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Chatty Member
#hardworkpaysoff judging by the reviews for the pub it won't make it past Xmas so you might want to actually put a shift in Mr and Mrs May you lazy, greedy begs
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Honest to god, do these companies who use Grifters to #Ad even look into their background? As if Roly Poly uses Slim fast, pull the other one 😆 he eats round the clock, he eats off other people's plates, this man even eats leftovers from strangers eating in their pub 🤮🤢🤮🤢

Well done DP, that was easy money huh
Seen SW sponsoring quite a few overweight people lately, they are the real trolls 😂
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The man if you can call him that is an absolute scumbag! He will stoop to any level if it fills his pockets, no animal/ family member is off limits! Who does a tribute sort of video but makes sure it’s over a minute to still get paid?

Let’s not forget the lazy slob has slept peacefully in bed every night whilst his wife has been staying downstairs not getting much sleep so that she could keep an eye on her!

I have sympathy for them all except daddy pig.

I’m a big animal lover so I hope she’s at peace out of pain now she was a beautiful dog! And hope Reggie is getting lots of attention as he’ll wonder where she has gone 💖
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OMG that is fucking hilarious!! Slim Fast 🤣🤣🤣 The brands really don’t give a shit do they. He’s the worst possible spokesperson for that product.

8 hours later and there is under 4000 likes and only 9 comments, even fellow watchers know it’s bullshit 😆
I haven’t seen these freaks on my fyp in absolutely ages, so glad tiktok aren’t pushing them as much as they used to!
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Cooper was so concerned he was going to break that bike- rightly so! Hate the way they brag about EVERYTHING, all the Mays do it

And I hate the way Roly says Regington

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As people have said, this isn’t the first time she’s done this to her hair. She’s old enough to learn her lesson. Hopefully second time round it will have sunk into her brain not to do it again. She’s proper sulking in a couple of the videos I’ve seen.
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I’ll go ahead and summarise as the girl has made a tiktok about it herself on a public burner account (doesn’t have many views) and it has the blue comment as ‘the big chef Russell arms’ so it’s pretty public information now….

The post essentially details how he has been cheating on his girlfriend with this girl and that he has sent her explicit photos and videos of his girlfriend without her consent - this girl had been sleeping with him since around April / May time and didn’t know he was in a relationship until he posted that tiktok showing her out for a meal

The post also includes screenshots of messages which are predatory in nature and very graphic

There’s also a later chat thread of him apologising and asking her not to tell anyone
I really appreciate you taking time to reply and summarise so thank you very much. I hope I come across the girls TikTok at some point good on her for calling him out but wow what he’s done is bad that shows what a disgusting person he is and to be honest with how big his ego is it shouldn’t shock me that he behaves like that he thinks he can treat women like that using them and cheating cause he thinks he’s a celebrity and all the TikTok followers and attention has gone to his head. I hope the girlfriend does something about him sharing photos and videos of her without her consent cause he should not get away with that!!

I hope more people see and hear about these screenshots of messages he’s been sending that are predatory in nature and graphic because everyone should be warned about him so they stay away from someone like him! Oh of course he said sorry cause he definitely panicked about being exposed and wouldn’t want to lose his TikTok attention. I’m also in shock he could get any woman to look twice at him and I’m not even just speaking about what he looks like but his ego alone he never has come across like a nice person he’s rude and full of himself.

Seeing as Roly has made excuses before about that other influencer guy who abused a woman ( can’t remember the guys name but someone spoke about it on here not long ago) and if this stuff about the chef gets more attention I wouldn’t be surprised if Roly made excuses for the chef which is horrible cause these things are not excusable!
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I live near the pub, used to love going there as it was quiet, cosy and just perfect .. now all I see is half of TikTok going there, ruined it.
What do the locals think? Imagine the beer garden will be a hot topic 👀 any tea?
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Chatty Member
They are getting a takeaway (what a shock) and the suggestion was dominos, not daddy pigs birthday but clearly he doesn’t want it so bet it goes with his choice 🙄
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I’ve just found this thread and so pleased there’s other who feel like I do. He’s just moved into the pub in my village and he gives me the right creeps. I can’t handle his clear obsession with social media and constant tagging and beggy-ness, it all feels so desperate.
I haven’t set foot in the place since he’s been there because frankly the food looks like it will give me a heart attack by just sniffing it, I don’t want to pay a £10er per head for a reservation at my local, I hate the idea of it being full of other beggy influencers and the reviews are so mixed I can’t be bothered to waste my time.
The food isn’t worth the money imo. The Sunday roast was lukewarm and very sweet! Even the gravy had some kind of honey in it
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I do completely get your feelings tho, the way those kids are exploited etc is so fucked up especially in this world xxx
When you look back at all of the details I know about those kids it’s appalling. They’re making money hand over fist, but are they really a happy family? Men:women whoever know a young child’s school, hobbies, location, birthday, issues at school, everything. They don’t seem to understand the dangers
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Chatty Member
There are so many comments saying how dulcie looked upset on the video I find it so unsettling that they think it’s acceptable to film and upload that for the world to see! Every tiktoker I’ve seen has eventually ruined their children’s safety/ childhood by plastering them all over the internet there is no regard for their mental health or the repercussions of their actions it’s all about money. I give it a few years and all we’ll hear about is the damage caused to these children due to their selfish parents and social media
I agree and I think they are trying to brush it off like the Cooper situation, when that was just random kids online, this is happening in real life and will impact her education.
The parents of the children at her school are probs well aware of the May’s and their online bragging and begging so will be keeping their kids well away, but unfortunately kids will say this to Dulcie in a harsher way.
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Chatty Member
What a creep! I would get him away from D and the boys’ girlfriends immediately!! But Daddy Pig films their behind sneakily to get more views anyway 🤮
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VIP Member
Not been on this board before but boy am I glad it’s here.

This family grate on me far more than I should let it. So many questions…

Does he ever actually work in the pub or just pose about like a brainless wonder
Do they do anything without making a video
Do any of the kids have any mannners
Does the daughter have to snatch, climb (kitchen counters) and always be involved like a spoilt brat.
When was the kitchen floor last washed🤢
Does he ever wash his hoody
Does he ever wash his hands before handling every bit of food in the house
Is the Mrs ever not in a mood
Why does he talk like he’s getting down with the kids, makes me cringe
The whole family are just begs, don’t think they know a hard days work.
Gap year after leaving school, get a bloody job.
Feel sorry for Bailey, feel sorry for the neighbours
1. Brainless
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
5. 1903
6. No
7. He might do it once if someone were to gift him a new tap and make a tiktok showing him how to wash his hands properly
8. Sometimes she seems alright when he’s not about
9. Paul Breach syndrome

hope that helped, nice to have you here!
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