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Just how photo shopped filtered is that picture...her face and skin looks nothing like that.

She really does protest too much doesn't she ? The fickleness of how she mercilessly uses her fathers name to be relevant but then suddenly decides she wants recognition in her own right but on her terms is soo transparently pathetic.

Isn't it bad enough that she has subjected her followers to months of self absorbed whinging about her morning sickness...what a sad sack she is to have recorded it! How is no one around her telling her how ridiculous she is ...
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Why did she have to have her jaw broken and wired ? I didnt watch the page for a while and then came back to that....
Something to do with it being out of alignment and getting worse so it was impeding on her breathing, she had quite a bad overbite before.
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She was the one who actually led me to tattle, she was ranting about it one day. I find her marathon training interesting but she’s a bit ranty
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Chatty Member
I reckon she’s going to go for Maeve thinking she’s really original, when actually it’s one of the most popular/trending names which will really date.
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Oh wow, a lot of oversharing going on on her stories this morning! Glad we got to see your piss Em, thank you!
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Her thread was very positive until quite recently so I suspect it is Tattle. Admittedly some threads get super vicious but this has mostly been constructive. How many times do we need to say it before influencers listen… ✨ Tattle ✨ isn’t ✨ for ✨ you ✨
I don’t think there was any need for anyone to comment on her wedding hair and shoes etc etc as she will have had her hair done to her taste not everyone elses. But yes if it bothers you that much stay away from it.
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
I went to school with Emily, she made sure that everyone knew who her father was, so this is absolute bullshit. What she failed to realise is that there were a lot more important/famous parents than Jezza so literally no one cared
Wasn't she at school with the Whitehall kids?

Absolutely. Or not include it in the first place? Could have just been Emma's life or whatever.

And, if all you want are people fawning over you and your outfits etc... maybe just save the pics for the family whatsapp group. Not on a public platform with thousands of strangers...
I agree - just be Emily. Or drop the name for her husbands - thus cutting the Clarkson connection

But that means a loss of money - doesn't it Em?
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a huge, padded puffer jacket hanging off your shoulders absolutely does not look like a cape, let alone a batman-style cape. and in the #ad post for sweaty betty, where. she claims that it's perfect to wear to a pub, because you can simply strap it on like a backpack if you get too hot. who the fuck is wearing a ski jacket on a night out - especially to then wear hanging from their shoulders like a "cape". her desperation to be funny is cringe. 🙄🙄

also, that "outtake" post including photos of herself, arse on show, as she was changing for the #ad shoot - pretty sure getting naked in public falls into the category of indecent exposure. sure, get changed in the car - but getting your bum out in public seems somewhat inappropriate, and if she was reported, i don't think her "influenza" status would mean she got away with it. even with a desperate "but i'm jeremy clarkson's daughter!" 🤷🏻‍♂️
only Someone who never goes on a night out would suggest wearing a ski jacket of a coat, on a night out. She’s a ridiculous person.

does she have many friends? Feels like she met hubby young, latched onto him, chased him around and hasn’t bothered to cultivate many friends outside of the relationship except Alex light (problematic in her own right)
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Hasn’t she also recently said she’s suffering from low iron levels and I believe pregnancy can increase the risk of this so…. Maybe?!
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Ngl perhaps you need to start a rave thread ? 🤔
Always the comeback when anyone says something slightly not aligned with a 100% negative viewpoint haha. No policing of comments is allowed so I'm entitled to say it here :)

And btw read the first post on this thread hahaha its for mixed discussions surely
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imminently I reckon. And she’ll say it’s because she wants the same surname as her daughter or some such bollocks.

though jeremy Clarkson is like Teflon. The more he gets called out for his shitty behaviour, the more a very specific section of society gets behind him. That section is usually very upper middle class, male, sexist, racist etc. And they get behind him because he engages in shitty behaviour they wish they could engage in more openly.

he should’ve been “cancelled” the moment he assaulted and racially abused someone at work but now all people can do is mention HoW mUcH hEs dOnE fOr BriTiSh FaRmiNg. Er, no. He was never out to save British farming, and he doesn’t “do” anything for it since the rich idyllic Cotswolds it’s not indicative of the U.K. farming industry. He set out to make money for himself. End of.
she already said that she uses her husband's surname in her private life, specifically because she wants the same surname as her daughter - yet refuses to change her professional name, as she claims she has built a platform as Em Clarkson and doesn't want to lose that simply because she got married, although obvs failed to mention the fact that her decision to remain known as Emily Clarkson in the public eye means she continues to benefit from the associations with her famous father, whether positive or negative, the latter of which she very adeptly twists to her own advantage!

legally, i don't know whether she is Emily Clarkson or Emily Andrew, but once her daughter is actually born, she may attempt to suddenly justify a random decision to change her surname in relation to her career - which will ✨coincidentally✨ fit perfectly with her father being "cancelled" due to his awful comments about Meghan, and consequently being ditched by amazon prime etc. equally, she may continue to use the negative publicity surrounding her father as a way to boost her own career and SM presence, using it as an opportunity to speak out against sexism/misogyny/racism etc, because it ensures that she is mentioned by the media in the many articles relating to him - whether by name, or as "Jeremy Clarkson's daughter" 🙄 - which then increases engagement with her IG account, which means brands are more likely to approach her and work with her, perceiving her as an influencer with lucrative potential.

in terms of any future decisions related to changing or not changing her surname, it could go either way - but whatever she decides, it will inevitably benefit her - whether she plays it as keeping the Clarkson name to show support for her father who has been unfairly cancelled despite such a genuine and sincere apology, or that she adopts her husband's name as a way to cut ties with Jeremy because she doesn't agree with his views. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Not been paying attention to her but I can imagine her being a future Top Gear presenter maybe. She'd be quite the contrast to her dad.
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his luck will run out eventually but as I said before, he’s like Teflon. He appeals to some of the worst in society and they’ll always be there ready to back him, no matter what.

irnonically, if you look at the daily Mail comments, they are overwhelmingly in support of him. Em is pretty lacking in awareness it seems - she was calling this readership misogynistic (which to a large extent, is true) without any awareness that this is her dad’s core fan base, the source of his wealth and influence and by extension, her wealth and influence. Zero self awareness.
He’s old enough now not to give a toss, I expect he can quite comfortably retire and not worry about presenting tv again.
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Clarkson isn’t “cancelled” he will find work elsewhere. He did when the BBC dropped him and he will now amazon have dropped him. Which will in turn benefit Emily. The saying any publicity is good publicity is very appt for the Clarksons
hence why i used the term "cancelled" in quotations - i was referring to recent media headlines. i don't doubt he will simply find work elsewhere. 🤷🏻‍♂️ as you say, any publicity is good publicity - and the way Jeremy has, understandably, been dropped by prime, she will find a way to work to her advantage, in terms of it not being fair to poor daddykins when he apologised. 🙄
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God, what a shit show. Jezza probably IS a raging misogynist, but these columns filled with shite are designed to be clickbaity and drama-inducing. He's been doing this for decades. The idiots sharing this post endlessly on Twatter are playing directly into The Sun's hands- clicks are clicks. Best thing to be done with Clarkson and his nepo-baby is to ignore them. It's not about Megan and Harry (I don't give a shit about them either), it's about lining their pockets whichever way necessary.

Emily putting a post up about it is quite funny, but I don't believe that this hasn't been planned by that family and discussed in advance of anything being published. Again, they are no strangers to PR.
exactly this.
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