to pay Abbie! Yay! I only hope that it is being looked after with more eyes!
Also, why is it being placed into an ABLE account, unless the ABLE account is linked to the trust? Why not place the funds into her trust account? I don't get that, unless there is no trust...

PS. GB goes to court on Thursday for his wreck..

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I know we've been saying here how much we hoped Abbie's representative would push for something just like this but, in all honesty, I did not think they actually would. I really didn't think they'd bother. Courts don't often care about stuff like this; they're most concerned with the State itself not having to pay any more than absolutely "necessary" for a disabled adult's needs.

"Social media enterprise."
They don't want to pay Abbie for the labor she does in the social media enterprise (this phrase covers all her appearances, not just vlogs - Slimelife photos, PP&P videos & photos, Isaiah's shit, everything on social media across all their accounts) because that would disqualify her for Medicaid and SSI. They outright said they want the government to pay for her medical care and to give her $940/month instead of the Maasses paying for it.
That's their defense here. "If we give Abbie money then the state & federal governments won't give us money!"

This is a Big Fucking Deal.
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Chatty Member
it couldn't happen to more deserving shitstains 😇

do have a wonderful evening, pigshit, tinydickman, fuckedintheheadGB & truly, Abbie. I wish you could understand karma, girl 😊
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"Good morning USA! I got a feelin' that its going to be a wonderful day!" :ROFLMAO: :cool::ROFLMAO:

I woke up to this! The sheer karma of it all has me damn right giddy!
I mean, if this hacker has control of their channels, cant they also delete the vlogs? Does YT have every vlog by every creator backed up somewhere?
If not, wouldn't that be simply glorious?!!

Asa having to start all over.
It would be clear that is "actual' current following is maybe 5% of his original 700k+ that he bragged about.
His exploitation of Abbie would be blatant, because he will have to flood all the platforms with "cute young Abbie" flashbacks in order to get clicks.
I just LOVE it!!
Have a great day everyone!! I have to go to work. My employer has not been hacked. 😂😂
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For his faults, DCP is ok in my book for the simple fact he twists AW underpants. Also, the money hungry Maasives are making their nemesis money with their continuous snark material. That has got to get under AW skin.
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Well we have the "cry me a River' video to look forward to....We were targeted...the haters...the bullies...all those people we told to get bent...the time we called that girl's boss...the time we said the turtle escaped...the time all my quail died...the time I lied about Abs abilities..the time I didn't pay child support...and those lying jump cuts......
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Noir Fan

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Reminds me of lottery winners who go broke two years later because of out of control spending.
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That would take effort. And only wirk he puts in is regurgitating what info is fed to him by others.

My favorite part of his videos is going through comments and play "spot the tattler."

Dude barely gets the attention of humpers anymore.
How well do you play this game of “spot the tattler”? 😂
We all need an outlet sometimes, Mrs. Maiden!
Moobie and his garden are not even Tattle worthy at this point.
Just poking at ya ma’am. I like playing “pin the comment on the tattler” too!
This family Vlogger bill GB was talking about possibly passing...will that affect the Massives?? Since Abbie is now an adult? Hopefully there is something in the bill about exploiting adults with disabiilities as well... it sounds like they are worried about it.

Pig And Ass in the background dancing look like two walruses mating. GB only gets attention when he focuses on ABBIE.

Yea..DCP could have done a better job.. at least he called the Massives out a few times. I hadn't watched GB's VLOG.. OMG..he is SO LAME!!
Same here. I didn’t watch Izzy’s shit either. Honestly, I still haven’t watched it. I listened to DCP this morning while I was in the shower. Izzy sounded like a moron.
I agree, DCP may not have his facts together, but IMO he is far more entertaining than the Maassives!
Helmet head
Lipstick on a Pig
He had me LMAO several times while I was cleansing thy gunt. 😂
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Says he doesn't think of us after his coffee, but calls himself Golden Boy. RENT FREE living is nice! GeT bEnT lol, get a new burn GOLDEN BOY.
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Asa talking about DD being dirty as they had just let Abbie take her shoes off in a salon, put her dirty ass feet on a chair other people sit, and then walk around the salon with no bother to make her put her shoes on. They're disgusting.
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Whale…who wants to go first? What does the Fathering Autism channel mean to you? What have you learned? 😂😂
View attachment 2804776
Whale Tubby , since I don't want to help your YT algorithms and we all know that you and Boy Wonder-Lego Head read here, I will answer "Twatty's" question on Tattle:) I want to sincerely thank you for sharing your family with us as a stark reminder of many things, but the two most important are; how important health is and the importance of living honestly.

