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She has to sit in the doublewide seats in the waiting room.

Abbie was doped the fuck up for that appointment. That would have been a potentially useful topic for Atha to bloviate about; it's not uncommon that anti-anxiety/mild sedative meds are needed for doctor visits. He could have made a whole thing about anxiety and calming strategies and the use of sedatives to make everyone more comfortable for necessary medical care. Lots of the autism families he tries to cater to would find that very useful info!
But if he did that he'd have to admit that she's sedated, and it would be too easy for all but the humpiest humpers to put two and two together to realize how often Abbie exhibits those telltale sedated behaviors.

Instead he shoved her around while she was visibly distressed and trying to get him to stop.
Good Fathering there, asshole. :rolleyes:

I did get a kick out of Abbie refusing to go near her dumbfuck of a mother.

Pritzels. Pritzels. Pritzels.
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Who leaves this many reviews at chains like Wendy's, DD etc??? Who has this much time on their hands??? Does he really think the reviews will get read by anyone who cares???
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Atha fully in damage control mode.

Priscilla looks horrific. Every time I think "it can't get much worse" and she goes ahead and proves me wrong. It really can get worse. Her skin was somehow both salami and vanilla pudding at the same time. She's bloated and sallow and does not look remotely healthy.

Y'all catch Priscilla pushing Abbie off the chair towards the end there, when she didn't want to go eat in the dining room?
I saw it. And the bigger question is, what happened to all this progression and independence if they cant even leave her at the counter alone to eat?
And apparently, she never did sit with them and there were no clips from the table.
Asa said Abbie "won" and was eating at the counter after they were done, and had even cleaned the kitchen.
Wonder what she was doing while they ate that couldnt be shown?
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My son had his orthopedic appointment today for his broken pinky finger. We were more than pleasantly surprised with how things went and with the staff. The x-ray tech was able to get him to cooperate just enough for good pictures. That alone was miraculous. He may have screamed a little, but they were patient, and so understanding. Then, the doctor came in and told us he would need an actual hard cast to completely immobilize it ( I think his finger had moved a little in the splint, perhaps causing a lot of his pain). The nurse came in, gently took off the splint, and talked him through every step of the casting process. He sat there and watched the whole thing. We were so PROUD of him!!! So yeah, on one hand, a meltdown that led to a broken finger was absolutely horrid, and I would not want to do this again, but he is adapting like a champ. He is learning how to navigate a computer mouse with his left hand, and doing very well tolerating a change to his bath time by not being able to get his arm wet. This was basically one of our worst fears (him breaking a bone and requiring all these new experiences), but he's handled it amazingly well. Hopefully this is the LAST meltdown for a very long time. This is why you will never see us teaching him words/ideas like wrestling.
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Ok, so I sped through GB's vlog after reading everyones comments.
What a jackass.
But- the humps (should anyone comment about it anywhere) will defend having a beer with lunch, or a wine with dinner, etc.

And he is going to be 22 in two months. TWO MONTHS...and he's still "figuring out time."
Well, you entitled little puke- you've been an adult for almost four full years.
Thats where having a j-o-b, buying your own groceries, clothing, toys, contributing absolutely ANYTHING to help support yourself comes in handy.

Asa and P constantly brag that GB is so successful, and that they set him up for success.
He is almost 22 and works three days a week, and is scrambling trying to manage his time while still living and being supported 100% free.
Most 16 year olds work three days a week, and manage being students and sports and interests.
Not my idea of a success thats for sure!!
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Sickening using Abbie their severely ID daughter to selll hair products?

Something is VERY filtered with both Abbie and Pig...there is something they did to the pic to make her look like a "normal girl"... especially that second pic...I have never seen Abbie have that kind of an expression...and like she is actually holding the product up.... makes me want to smack the Pig. Actually..any pic makes me want to smack her....anyone else feel this way?

