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Well Meg works hard and produces a lot of content so...she gets discussed. I've seen threads on here which have basically been a gazillion posts saying Pepper is too fat. I just skip through until I find something I'm interested in.
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Tina’s stories …. Gifted, gifted, gifted …. What a different planet those girls live on. I miss OG Tina. She is just a walking, talking brand now.
I don’t get the issue with gifted. As long as it’s stuff they genuinely use, then them advertising is more honest than paid actors on tv ads. I DO get it when it’s something they don’t like or use, however even that is just paid advertising.

is it a different planet? Or just a job? I have many issues with influencers but their advertising isn’t really one of them 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Hollys vlogs are all about getting ribbons to sell Rocky, her SJ rounds are awful to watch, I don’t know how she can watch them back and think they look good. Rocky looks very strong, shaking his head and Holly looks terrible on him. Not nice videoing for selling a horse.
Awful vlog, he never tracks up on the flat and is so disconnected from behind which is probably why he’s having such small jumps down. Her editing isn’t good and it’s so obvious where she’s making cuts to try and hide him putting his head down and charging off after a jump. He just looks uncomfortable in himself and to ride. For a vet to be riding this way and with a horse going like this is shameful.
Rhi's latest video. Is it just me or does that saddle not fit?! It looks tight at the bottom of the panels and moves up and down in trot. Also the seat looks too small for Rhi, and she's not a big lass!
I had unfollowed because she was too doom and gloom for me and having dealt with a lot of loss in the last few years really couldn’t cope with her. Might start following again if she’s moving on.
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How do you know what her budget is? 🤔 this is odd speculation
The whole thing is odd, the speculation on here over the whole horse buying trip is weird.

I’m not a huge Meg fan, but she is earning from making vlogs about the whole process.

People do this every day in Ireland and Europe.
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Oh poor Rhi. Has had unkind comments about how she’s riding her new one. I haven’t seen anything here. I feel for her. 😢
I saw one comment on her recent video and that was about it. I think someone mentioned in earlier in the precious thread but alot disagreed. I thin she's doing very well, she is quite sensible

I could never do what these people do, the pressure from you alone to ride good and to ride well enough for strangers to judge you. Alot of guts imo
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I think so 😂 very cryptic…

No idea what the orange thing on the left is meant to be? Hinting at a chestnut maybe? Although kind of looks like a baked bean 😂Then also no clue about that grey machine…? Something to get to badminton on for the shuttlecocks, and smart…like Einstein???

Anyone out there a better detective than me and able to figure it out? 😂😂😂
The grey thing is a pencil sharpener and I have no clue what she is hinting at and quite honestly this kind of thing is childish and tedious, but maybe her younger fans will find it entertaining? But to drag it on for 11 days????
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Who is Eilishs owner, and why did they give a young pony to a novice rider? Is it on loan to Han?

Also, 10k+ is ridiculous for a green pony with questionable conformation. It has a sweet attitude but doesn't warrant a 10k price tag.
I have a feeling the owner is probably someone who buys natives to break bring on and sell but often needs a small rider. Sadly whilst han is clearly very loving, she would not be my choice for a rider to get the pony out going.
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Meg and Han seem to be under the same delusion that if they have a whizzy horse they can ride off their hands instead of their legs/seat. I get it, but it’s hard to watch Meg constantly riding off her hands. Also watching her try horses makes you realize how much of an amateur rider she remains being even though she rides and produces multiple horses. (Thankfully I don’t have to film and post my riding. 😅 )
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Meg driving and filming to Instagram at the same time 😡. No excuse! She knows better than this.
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Gutted for Emily! 😢 Wonder if Addie went green or nerves got to Emily?
The arena was getting slighty sticky with a brief shower from noon and the sun drying out the ground in between and from the mornjng. They did move the fences between the 100 and 90.

My own 6 yo that would normally keep the poles up had a few down as well.

There was a few "back on yourself" turns and distances that walked long but actually would be fine and a few angles that needed the right balance into them.
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Chatty Member
I realise that Tina’s circumstances have changed as she has family things going on, but I did feel her getting Louie was a bit of a rushed decision because she didn’t want to be left behind. Her friends all have more than one they can ride and obviously Banksy was out of action so I do think it was a rather spur of the moment thing. Then once the issues arose with Dinks and he had to go to a friends for a while, I think it started to hit home and that it’s not always as easy as you think when you add a third horse into a closely bonded pair.
In hindsight, I think she probably realises she rushed into it.
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Why has Riding with Rhi taken it upon herself to be the Equine Management Lecturer in Chief of instagram? I find it really irritating. She isn’t experienced enough for me to sit and listen to, it’s so pompous of her to assume she knows everything.
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For me, it’s really drummed home how much money you need to succeed. I have a mare similar age to Addie and feel so behind as I can’t afford to do as much because I have to pay for livery, tack, feed, bedding etc. I must say, I envy them that side of things. But I don’t envy having to constantly put myself under pressure and in the public eye.
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Chatty Member
I think on the next thread we should have a poll on it for whether we think there should be a separate thread for Meg? Then if it’s popular we can do that so everyone’s happy?
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I'm going to go against the grain and say as they have chosen not to PTS, I assume they have their reasons from their discussion with the vets. You have to believe that the vet would have advised euthanasia if they felt it was the best course of action and while the Elphicks aren't perfect, I cna't imagine them going against direct vet advice on something like that. We only have a limited view of the situation.
My vets won't advise euthanasia, they give you alot of advice / prognosis and tell you about the animals welfare issue but to cover themselves from potential problems from regretful owners they won't say this animal needs to be pts ( which is shocking yet understanding given the sue me culture ). Even when my 35 year old mare was collapsed ( I wont give all the details ), they didn't say pts was the only option ( it was ). I had to be ask them and be clear about my wishes . They might have gone through all the potential risks along the way to Ari deteriorating, I suppose it's how much Meg and hobbit are willing to risk in the day to day care. Which in turn with their lifestyle would be another big factor in my decision as someone has to look after those horses when they are at stay away shows, it's all well and good them knowing potential triggers but with someone else things could be different.
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Just for the record, I follow Meg, I don’t mind her stories, I don’t really watch any blogs from anyone, it’s the constant weird speculation on here that gets too much.
Going over the same ground again and again is just a lot, bring anyone else up and that gets totally missed and we get back to the same Meg chat.
I didn’t suggest a separate thread, there is no need for that.
Agree re the going over old ground again and again. It’s just tedious to read. The answer appears to be that as Meg is so very important that we all need to discuss her day after day saying the same things. I have no interest in her but see other people are. I’m allowed to say I’m bored with it, I’m also allowed to say if there are so many posts about her that she needs her own thread like so many influencers have on tattle.
To me it’s not weird not to want to read page after page of posts saying the same thing about the same person that you’re not interested in. It’s weird to want to make everyone read it. 🤣
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