When I watch your vlogs, I am inspired to exercise and eat balanced and healthy meals. When I feel lazy, I remind myself that Twatty was GIVEN a Peloton and used it as a clothing rack until you recently banished it from the house. Out of sight, out of mind, no need to be reminded that your entire family, with the exception of Donna, Jessica and Dan, are in dire need of exercise and good nutrition. Get it together you fat, lazy bastards. Who is going to take care of Abbie when you are all either dead or Boy Wonder Lego Head is taking care of you, 600 Pound Life style. Not that he is the picture of health, but if he doesn't maim himself in another MVA, he will likely outlive you. With the money that Abbie earned on HER YT channel, you could at the very least, get her into a program to move her body and hire someone to prepare her delicious and healthy meals. To Hell with the rest of you lot, who have control over your own lives and still choose to be lazy and drunk slobs who revel in eating beige, greasy, cheese laden, artery clogging "food". By the way, your family has atrocious table manners. Close your mouths when you eat and stop using the cutlery as stabbing and shoveling devices. It's disgusting to watch you eat.

It is bad enough, Tubby, that you exploit Abbie to pad your bank account but the fact that you and Twatty exploit the Humpers, who are laregly vulnerable, is absolutely vile. We all know, including the Slimelife Huns, that the only reason that your Beast is somewhat successful at selling beauty products is because of Abbie. Your "job" as a content creator and Twatty's "job" of scamming people into buying makeup is all courtesy of Abbie and in both cases, not only is Abbie exploited but so are the vulnerable people who think they are supporting Abbie. How you and your Beast and now, your obnoxious piglet, Boy Wonder Lego Head, can go on camera, with a straight face, and act like you are humanitarians is as offensive as it is hilarious.

It has been quite a delightful two days, watching your scammy empire crash and burn. What does it feel like to come to the jarring realization that your gravy train has fallen off the tracks and now you both will have to get REAL jobs? Face it, you chubby little wonder, you are going to be VERY hard to employ in a well paying position given your age, lack of work experience, track record and most of all, your shitty attitude. Even harder to employ will be Twatty, we all know her limitations.

Stick a fork in it. You're done.

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Camp Creepy is really going to go off the rails if their new program director spends his days arguing with Tattlers on YT.
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Chatty Member
Whale…who wants to go first? What does the Fathering Autism channel mean to you? What have you learned? 😂😂
View attachment 2804776
Well, without your channel, Pig, I would never have met my many intelligent funny friends here at the community . Yeah, we watch for fun and laughs. This here ain’t about money either, just a great place to snark away to our hearts content. So for that I am eternally grateful to your money grubbing channel.
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The Fathering autism youtube channel got hacked and is now showing a bit coin livestream probably because ass clicked on a fake collab link in his email. This happened to a lot of gaming channels as well. Hopefully youtube doesn't give the channel back to him and deletes it for good
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I knew Atha has been trying the crypto bro grift but this is particularly delicious!! It's turned around and bit him in the ass.

How are the humpers on Facebook handling things? It must be a shitshow since he won't be able to do a damn thing while he's frantically trying to get his channel back.

Oh to be a cockroach on the wall of Mold Manor tonight. I wish we had a livestream of that! It's been over an hour and it's still borked. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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In the FB comments for Fathering Autism, someone is saying that Big Ps YT has also been hacked!
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Vegan for the Animals

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I think getting involved with Slimelife gave Fat Fuck Priscilla some independence and confidence. Seeing the photos and videos she regularly posts when she’s with the other Slimers, she is like a teenage girl trying to show off what an amazing time she’s having.
When she was a teen, she clearly was only interested in bagging a husband and having a family. Now, she’s definitely had enough of Abbie and she’s out to have a good time, which means escape the confines of mold manor.
She thinks it’s cool to have a drink in her hand in every picture, dress like a teenager, dance ridiculously and generally show off. It’s almost like she has a split personality. There’s fat, frumpy Cilla who’s always in the kitchen cooking, usually with a scowl on her face and then there’s the fat, drunk party girl who thinks she’s gods gift to the world.
Of course there’s nothing wrong with adults having fun, even parents! However, she takes it to a whole new level with all her trips to other places for ‘work’ conferences, ‘date’ nights, sports events, etc….Any opportunity she’s out and those drinks no doubt help give her a false confidence.
Underneath all the boasting there’s an unhappy person who’s life hasn’t gone quite the way she expected and worse still, she’s married to a narcissistic, unsociable twat who has no ambition and clearly bores her (and the rest of us) to tears.
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