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Has anyone seen the channel 4 programme about the Hampstead Pedalos (spelled wrong on purpose). The truthers saw a video (made by a woman scorned) and went to town on the local community, church etc. They ruined people’s lives with rumours and one truther ended up in jail.
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Eloise Grey is sounding more deranged and bitter by the day ! Maybe concentrate on sorting your own shit show out ! By the sounds of it ( reading your Anonymous post previously posted ) you should worry about keeping your own family together rather than making disgusting comments about things you know nothing about & just chasing likes & shares you’re nothing but a stain on society you make me sick ……..nearly everyone has been affected by someone with cancer close to them . I know I have on multiple occasions , your brain really is a cesspit of hate …. And what ever you do don’t disagree with the narcissistic bitter princess
grey . God she’s gross
I wondered which one of The Circle Of Cunts would be the first to stick the boot in!
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She's got no friends in real life so noone to help her through the hard times
Very true. For most people I would feel sad but she is too nasty to care about any more after all she has put people through. Finally coming back to bite her?! Sure she will get through this but it will happen again if she doesn't change her disgusting outlook.

That anonymous post did sound a lot like her. She should just take a few of her supplements!

I agree Hulahannah - as long as her kids are ok if this is her. Too much aligns for it not to be! She will then come on and tell everyone. Maybe she should have been more above board with her businesses - she probably can't prove her earnings and ability to support her kids now as she risks exposing fraud.

Ellie - advice (which I know you never take but may be worth doing this time for you children's sake) - run your businesses legally, pay tax, clean up your attitude, get real friends not likes and followers, use social media for good and less time on it, focus on your children and give them a life they deserve. Not too late to end up happy otherwise you will be a lonely old woman with nothing to show for yourself. And once and for all stop with the lies by taking responsibility and not with the grifting life.
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VIP Member
Eloise Grey is sounding more deranged and bitter by the day ! Maybe concentrate on sorting your own shit show out ! By the sounds of it ( reading your Anonymous post previously posted ) you should worry about keeping your own family together rather than making disgusting comments about things you know nothing about & just chasing likes & shares you’re nothing but a stain on society you make me sick ……..nearly everyone has been affected by someone with cancer close to them . I know I have on multiple occasions , your brain really is a cesspit of hate …. And what ever you do don’t disagree with the narcissistic bitter princess grey . God she’s gross
Cunt. I had chemo as a preventative measure after two lumpectomies for breast cancer as it had spread to my lymph nodes which were all removed under my arm. I suspect she may have had a hysterectomy and cancer cells were found. Whatever she’s had, I just hope she makes a full recovery for the sake of her husband and children x
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The dumb are out in force on Elsybels page today led by Greys babble she really does milk some rubbish 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Erm...we aren't at the Summer holidays yet! And I cannot say I have noticed much bar the increasing temps as where I grew up (in the UK), I can still remember a lot of my Summer (and Easter/Spring) holidays having us stuck inside because of the rain. It was a running joke that even if you didn't have kids at school you could tell when their holidays started and ended as the early summer would be lovely, we'd break off and have miserable weather for the most part, for it to be lovely almost as soon as we returned to school. We used to go to my grandparents in another part of the country for a week or 2 near the end of July into early August and we used to attend (and sometimes be part of) a parade thing and this week of celebrating their town and you could put money on a lot of it moving to their alternative indoor venues many years.

So nope nothing new! Some years we had alright weather, sometimes it was a complete wash Summer. April holidays were often rubbish weather!

Give it a couple of months and she'll forget she claims it rains all summer (in Spring months...) when she'll have some ridiculous reason for the sun/heat we now experience, whilst still not being able to actually reconcile the science in her limited intellectual capacity to realise we have a changing climate.
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She was obviously doing it wrong. No apricot kernels for a start……

It really is time to shut these dangerous grifters down, the woman the article is about nearly died but got actual, proper, treatment and is now in remission.


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I often wonder whether Ellie is trolling her own followers.
Like she baits the trap and waits for all the fucktards to crawl out from under their rocks
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Ellie is posting about not going to a hotel in Turkey as there’s been a big outbreak of norovirus there.

But what about her amazing immune system? Surely that will fend off all bugs?
No. Surely not another holiday she’s not gone on.
Who’da thunked it? She had bad luck with holidays.
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Looks like someone has deleted their Instagram again?
Oh yeah! Bye Ellie - hope it is for good this time.

Been busy but wanted to check in - missed a key event! It looks fully shut down and not even private for a change. Trying to hide evidence clearly!
Highly unlikely it's the last of her, we have seen this whole pattern multiple times. Though each time it has become slightly more deranged.

It is tragic (for the kids only), she had it coming, she is a hideous, narcissist. There has been a real spiral this time, predictable as ever but maybe even more so! Sure we will see her again sadly, and it will have been after planning her next round of what happened to her and how amazing she was in court, standing up for herself using her 'legal background' :).

I guess watch this space...
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Well I’ve certainly come across some absolute fruitcakes in the Troofer Movement the past few years, Cassie Sunshine, Michael Chavez, Biba, Laura Nina to name but a few. This Dave Mansfield one of Mark Sexton’s side kicks is a serious contender though for the nuttiest of them all crown 😆. His last comment to Batista made in all seriousness just goes to show how much of a deluded twat he really is ! 😆😆😆


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