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VIP Member
She must be under social services- or I hope she is for her kids , she seeks very unstable and with him being on methadone as well. I can't imagine it's a very happy home.
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Absolutely! I just dont understand how people don't see straight through her! Always comes on crying that she doesn't have the money for things, when they are probably smoking 20 quids worth of weed everyday! She has apparently given up again, I hope for the sake of her kids that she does manage it this time, because its so unfair that they are going without because of the parents drug habbit!
She is going to struggle as her partner still uses everyday
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On live again tonight (gifting goals on the go of course) and she looked really off her face at 8pm, no wonder SS are watching them, poor kids.
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She seems likes she getting a bit shitty as well, replying to the comment , saying she doesn’t want to talk or have any advice . Why post then? Maybe she needs some money for weed again.
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So ok if she is subscribing or whatever you call it charging people then isn’t that earning now then? At 2.99 a person she I think said she has 70 that subscribe so that’s…. £209 something I month sooooo that’s earning so needs to be declared surely?
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Tiny tears again this morning because she decided to read her filtered comments 🤦🏼‍♀️
She needs more sympathy clearly those whom have gifted her are prob skint now so she’s got to pray on the new followers what s way to get people gifting eh! Best the DWP hurry up and get that report to the top of the pile
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No money crying about it yet suddenly fuel to drive somewhere away fro. Where she lives and a takeaway Called that 🙄
Thought she couldn’t eat anything as it made her gag? At least try to keep the bullshit consistent, what a waste of space.
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I know and the followers agreeing with her as well ! I hope if someone knows where she lives can report it to social services. I'm not totally against weed, but when you're clearly unstable anyway, and have kids and an ex heroin addict it's not ideal .
Her followers enable her behaviour because it makes them feel better about being shitty individuals too! The amount of them on there downplaying the burn yesterday was shocking - I guess birds of a feather like to scrounge and neglect together.
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She’s about as subtle as a brick with the constant hints about having no money with her latest TikTok - well she’s had chippy out and breakfast out by her own admission over the last weekend plus petrol to go driving round to bbqs so she just have some cash. Just do the decent thing and earn your money by putting a days work in ffs.
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Chatty Member
New thread title suggestion (I know there’s a while to go)

Dollie Victoria #2 Crying and begging with Dollie!
Interesting theory but if that is the case why is Steven still allowed it?
He’s come off heroin and is on methadone maybe they’ll see the weed as the lesser of two evils, not great when neither parent would pass a drug test is it 🤦🏼‍♀️
Maybe she’s trying to cry the weed out of her system 😂
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What a disgusting thing she is she needs ID to drive so if she got pulled over and would have to show licence what’s she going to do beg the copper for the money to get a new one? How does she claim uni credits without ID? She’s such a liar! And again in front of her son oh I’m missing weed so I’ll cry in front of my kid prob wanted it to but crap let’s be honest, why rely on gifts from TT anyway surely that’s what ya uc is for
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Looking at the comments , some are suckers but there are a few calling her out . She made a big thing in the week saying she didn’t have any money until Friday when it was “pay day” so has it all gone already ? Those scabs all over her face make me think she’s on more than weed .
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VIP Member
So is she buying weed with this £30 with? She must think we are dumb saying that she is that she not a beg 🤥
Oh God give it a rest woman!


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This woman has only recently started to show up on my fyp, I've watched enough videos to get the gist of her!! another workshy scrounger playing the mental health card, she comes across to me like she's playing the game and doing it very well. When I saw the crying video this morning, it got me thinking, what happened to us??? we used to be known for the stiff upper lip, best foot forward and all that! every other video these days is some workshy scrounger crying because of mental health, maybe they should get a fucking job, they wouldn't have time to cry! I do believe in Mental Health, my son has been struggling for the last few years, we thought he was Bi-polar, turns out they suspect autism, but you know what?? He has a job, and is 100 times better mentally when he has the routine of work, these lazy, scrounging fuckers should try it!
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VIP Member
She's posted a crying video ... the cynic in me is saying that she's after more gifts.
That being said it's clear she struggles mentally and is very up and down , what with her and her partner and his methadone , I hope they have support from family and friends for the the kids as that can't be a nice environment for them .
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VIP Member
This piece of crap was more interested in TikTok live than watching her own kid that they managed to burn their hand on the stove top and if that wasn’t bad enough instead of taking her kid to A&E she just drops them to her moms. WTF!!!
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She must have smoked weed when she was pregnant before I reckon. I cannot fathom that someone who is a druggy, can't provide for her kids she has without gifts , and lives in a house of filth , thinks it would be ok to have another baby. Her moods are so up and down as it is. These people have no common sense whatsoever.
She did a house tour last year and her double bed is in the lounge as it’s only a 2 bedroom so her stepdaughter has one room and her 2 kids shared the other, hardly ideal to add an extra child to an overcrowded house 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Such a shame because I genuinely liked her initial and thought she was different. Now all I see is someone who’s seen that you can make money on the app and uses her vulnerable followers at their own detriment to fund her lifestyle instead of gettin a job! This won’t end well for her
Such a shame because I genuinely liked her initially and thought she was different. Now all I see is someone who’s seen that you can make money on the app and uses her vulnerable followers at their own detriment to fund her lifestyle instead of gettin a job! This won’t end well for her
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