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Haven't seen a bump photo in at least 24 hours, do we think the inspiring journey of the world's first pregnant woman is coming to an end?
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Agree with all these comments. Why would he have booked anything leading up to the birth? Did they assume she'd 'just go over' like a lot, but not all, first time mums? Did they just assume everything would go to plan without complications? Surely he has enough $$ banked he could've taken until mid to late August totally off or just focused on Aus/NZ for gigs until the baby is older.
I wouldn't wish a premature birth or ill harm on anyone but if this second coming of Christ baby does arrive early, at least it will put us all out of our misery at having to hear about the only ever pregnant person to exist
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Chloe superrrrrr defensive on her stories! Of course, it goes without saying that family is the most important thing here. But pull your head out of your arse and actually think about decisions and consequences. He should’ve left months open with no bookings at this time! Fucking apply some critical thinking here.
Exactly, they knew the months this baby was coming. Even if the due date was end of June there is no way he would have risked that.
She’s fucking begging for sympathy really and it’s too bad. He can cop all he’s got coming to him.
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Agree with everything said! ⬆⬆⬆
She’s such a b*tch calling people commenting as “disappointing”!! How do you think the people affected by the last minute decision feel?!
But as per usual she thinks of no one but herself! 😳🤬
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Minnie's at the movies at 6:45pm.. no wonder the child plays up. Zero routine.

I actually feel sorry for Minnie. She should be having a bath, quiet reading time and into a cot/bed.

Let me guess she will fall asleep and someone will need to carry her out. I have no words other than I'm disgusted 🤮
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They were on the good morning show a little while back and I was suprised at how pregnancy sounded like a Chloe idea. Fisher pretty much said he felt so bad as Chloe has always wanted to be a mum and he Is living his dream and she’s living his dream.
Also this is so wild that she couldn’t contact Fisher for 2 days when she found out this time she was pregnant.

I remember reading on the deuxmoi insta that he is incredibly rude and always on drugs. At the time she was saying he's sober. Fits with the missing for 2 days story
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Morgans ex wife

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Fuck Chloe is actually a loser. Sees Yellidys camera so lifts her jumper up 🙄 I wish she'd waited til she was 20 weeks pregnant to announce, this has been dragging on too long
She’s too much.

No wonder Fish rather take Minnie to daycare then hang out and enjoy time alone time with this insufferable loser. Their whole life is about to change and it’s weird they don’t seem to prioritise “them” time ?
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She empathises…with Paul.

not people who have booked annual leave and navigated other commitments and dropped 20k on a European holiday. Not those poors. Nothing for them. They can just book another holiday next year, yeah??

This would not have been stressful if YOU BOTH had managed his calendar well ahead of time.
People who care about their career - who have millions of dollars of other people’s money counting on them turning up - do not leave shit to chance. I hope promoters are paying attention here cause the Fishers just showed us their true selves (again). They don’t even think or care about anyone except themselves.

good job ‘clearing that up’ for us Clo. Fuckwad.
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She's off her chops!

I listened to the latest podcast this morning, I must have lost a fair few braincells listening to their drivel. It should be renamed the Bogan Show, Yellidy can't string a sentence together and Chloe "just cannot". Little miss control freak also has a birth plan - of course you do SIS, let's see how that plans out....
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It's cold on Gold Coast at night. I had a jumper on during the day. Ellidy has on a blazer. But her toddler is only wearing a singlet and nappy? Then bed with no PJs or bath? This is next level neglect.


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Ms Superfluous

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Same. Chloe will think she’s earth mother of the year. She will be so painful. I think fisher and co are
All Ellidys friends. I know Ellidy was a bridesmaid at Chloe’s wedding but I don’t think chump was a groomsmen . I think his “famous” pals were ten likes of Mick Fanning etc. He just seemed so chill and not the sort of dude that would love this crowd. I could be so wrong though!!
agree - the picture everyone paints of him was just a lovely, chilled out, down to earth bloke who loved his family and mates, and appreciated simple things like camping and playing his guitar around the fire. Totally at odds with the Fishers and their hectic, flashy lifestyle. Of course everyone would expect Ellidy to move forwards with her life and be happy again, but the current situation of discussing Bali flings to a publication is probably not the type of thing that chumpy’s parents want to be reading about.
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Who keeps giving Chloe skincare partnerships?

Her skin is permanently inflamed not a good endorsement for anyone

her “finally finding the one brand that helped her” really respects all the other partners who paid for her time.

Also, who wants to watch a Yr11 art project video of her stroking her own face and boobs for 2mins? Not skincare consumers.
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