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VIP Member

Link to Dans rant about DJ yesterday. Aparently us trolls are responsible for Kaz having her tyres slashed
Skimmed through this. So, he STILL believes we are all Dan Jones?! All of his critics on tiktok, ever, are Dan Jones creating multiple accounts? The man is beyond delusional. This is such an insane obsession, he actually believes everyone loves him and it's only DJ holding him back from his deserved greatness!
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Well-known member
I dont think you know what this man has done and said. The people here know him far better than you. Have had nights with him. Heck at one point there was an ex girlfriend and a colleague pre fitness from toshiba. You're defending someone based onnl some ren yt videos that people are misrepresenting him.

I dont have a number theres at least 230 people that don't share the analysis of your new messiah.

Do you find yourself looking for idols to wholly believe in and commit to? I assure you, he'd step on your corpse to make a few quid or get attention.

Dan Jones and his wife are here, people forgave them. They knew him personally. As previously mentioned his "dan jones died" scam triggered a lot of people.

Id say your opinion is ill formed but the dissonance/sunk assett is strong.

Social media has people thinking that all opinions are valid and matter or that you can have one on any subject.

People dont vaccinate their children based on YT videos.

No ASC and ADHD are not mental illness, nor are disorders of the brain per se.

You can hold a different opinion but that opinion is not valid just because you have a child with a NDD
Can I ask a question. when you say everyone thinks their opinions are valid and matters on social media, would that not include all of us on all social media platforms like this one. Just curious
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
He is keeping members on youtube but not asking people to be members on rumble
interesting . I have no idea how rumble works, I didn’t even know it existed lol 😆

I’m sure if there’s a way to squeeze money out of people over there, Wheeler will!🙄
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Well-known member
Yep. Not a single original idea in his own head! He sees artists like Ren that are super successful and wants a slice, after all he thinks he's the best at everything so it can't be that hard 😆
He is so coocoo thinking he is good at everything no one is ever good at everything lmao
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Chatty Member
Yes. Reactively.
Usually too late then I’m guessing
Who was the 'Rachel' he spoke about who apparently started a WhatsApp chat for him and his followers then kicked him out and chatted shit about him to his followers? That's a new one on me.

I know for a fact that he will have upset people and that's why she kicked him out. No one can take your followers, Wheeler. You probably pissed them all off!
Sounds interesting
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Well-known member
I have just finished listening to that series "A very British cult" after hearing the clips that were posted on here recently! There are so many similarities, the language Paul Waugh uses, some of the things the organisation did to ex members and their partners (contacting their place of work, making threats, stalking etc.), the gaslighting.. whoa man.

It's so obvious Dan's ultimate goal was/is to lead a cult, he wants nothing other than to be worshipped and doted upon. 8020 it didn't quite make it to the same level as Lighthouse in terms of it's success/how much money they swindled off people, but it wasn't far off and if it wasn't for his sheer stupidity and addiction problems (as well as the supreme efforts of TCHQ) who knows how far it could have gone.

I know he's not very good at much, but he has been pretty good at brainwashing and manipulating people over the years to hand over their cash, for absolutely nothing in return, making them think he was the answer to all their problems and that he was their saviour... "All I do is change lives" was his favourite tag line after all.

Disturbing shit. Well worth a listen!
I started to listen to it, I agree he is good at brain washing
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