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It’s stuff like that which makes me quite shruggy shoulders if she loses her kids.

They’d be much better off with their dad than being surrounded by her poison.
Ps POW cancer, which is real, is fake.

EG’s cancer, which is fake, is according to her and her followers, oh so real.
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The only reason to dredge stuff up from the past is to create trouble and get all her ‘followers’ frothing.

it’s highly unlikely Oik will have had anything to do with her lately, she’s probably got bigger fish to fry
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My daughter in law refused to get my four grandkids the MMR because she thought it caused autism. Guess what? Three of the four have autism with the fourth one being.assessed!
It's sad that Wakefield's nonsense is still being peddled. I just wonder what it will take for people to realise it was VERY bad "research" and was retracted for good reason. Are we going to need to get to a point where we have facilities full of children meeting autism criteria living in iron lungs for them to realise they are being manipulated by a very lucrative industry? And the sad thing is is it is the kids that potentially suffer (not necessarily from Autism depending on how it presents but potentially, and then the risk of infection complications), or the very vulnerable parent who things they are doing best for their child completely oblivious to the money being exchanged to push these views and 'alternative treatments', etc. I don't believe we are far off some of them wanting us to go back to days before water sanitation and antibiotics because they just need to believe that all science is wrong and that we should only need foxglove and pangolin scales. There just seems to be this complete willingness to ignore the timeline of scientific/medical advances and the increasing life expectancy.
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She’s having her kids taken off her by the look of the post above.
Yes, the timing and content of 'anonymous' beside her own post (as well as the seeming resurgence of pseudonym accounts) does seem more than coincidental. And if it is one and the same, courts don't regularly hand over sole custody to fathers without real concern (or real want from the kids if they are old enough to make that decision), even if you are 'alternative'.

But surely anonymous cannot be Ellie? She's shunned big pharma and those killer doctors so there shouldn't be much in her recent medical files for them to request other than an argument in A&E and her leg that was definitely going to be needing surgery that the bad doctors missed. Neither of those issues are particularly noteworthy. So anonymous cannot be Ellie with her lack of recent medical input. Unless of course someone is seeking much more healthcare than letting her supplement-buying mugs know about 🙄🙊🤣 or there is enough evidence there of someone with significant illness doing nothing about it meaning their kids are not necessarily in a stable environment.

If it is her, I just hope her kids are happy and healthy at the end of the day.
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I do love it when Eloise asks for help for “free” from “awake” people & the comments section is fantastic for my never going to use any of these idiots to do any kind of work for me list ! It makes me laugh the only awake person I know on my Facebook friends is also not the brightest star . His nickname after another dim legend Joey Essex ( but seems a very likeable ) was Joey Kent 🤣🤣 also Liey where have all the comments saying you’re not awake gone. 🫣 such a weak minded sensitive narcissistic individual
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And the Most Irresponsible Cunt of a Mother 2024 Award goes to…..
‘Baroness’ Stacey Grace Evans !!!! 👏 👏 🎉
My daughter in law refused to get my four grandkids the MMR because she thought it caused autism. Guess what? Three of the four have autism with the fourth one being.assessed!
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Eloise Grey is sounding more deranged and bitter by the day ! Maybe concentrate on sorting your own shit show out ! By the sounds of it ( reading your Anonymous post previously posted ) you should worry about keeping your own family together rather than making disgusting comments about things you know nothing about & just chasing likes & shares you’re nothing but a stain on society you make me sick ……..nearly everyone has been affected by someone with cancer close to them . I know I have on multiple occasions , your brain really is a cesspit of hate …. And what ever you do don’t disagree with the narcissistic bitter princess grey . God she’s gross
You'd think given her many qualifications and claimed own experience that she'd may have come across adjuvant chemotherapy in all her reading. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I mentioned this once and she swore she had NEVER had any fillers or any work done. Many threads ago I posted a before and after - a VERY clear difference.

So odd she wants children to have children - they are so lost in their dumb world that they don't stop to think what they are saying. Reduction in birth rates of course due to vaccine - not people wanting to be more secure financially, or choosing not to have children as they are not wanting to have children!

And agreed Ellie's hair - not that I care but she said she would never straighten it again!!! more lies. lol
'Save the children! Save the children!' Isn't that what their last few years of contrarianism and disinformation was all done under the guise of? Now here she is complaining about falling teenage pregnancy rates. I've not had time to look much into it, but the period she talks about coincides with active efforts and programmes to reduce teen pregnancies. There was an increase in education and awareness regarding consent, contraception, etc. There was more awareness amongst teens regarding their right to visit a GP and get contraceptives (without parents if necessary) - I don't remember being specifically informed of that as a teen in the 2000s. We have a generation that drinks less alcohol (evidenced by some student unions closing some of their bars, etc.) which is also a age group that was much more likely to be pushed towards thinking about their futures and Higher Education, etc. regardless of their background. There was much less unemployment in that group during that period (and in more deprived areas and those with higher unemployment there was higher teen pregnancy rates). It's is also a generation of teens who have actually been much less likely to socialise in person regularly. I know I was out quite regularly, listening to my older nieces and nephews now they are out very occasionally and are much more likely to spend all night in their rooms speaking via gaming headphones or connected to their friends via a social media app videocalling. When they are out, it seems to be very much in groups, even if they have "partners" so it just seems to be a completely different social dynamic to when I was a teen.

There is less social housing so the idea that pregnancy was a route to housing is gone for many and I can imagine that being drummed into kids already living in cramped and/or chaotic environments.

But I did read something that showed that in the last year or 2, their has been a slight increase in rates again... education programmes being cut? Increased exposure to online content because so many have tech in their hands all day that parents aren't checking? The rise in popularity of a dubious brother currently in Romania?
'Save the children! Save the children!' Isn't that what their last few years of contrarianism and disinformation was all done under the guise of? Now here she is complaining about falling teenage pregnancy rates. I've not had time to look much into it, but the period she talks about coincides with active efforts and programmes to reduce teen pregnancies. There was an increase in education and awareness regarding consent, contraception, etc. There was more awareness amongst teens regarding their right to visit a GP and get contraceptives (without parents if necessary) - I don't remember being specifically informed of that as a teen in the 2000s. We have a generation that drinks less alcohol (evidenced by some student unions closing some of their bars, etc.) which is also a age group that was much more likely to be pushed towards thinking about their futures and Higher Education, etc. regardless of their background. There was much less unemployment in that group during that period (and in more deprived areas and those with higher unemployment there was higher teen pregnancy rates). It's is also a generation of teens who have actually been much less likely to socialise in person regularly. I know I was out quite regularly, listening to my older nieces and nephews now they are out very occasionally and are much more likely to spend all night in their rooms speaking via gaming headphones or connected to their friends via a social media app videocalling. When they are out, it seems to be very much in groups, even if they have "partners" so it just seems to be a completely different social dynamic to when I was a teen.

There is less social housing so the idea that pregnancy was a route to housing is gone for many and I can imagine that being drummed into kids already living in cramped and/or chaotic environments.

Maybe kids have become much more aware of grooming too and less are being impregnated by older men.

But I did read something that showed that in the last year or 2, their has been a slight increase in rates again... education programmes being cut? Increased exposure to online content because so many have tech in their hands all day that parents aren't checking? The rise in popularity of a dubious brother currently in Romania?
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