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Chatty Member
I can still see her account. I genuinely feel for her having to put up with this shit. Clarkson's followers are VILE.
Is it Clarkson’s followers? I can imagine some may comment but not arsed enough to go back through her insta and report old posts. Either way I feel so sad for her. It must be awful to have built up a following as your job and be shadow banned potentially putting your entire income at risk.
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VIP Member
Oh I'm sure there will be incoming many many stories of how tired she is and uncomfortable blah blah blah ! 🥱

she has no idea of what is ahead once baby is here!
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VIP Member
Back when page 3 was at its most salacious and popular, it was just accepted, didn’t make it right but it was accepted. The women were well paid and became celebrities and the likes of Jordan and Sam Fox are still known for it now.

Isn't onlyfans just a modern version of page 3 ?
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
I absolutely LOVE Alex’s text - “I love how proud you are of your body”. I’m yet to meet someone who would enjoy having a childish and self absorbed partner who takes naked videos of themselves for attention.

Do we think he is actually completely henpecked and has to agree with anything she does, massage her ago, reassure her 24/7 that she’s the best thing since sliced bread, in order to avoid her being grumpy and moody around him?
or do we think he’s just so keen to keep up his cushy lifestyle sponsored by Daddy Clarkson that he sucks up to Em?
Hmmmmmm. Tricky one that 🤣

And fuck off with fucking Symprove!

Eat some natural yogurt you half wit
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VIP Member
I find is so inappropriate when influencers encourage pile ons like this. Call out the comment by all means but don’t share the username with hundreds of thousands of people. That account is private but has posted quite a lot and has a decent follower account, so I don’t think Em has faked it.

Does anyone have any recommendations for similar podcasts that don’t feature Alex’s screeching? I enjoy the guests but there must be someone doing it better.
yep agreed. On one hand, the person is usually being a dick. But sometimes, occassionally, that person might be suffering mental health or just have a different take on something - there’s a fine line between trolling and a difference of opinion.

there’s a disparity in power there - Em has a huge following, she “influences” people for a living. A person commenting under her post usually does not. It really does encourage lynch mob behaviour. Surely for nasty spiteful comments it’s better to block and move on? For anything more serious than that it’s a job for law enforcement?

She constantly talks about how she feels sorry for trolls, how she wants to rise above it, how they are sad unhappy people worthy of her forgiveness and compassion, yet on the other hand she’s blasting them to her following. It’s just yet another way in which she a total hypocrite.

those “too much for you” rants really are very tiresome FOR ME. And probably a bunch of other people who eyeroll, think she’s an utter tit and then get on with their lives, while she’s desperately trying to convince herself online that she’s an OK person
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VIP Member
100% agree!
What is she essentially challenging and changing? It’s a bit like putting your bed in the bathroom at home - very unique, challenges conventional thinking and makes people notice but in practice brings nothing but problems, your bed will stink of poo. In the same way her daughter will get into all sorts of situations from being mistaken for a boy to people just not expecting to see her if they arrange a meeting with “Arlo”. People putting her in boys’ teams / accommodation if it’s allocated based on a list. Future boyfriends explaining “no I’m not gay, Arlo is my GIRLFRIEND, no it’s not a nickname. Yep she’s actually called that”
lots of opportunities to be righteously affronted on behalf of her daughter though, which is what em is all about.

pretend adopting social causes and being perpetually angry because that enables her to delude herself into thinking she has a higher purpose in life and isn’t a total waster.
I don't see much issue in her naming her baby a typically boys name - esp when actually it's more on the unusual side. Blake Lively named her first daughter James
blake Lively is also a bit of a tool though lol
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VIP Member
Ok so this thread has been interesting . I actually enjoy the pod cast should I delete that , but mainly for em and not for Alex . Alex comes across as some entitled rich girl who tries too hard . I think Em is quite funny on it.
However , I do find her annoying on social media and a part of me died a little finding out she was pregnant ....we all know the whole insta mum thing is coming with her . With all the gifted items and love your mum tum etc yet she doesn’t work fulltime and lives and has lived a privileged life off the back off her dad .

I’m 50/50 on her , I like the silliness and the awkward situations she talks about and she does make me smile . But seeing the stuff on here is making me think .

also the page 3 stuff above, I don’t agree with it being degrading , you see more on a beach . Boobs do not offend me and if I didn’t wanna look at page three , I wouldn’t buy the paper . The suns page three girls had to have natural boobs and were girl next door with top off . Much more relatable than the insta photoshopped, FaceTuned influencers you see now getting off to Turkey every month for bbls etc .
Just my opinion but , as women we shouldn’t tear someone down for posing with top off . Tits aren’t offensive lol or degrading .
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Well-known member
In fairness though this is one thing that does really help a lot of people to see. Our bf rates as a country are so low and seeing more influencers normalising it so new bf mums feel more confident to leave the house with their baby and don’t feel like they have to hide away as much can make a difference. ❤
Don't dispute this comment at all - and I agree that a fed baby is best. However, looking at it from another angle - for all the mums that can't breastfeed or struggled with it, it could also make them feel sad, a failure etc etc

I'd personally prefer it if people didn't feel the 'need' to announce how they choose to feed their baby, or seen to be making a point by including a picture which undoubtedly infers which route they are taking with feeding.

Live and let live by all means, but everyone I follow influencer wise who has had a baby recently, has showed pictures of them breastfeeding, rarely being bottle fed - which is also normal. It's almost as if to prove something.

Anyway, back to Tattle instead of Mumsnet! Sorry!
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