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I can’t stand this woman. She acts all nicey nicey but she is nothing but a freeloading scammer. She begged for all that money to take the useless boyfriend on holiday then when called out she did a snivelling video crying she had to feed her kids etc. She manages to run a car, if I was that desperate to feed my children I would have sold the car to raise money. It’s not as if she isn’t able bodied. She manages to jump up and down with the stupid dances she does. Why exactly doesn’t she work? Oh yes anxiety/depression the usual excuses for not getting off your arse to work
Have you seen the
I can’t stand this woman. She acts all nicey nicey but she is nothing but a freeloading scammer. She begged for all that money to take the useless boyfriend on holiday then when called out she did a snivelling video crying she had to feed her kids etc. She manages to run a car, if I was that desperate to feed my children I would have sold the car to raise money. It’s not as if she isn’t able bodied. She manages to jump up and down with the stupid dances she does. Why exactly doesn’t she work? Oh yes anxiety/depression the usual excuses for not getting off your arse to work

I agree she gets on my tits she lives near by me and is always getting take out drinks and what not. She’s just posted a video that the bum aka Stephen is on methodone and they both have a codiene addiction will prob ask for money to fund that next 🙄😂
The kids room was all done by money off tiktok too from what I saw… so surely if she can’t work and is making an income that should be declared?

I agree about the car I mean if they need take kids to school walk if ya skint, prob claiming pip for ‘mental health’ reasons as she can’t go many places due to anxiety yet can go on school trips out in Cardiff for brunch and god only knows where else.
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She must have driven whilst on drugs with her kids in the car a lot I would imagine . If she says lots of her friends and family do it . Absolute disgusting chav. If she goes back on it and is driving and someone reads her , and knows her I hope they report her to the police. Her supporters must have the same habits and like mindedness of her .
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She’s so selfish acting the way she is on her boys birthday. How many videos has she made now instead of spending time with him she’s off crying constantly - this is more than mental health this is drugs 10000%
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I'm not Putin

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Cant find a thread on her so created one I really liked her loved her she appeared really real and made me feel i could relate especially in regards to the mental health aspect Last year she set up a go fund me she made an emotional video saying she wanted to treat her partner Steven to a holiday she set it up got the money and then yesterday admitted to spending the money on heating and food Which i get no one wants kids hungry however what i take issue is she goes live most weekends drinking she also is very open about smoking the green stuff (wont say on here in case we are not allowed) she smokes regularly and everyone knows that is not exactly a cheap habbit I am all for making sure your kids are fed and watered but its just morally wrong to guilt tripping people into donating to a go fund me for a holiday then to spend it on other things i feel she only owned up to it cause someone asked her about the holiday so in other words owned up once she was caught I was a massive fan of hers but i cant stand behind this behaviour as its morally wrong whats everyones thoughts on her?

Shes made a video today crying saying how bad she felt about this provoking all these comments saying she did nothing wrong when she literally scammed people then her friend sent her a gift bag to make her feel better I am sorry if i did that i would expect my ‘friends’ to call me out even if she did a video before she spent the money and explained the situation it still would make it wrong but to only admit to it once your caught just rubs me the wrong way
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Unreal , these are the people that get extra cost of living payments , free meals , don't work and spend that kind of money every month. Whilst people who actually work and pay a mortgage are struggling . I'm sure there will be some of her followers who gifted , starting to question their choices. If anyone lives local to her , please do an anonymous benefit fraud post , for all these gifts .
I remember back before the summer , she showed people she had decorated the kids bedroom with gift money. The before picture was an absolute state , with not even a proper curtain , yet meanwhile their kids room was filth they spent that money on drugs. Absolutely terrible.
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New to this thread but wow!! Saw a few of her videos months back & thought she was harmless enough but lately it just seems to be a car crash! Take your child with a burn on their hand to a&e & get off TikTok. Selfish & lazy !
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Saw a TikTok this morning where she said she was triggered by one of her ‘team’ gifting her opponent in a battle and not her so had been hysterically crying. Now on live hinting at gifts and how it’s payday and she’s got minus this amount. Grow up for Christs sake, always an excuse - just get a job and support yourself and your kids, I don’t know how she looks in the mirror each morning. Does she think it’s easy for anyone else? It’s straight up begging, pure and simple. Asking people to send you money in her case because she’s irresponsible and has a big old weed habit and her other half is a fucking useless streak of piss too.
Totally agree with you, she's an absolute skank! and its the way she does it as well, totally manipulation, she turns on the waterworks so people feel sorry for her! If her and steven give up their raging weed habit then they would have plenty of money to support themselves. I feel so sorry for those little kids, being brought up in that environment. They never seem to do much with the kids as in days out and things like that, all I see her doing is prancing around doing stupid little dances! She wanna grow up and start taking some responsibility for her little children!
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I thought you have to take kids to be seen if they have an injury and social services are involved (I’m sure they are I’m sure word was they are) i don’t have involvement from them but I do work alongside them as a contact supervisor so I’m wondering why his not been checked OR maybe she’s leaving that to her mother too x
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See quitting the drugs lasted long!


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My ex boyfriend got spiked with methadone when we were 16 and he was on a life support machine and sadly died 6 days later. Methadone is so dangerous i cant believe its been miss placed when there are children in the house. Im so shocked about the stuff iv read on here as i really liked her too !!!
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Those poor kids , what must they be seeing . She's either crying and feeling sorry for herself or she's live and hyper. Then the dad is on methadone and seems to have issues too. It's probably a good job her mum is around for them.
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She gifted big so I sent her my number, obviously hoping for more money !!! Lots of nose rubbing in that TikTok, either an indication of lying or she’s drug jitters 🤨
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Awful that she thinks it’s completely normal to ask strangers on the internet to buy stuff for her mum . Shameful . People are stupid to pay it
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Why is she even relying on gifts and not making her uc last if she’s affording weed then she shouldn’t be having to cry about having no cash bet she’s sat in a restaurant now laughing at those mugs whomsent her money
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Why can’t she withdraw from TikTok still?
Im Baffled it’s literally ID I.e driving license or passport. She has a driving license, how are these people gifting her PayPal knowing she’s lying? Deluded.
She is doing it because she thinks she can get away with it for benefit reasons 🤥
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She must have smoked weed when she was pregnant before I reckon. I cannot fathom that someone who is a druggy, can't provide for her kids she has without gifts , and lives in a house of filth , thinks it would be ok to have another baby. Her moods are so up and down as it is. These people have no common sense whatsoever.
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Having smoked the stuff on and off myself (completely sober now 2 nearly years sober!) the random outbursts and tears are definitely because the last smoke is coming out of her system and her body is craving the weed, it bothers me that the drugs are very obviously a regular out going and probably something she accounts for every time pay day comes around. That £10/£20 draw could very easily be spent on those boys even if she picked them up a magazine ☹
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