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She said on Friday she was home on bed rest - and that may have been to gain sympathy after the backlash from Fisher pulling out of the festival etc. but like follow through with your story sis 🤣
She only follows medical advice when it suits her 🙄🙄
Struggles to conceive/stay pregnant for years, tries to convince everyone they’re both doing everything in their power to be healthy to increase their chances ie aaaall the health retreats/treatments but only because they’re #spon and neither of them fully gave up alcohol until mere months before conceiving this time round, because duh can’t be having a baby impact their lifestyle! 🙄🙄
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She's in a private hospital so likely to have had midwives throughout the labour, with her OB checking in every 1-2 hours, and OB there for final stages of active pushing.

When Fisher said he wanted to deliver the baby - he would have meant the final pushes where he catches the baby and puts it on Chloe's chest. The Ob is right there assisting. I thought it was refreshing to hear him speak so openly and excitedly about it - because so many men make gross jokes about wanting an extra stitch, or not wanting to see their "home" look like its been hit by a bus 🤮 :rolleyes: I appreciated him talking about really wanting to be involved with the birth.
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just taking a break

Well-known member
I’m old so I automagically thought of Bobby from Home and Away, and her biological Dad turns out to be the grumpy school headmaster, Mr Fisher and then add chess prodigy Bobby Fischer and you have a hilarious name that wouldn’t be out of place on Kath & Kim
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Ms Superfluous

Active member
Where the fuck is her helmet on the scooter 😫 also, on the bloody road! The Fishers treat her like a little rag doll.
Also, Chumpy’s sister seems like a world removed from Ellidy and the Fishers - she must detest them having such a big place in Minnie’s life.
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Ms Superfluous

Active member

it’s the 2nd story thats up right now

Ellidy goes in for a belly rub & Chloes face says it all
You can see the eyes roll!

I know we’ve all said it before, but fuck she’s a hypocrite. Not one thought given to her thousands of followers who no doubt started following her because of their own fertility issues. And now it’s just her huge belly thrust into everyone’s face.
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lol why am I not surprised that their idea of a M-L is a size 10!!! They give off the impression they’d be an absolute see you next Tuesday to anyone who is in a bigger body who asked about bigger sizes, because you aren’t cool unless you’re skinny right!?
But LoVe YoUrSeLvEs DaAaArLiNkS!! …but only if you’re a size 6! ✌🏻
Ellidy finally understanding children need stability & routine in their lives - bless her.
Ellidy commenting on Minnie.
Was just coming to post this!
Yea no kidding Ellidy!! Your child needs stability to feel safe and secure?! SHOCKING!! 😳😳
She’s recognised it, but will she do anything about it? 🤔😔
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Only a few more days until fisher leaves for Ibiza. I feel like they haven't thought this through 🫠
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She said she’s due end of June so how’s he going to make the shows in Ibiza starting July 3 if she goes over? He should have just cancelled his gigs months ago and was absolutely cutting it fine to have all this stuff booked before and after her due date. Family First 🙄 people obviously don’t expect him to miss the birth of his baby but it’s his fault for making the commitments.
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New member
I took one for the team and lost 1m braincells listening to the latest DS
Yellidy got hit on by some hot guy at the beach, had some awkward banter on text and then found out he'd fucked half her friendship group already 🤣
She's open to dating
She's going to stay at home more now as Rummy has anxiety...oh and Minny needs more stability 🙄
Minnie is apparently flirting with a young skateboarder neighbor 🤮and Yellidy can see why and the boy is cute 🤮🤮
She's moved into her Palm Beach property as she didn't realise she had tenants in her new place and can't move on straight away 🤣
She's pissed off with her Sydney mates as they are asking for too much (for her to text them back/return their calls). Their GC crowd are so not clicky, but if you're cool you can join their cult crew
Chloe and fish went to couples counselling once, they saw a guy "a male guy" (yes she really said that, she's so dense!) and came out laughing their heads off, they are so lucky and in love with each other 🤮
Has Chloe ever had a job?
CANNOT WAIT for Part two next week 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Haha great recap! I couldn’t believe the way Chloe talks about their relationship.. she was in hospital due to baby and it was sooooo sweet that Fisher came and visited her… Ummm it takes two to have a baby and he is your husband, I call that the bare minimum babe… Their relationship sounds so transactional and that he is a glorified sperm donor , rather than ‘the sweetest and most in love couple’ in the world.
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☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼 she's a self-centered, spoilt, little brat who didn't get her own way when she clicked her fingers. I feel for her and the awful journey she went on but how she's gone on with this pregnancy with no regard to those struggling is really not nice.
She couldn't handle it when her friends got pregnant and yet here she is with her belly out in every fucking photo!!
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Maybe they uploaded pics of Chloe in the hospital room and the many thousands of women who have birthed in that same hospital recognised it? As there surely aren't that many private maternity wards on the GC?
The one star reviews on Apple are so spot on
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The girls on darling shine are so weird. So many saying Bobbi looks just like Minnie lol. So unhinged.
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Never mind the lips, all I can think is HOW MANY FUCKING PREGNANCY SHOOTS does one woman need?!!
Fucking THANK YOU! Like even if you need that many, pls stop sharing them all online - boring! Feels like she’s been pregnant since 2019
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Morgans ex wife

Well-known member
Yes, She does. Her mum (Penny) looks after them. It's what a lot of Polynesian families do. It's just a different culture.
Lots of Polynesian parents actually look after their own kids.

If the grandparents are taking care of them it’s because parents are working not partying & acting like a teenage grommet around the GC.
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Why is Chloe now conscious about sticking her pregnant belly in everyone’s face & the impact it might have on people struggling to conceive. She hasn’t given other people’s feelings a thought since announcing she was pregnant - why now? And her skin - not a good advertisement for all the products she advertised.
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I am old, never heard of him until now, I think he looks like an idiot in his stupid hats & ugly sunglasses.
Ellidy I had seen on the news when her partner died & then one time she was photographed with a young widow’s group outing in Brisbane.
Fisher is pretty big in the US and Europe, it’s the Aussie larrikin image that they love. Defs doesn’t work as well here where it’s common to encounter people like him.

I didn’t actually know anything about Ellidy until recently and I find the whole situation really off putting. Becoming famous because you took sperm from your deceased partner then continuing to grift off it makes me sick.
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