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I’m explaining why I think it’s a bit narcy.

It’s not something I’ve come up with - as a phenomenon it trends a lot in sociological/anthropological/academic discussion.

Fourquet and Manternach (2019) have called the phenomenon a rise of “mass narcissism”

when a celeb names their kid a dumb or “different name” (think Apple and Gwen Paltrow) it’s the archetypal example of narcissism. Google it and a TON of academic papers and news articles will come up on it.

talking of celeb baby names, like Apple Martin - it's weird names like that, used by celebrities, that see a sudden rise in popularity as parents choose "unusual" celeb baby names for their own kids, thinking they are super on trend. same with Molly Mae naming her daughter Bambi - as much criticism as the name has received, Bambi will undoubtedly see a surge in popularity as a baby name. knowing how much Em loves the limelight - constantly using every Jeremy Clarkson headline to focus attention in herself - it wouldn't suprise me if she is hoping that naming her dau Arlo will inspire other people do use the name for their own daughters, thus being able to take credit for starting a trend of using Arlo as a gender-neutral name option.

unisex baby names are pretty popular, so i can see her choosing a more masculine name to make a point about equality and names not having a gender, trailblazing the way for loads of little girls to be named Arlo, like the superhero she is. guaranteed there will be reels about baby names, and boys names vs girls names etc coming soon. she'll be scrolling here constantly, taking notes, absolutely thrilled that the comments about assuming genders based on names are playing right into her hands! 🤣🤣
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I wonder if her and Alex do the fake spelling mistakes in their stories because it increases engagement when people respond (🙄) to correct them.
Yea if you’re an influencer surely you’re going to proof read your posts. It was such a blatant ‘error’ you can’t miss it.
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
only Someone who never goes on a night out would suggest wearing a ski jacket of a coat, on a night out. She’s a ridiculous person.

does she have many friends? Feels like she met hubby young, latched onto him, chased him around and hasn’t bothered to cultivate many friends outside of the relationship except Alex light (problematic in her own right)
I've thought this too
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That's not how they met is it? was he hired to help when Jeremy lamped the guy in the Top Gear crew?
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Nothing quite says “I’m a raging narc” parent, like giving a child and completely outlandish, ridiculous and inappropriate name.

It just screams “me me me”. “Look how cool and alternative I am” “I’m not a regular mom I’m a cool mom” “look how creative I am” 🙄

zero thought given to the child that actually has to go through life with a misgendered dog name.
People often assume I'm a male by my name and are surprised when they meet me and I'm actually a female.... it's fine. I feel it's more on the person who makes that assumption tbh. Arlo is pretty unoffensive.

If she was called Bambi, or some other equally ridiculous name then I could see your point.
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When she had the last surgery she trained her hair to only be washed once (maybe twice) a week to try and get it stronger and growing longer. I assume it was wash day the day she got sick and she just cba until today.
Em is one of the few influencers I actually really like I love her message about exercise and the have a go's and the fact although she does ADs she does genuinely seem to put work into making them and doesn't take herself to seriously
Ah, ok, thanks. I was wondering what the thought process behind it was.
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Sniffing Eggs

Chatty Member
Is Emily pregnant? I hope she's not too poorly! Would be devastated if she was sick, weeing into a pot, missing out on work.
Must be awful having to deal with a ft job, commute, juggling appointments with commitments.

And she's the first human ever to be pregnant




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This won’t apply for em and her baby but as she’s got a male name , with the gender pay gap …..that cv will be more likely to get an interview for a job thinking it’s a male cv etc . But it’s a stupid name for a little girl .
Love the bed in the bathroom analogy 😂❤
then that suggests the employer is sexist… and when Arlo turns up for an interview, she will instantly be rejected for being a girl (if they weren’t looking to hire a girl) thus wasting Arlo’s time. Yet another inconvenience
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I completely respect all your opinions on p3 , I just feel we shouldn’t demonise women for posing top less and monetising off it . The sport is more explicit and I just don’t buy it , it’s not aimed at me lol With the sun the girls were unedited back in the day and boobs were natural , I remember seeing a model with stretch marks on her hip and was like wow I have them too . Rather than the airbrushed pics of celebs at the time , now Instagram models editing their pics . Boobs are fabulous , there was a good range of small boobs and big boobs , they also had a plus size page three called Lucy vixen who looked amazing and v popular with fans etc .
I test shot for page three myself , I felt safe and I never once felt pressured . They used to operate a “woman only” closed set and no men allowed . I didn’t make the cut but I found the whole experience to be empowering and liberating . But that’s just my opinion , I’m sure it would be others worst nightmare lol

I agree that you cannot be a feminist in being pro woman in one sentence and in the next , bashing other women’s career or appearance choices . Men are gonna sexualise women whether clothes are on or off . I’ve never felt vulnerable on a photoshoot but I’ve felt scared for my life in public being cat called or followed when I’m fully clothed in public etc

we need to look at the misogyny of men here rather than bash women . However ,every single person is entitled to their opinion and that’s why I bloody love tattle ❤
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said it before but I bet such high school bully vibes off Em. She comes across as super aggressive in her comments to anyone who disagrees with her, however politely or however slightly.

funny that her dad referenced that Em was bullied in school. IME it’s not uncommon for the school bully to have been bullied themselves at one point, or to outright lie and do a 360 and pretend they are the victim when they are the worst perpetrator. I bet Em’s old classmates have an interesting take on her!
I think the Daily Fail used to write some nasty stuff about her body but what media doesn’t body shame people especially women.
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But it will be an issue for the female child because its a boys name!

Em will see herself as some great leader in the pursuit of changing the way names are used so girls can have boys names and vice versa but why can't things just be ? What is wrong with the tradition of us having given names depending on our sex? Why does everything have to be messed about with because certain individuals decide they want to be 'different'...
exactly this. sure, it is becoming more of a trend to use typically masculine names for girls - names like Lennon, Ezra, James etc - but in Em's case, it's very obvious that she chose a name which would cause people to generally assume that her child is a boy specifically so that she make a huge deal about challenging gender boundaries with stories ranting about assumptions and how name's don't belong to specific genders, ensuring loads of articles are printed about her to increase her audience on social media, because it benefits her - not only because it will create content and a topic for her podcast etc, but because it will increase engagement with people leaping to her defense, as it means more brands will reach out to her to work them and create ads etc. she's purposefully chosen a name which will make her daughter's life more difficult, simply because she can use the concept of using a "boy name" for her daughter to her own advantage. she could have opted for a more feminine version of the name if Arlo was a name she genuinely loves - even Arlie or Arla sound more feminine - but guaranteed she will be using "i have a daughter named Arlo" to create content. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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