Both Pig and Abbie have some of the worst hair. Abbie's is thin and broken...she is half bald (thanks to them). Pig's hair is probably her better feature but it is still not healthy, too long... you cannot have healthy skin or hair if you eat and drink like them.
Totally agree with you. The filters are strong in these pics. No offense to Abbie but she always looks special needs. The fact they are trying to magically turn her into a “normal” teen is disgusting. Embarrassed of your daughter much Big p? Shame on them.
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Hahahah the mole isn’t there anymore. Stupid pig, moles don’t just go away. I want to know how they got rid of it without anything being on the vlogs while it healed. The case of the mysterious disappearing mole is back again!
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@Whimsical I have missed you friend!! 🥰🥰
Has anyone seen or heard from @Kimmied?? I hope she's doing ok, I think of her all the time. ❤
Hello!! Awww, thank you! I've missed you too!! Life took a weird turn in June and I lost a friend of 41 years to suicide and I did not handle it well. I literally retreated into my own world for close to 6 weeks and at the start of August, Whimsy was back! I did not share with many but @Hotographer512 was there for me the entire time, and for that, she knows I'm eternally grateful. 🥰

I promise to stay active in here and I must get started on more silly memes, I miss doing those!!
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So it's come down to FA being SL and SL being FA. They're intertwined now and it's so blatant they don't even hide FA selling SL products. It's because the money is drying up and they think if they can just continue to pull new humpers over to SL it will stop the bleeding. The racist and apology vlogs were self inflicted and FA is going to be deceased in the not to distant future. And as FA goes the way of the Dodo bird, so goes SL.

The main attraction in tonight's vlog was Abbie's luxurious hair. Nobody can deny having that mane of hair flowing down in front of her face doesn't stop people in their tracks and say, WTF is that????? Asswipe was desperately trying to make it all seem normal as he walked through the parking lot but he was highly embarrassed and when he saw how crazy she looked he plopped that baseball cap on her head. He is so pu$$y whipped by that cunt he couldn't even say fuck you, bitch, I'm tying her hair back.
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My thoughts exactly.
Pig’s Lipsmack FB page is a ghost town. The majority of engagement she gets on Thillas Shit page is when she is in the kitchen…not sitting in her “office” giving makeup advice. Any Slime only posts on that page are quickly losing traction. Intertwining the Slime and FA is shady ASF, and IMO will lead to them losing followers. I mean, who really gives a shit about Pig’s hair mask…that is until she shows the “results” on Abbie?
How many humpers can afford a $35 hair mask? Not many, that is my guess.
The need to promote her as a “brand” is the gift that keeps giving…for us. 😂
As far as Abbie’s hair…the whole “She’th got this, Atha”
Yea…it shows. She’s got it…all hanging in her face.
I am anxious to see the rotund ones sitting on Abbie’s newly reinforced outdoor couch.
We all know why it really broke.
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Vegan for the Animals

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I just watched some of the live vlog where she’s cooking and my god, it’s no surprise they’re overweight when you see how much cheese she puts in and on the macaroni cheese. She even admits she’d add more if she had it. She then ‘makes’ coleslaw by opening a packet of prepared colelaw veg, squirts about half a bottle of mayo on it, brown sugar, then more mayo and some homemade bbq sauce. 🤮 All the while she’s rubbing her nose and touching her face.
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Hey Big Ass!
You ain't that interesting for people to watch your day-to-day stuff....Its BORING & you're UGLY
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That “hair” issue concerning Abbie is becoming so tiresome. Pig wants Abbie’s hair down and long, ignoring the fact it is not practical for Abbie. Ass tries insert his opinion about getting it cut, putting it up, and is shot down by Pig. It’s even a bone of contention between them. Pig wants her daughter to look like her? To look neurotypical? Look like a normal teenager? Well, guess what? She doesn’t look like a normal teenager. She looks like Cousin It from the Addams Family.
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@RocketQueen ; I see you mentioned Cousin It as well a few posts before mine. Like minds! 😄

