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VIP Member
They rlly want me to believe their life is hard and I should listen to their opinions on ANYTHING while they’re trotting about central London middle of a week day looking like THIS

Middle class privilege at its finest

I mean look at him.

He looks like every white collar London snob I’ve ever seen.

Do not believe she deserves an ounce of pity or any of the influence she holds. Daddy’s money.
yup they look like a pretty insufferable couple lol

totally agree.

she gives off spoiled mean girl vibes, he gives off Entitled White Male.
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I quite like Em’s dress 😳 agree the hair and shoes aren’t great.

I really hate the ‘rebrand’ for the podcast. What do they think they look like?!
The dress looks terrible around her neck, like a 90s choker!

Same for Em. Lots of talented authors struggle to get published because of lack of “audience” (read: insta following). The ones that do manage to get published tend to come from oxbridge type unis (think Sally Rooney, who went to Trinity and who had her books picked up without even trying too hard). JK struggled in the 90s to get published - nowadays she almost certainly wouldn’t be.

But Em? Somehow managed to get two books published pre-Instagram account in her early 20s. This is all despite not having any big platform or any real experience in writing or having a literary education.

I posted a little while back an article in which Jeremy Clarkson is practically bragging about nepotism. I’d bet my life on him having pulled strings for his kids.

It’s not their fault for being born to wealth and privilege but it is a lack of character when they just accept and coast along on that privilege while pretending it doesn’t exist.
Her books were definitely not pre Insta
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I don't see much issue in her naming her baby a typically boys name - esp when actually it's more on the unusual side. Blake Lively named her first daughter James
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Chatty Member
I discovered her recently when I saw her post showing the real side to Social media adverts with the skinny tea and the photoshopping of her body. I think she’s great. The right sort of person that should be on insta.

I love her dad too 😂
I don't follow Emily but I just had to say, I love her dad too 😂😄
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VIP Member
PS guys…

Em is happy to point her criticism at the daily mail because it’s an easy win.

but the royal roster filter down to the tabloid press, which includes her family favourite, the sun. A paper she has said she loves herself.

To recap, em has herself written for the sun (her open letter to her catfish). She has promoted her blogs and books in the sun. She has given interviews to the sun. Her father is a sun columnist. Indeed,

here’s his take on Meghan - she’s a “monster” apparently.


so… I’m a little confused here. On one hand Em is criticising Media backlash against Harry and Meghan whilst her own family is part of said media backlash all while she continues to support and work with said publications.

here are just a selection of stories she could have chosen form her family favourite, the sun;

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I could see her driving around in a supercar screaming 'POWER!!!' and finishing every single sentence with the th world!

I could see her driving around in a supercar screaming 'POWER!!!' and finishing every single sentence with the th world!
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VIP Member
I know this isn't a Jeremy Clarkson thread, but I'm still angry that he didn't see ACTUAL consequences for that and not just a job loss. Someone I know actually served time in prison for a similar assault, but Clarkson gets off scott-free because he tits about on the telly for a living and writes a column full of inflammatory drivel. Then he strikes up a deal with Amazon. Shit doesn't stick to these people.

No wonder Emily's like that with such a role model.
Dont forget, he verbally abused the guy too. He “suffered verbal abuse that no-one should endure” over a steak dinner
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New member
I found her a few months ago and really love her posts/stories.
I had no clue who her dad was, despite them sharing the same name.
She seems really nice.
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Well she announced it in September sooo would’ve been around 3 months then…

So my guess is we can expect her tell-all birthing video and reel about how we all should accept our post birth bodies because it’s done an amazing thing and maybe a close up of her stretch marks.. around March time maybe?
Great..something to look forward too 🙄
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Why did she have to have her jaw broken and wired ? I didnt watch the page for a while and then came back to that....
yesss, i've only followed her for a few months and instagram doesn't always show me her instastories (i get bored after watching 5 or 6 so if someone doesnt show up there i won't see it 🤣). so when i saw the story where she's got her jaw covered i was so confused!

i really like her content but did NOT know she's jeremy clarkson's daughter!! interesting stuff.
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I suspect most brands especially the family orientated ones will give her a wide berth. Guilt by association and all that.

She's cashed in on the fact she's his daughter so won't come as a surprise to her surely that she will also become persona non grata now he's to all intents and purposes has been cancelled ...
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I wonder if her and Alex do the fake spelling mistakes in their stories because it increases engagement when people respond (🙄) to correct them.
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Roe V Wade has been overturned, a big feminist issue, and she posts an #ad where she’s sat on a toilet, juggling toilet rolls and talking about poo…
Because she needed to earn her commission by flogging that over priced gut rubbish! Priorities and all that! Would love to know if she is actually paying for the product or if she is given it for free every month- its soo expensive!
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