"People say we look alike."
Yeah, special needs.
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why is asshat going to the depo appointments now? Can pig not handle her? Or did he need to video it for content? In the past cilla took her by herself because it was a “girls” appointment.
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So when he’s talking about her therapist and how they know Abby likes her… how do they know this? Because Abby won’t let her do anything else and wants all the focus on her. I’m sorry but that is not desirable behavior. That actually said that was good that she wants all the attention and was pushing the therapists phone away so she would give her attention. How dumb are these idiots? That’s behavior that should be worked on to eliminate. And I noticed that around pigcilla he calls it “vocational program” and when she isn’t around it’s “the clinic, or program or therapy” he also was going to just take Abby to get a hair tie and then go back to clinic, instead of taking Abby in on time and then coming back. Once again they just can’t be considerate of anyone else’s time. Theirs is the only one that matters
And really, if she cant go to the clinic/school/program/therapy for three hours without a hair tie, they need to cut her hair. Period.
And I'd love to know how they have managed to keep services over the years while always running late or skipping a day.
Every single ABA center we looked at, including the one we chose has an attendance and tardiness policy.
After being late three times, its $50 bucks out of my pocket, (insurance wont cover that obviously) payable before he can return.
After so many unexcused absences and tardiness- you are dropped.

And oh yes, Abbie makes friends so easily...she has "another Summer" they said. Sorry. BS.
If shes pestering her tech its because shes tapping for food, music, or a ride.
Lets just keep it real Asa.
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In the last thread, I didn’t get to comment on this. Some old lady (my age) made this comment and my first thought was, “ they left this in?’ I thought the woman meant Isaiah finally found the love of his life with this blow-up pool unicorn. Seems to meet all of his needs and doesn’t judge, let’s him ride her/him. Perfect love match. ( I think she meant his RBT job or whatever it’s called) But Candy Von Hog liked it and/or liked the comment by another lady stating “ Enjoy your bidet!!” Imagine total strangers by the thousands all over the world know how much your ass loves that freaking bidet. You can sit on it all day and listen to Wham! all day long.

Two fish names:

Wayne and Bubbles

Wayne and Moobie (Dick)
Thanks @WowMeowMeowWow on the new thread :love: and I voted for the Marry Me I'm Pregnant Chicken.

Thanks everyone for the love on the new title.😘

Is it just my imagination but has more views fallen off FA since RacistGate?

Asa is not mentally well. The reviews he's given are a window into a mind of someone who is so racked with fear and insecurities he goes on the attack thinking that will show him as strong and intelligent. When, in fact, it shows him as someone with a short fuse, highly defensive and stunted intellectually and emotionally. It's only going to get worse as he ages and he continues to face more failures. He's covering up this whole ABA clinic thing because he doesn't want it to appear that BS schooling he did for the past year was a complete failure and Abbie is at the same place or further being when she left JSA. Their homeschool teacher probably made one comment to him that trigged him and he was done. I imagine the teacher was treated to his venom and she high tailed it out of there.
I wish Crazy Nanny and that poor pathetic homeschool teacher had left horrific reviews after working with those nasty hambeasts. Would serve them right. I think Crazy Nanny is doing it in a round about way on her Facebook page, lol.
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VIP Member
why is asshat going to the depo appointments now? Can pig not handle her? Or did he need to video it for content? In the past cilla took her by herself because it was a “girls” appointment.
"Please pay attention to what good parents we are and how we sacrifice every single day and here look at our disabled daughter look at her we're just an all-American family making the best of things and living our best lives please pay no attention to our bigotry and our racist families look do you like my new hat? Pay no attention to my old hat or that vlog I deleted and will continue to pretend never existed!! Look over there!!!"

The reason they mess with her is to get her to have reactions for the VLOG...I bet they leave her alone when not filming.. and she doesn't have to perform. They need her to have reactions to film...otherwise no one would watch...sadly.
I'm actually wondering if they mess with her so she doesn't look quite so sedated. She's drugged up all the damn time anymore and it's really obvious; maybe they poke and prod while filming as a way to get her to stop the "itsy bitsy spider" giveaway stim.
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