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I had to go through all IVF appointments on my own because of covid. And be told there wasn't a heartbeat at the first scan. And then have the D&C on my own. All around the same time of attending my Stepfather's covid restricted funeral. An amazing, highly respected man in his field, whose funeral would have been packed ordinarily. He didn't get the send off he deserved, much like thousands of others.

All for a farce. A bunch of lies. Whilst Downing St gave zero f*cks & broke all rules.
I’m so sorry you went through that alone. No one should ever have to experience a pregnancy loss alone. So cruel what they unnecessarily put people through.
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As you were you crazy tin-foil hat wearing loons!*

And everyone else.

I popped a poll up, just because we haven't had one in a while & it's good to see the general feeling.


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Still waiting for the truth to come out?? Still burying your heads in the sand then I see.

Even Australia are saying there was vax injuries with the AZ. And yet apparently the WHO still have it listed as #safeandeffective. 🤔

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Surely to goodness it is completely reasonable and expected behaviour to find out what, if anything, is causing any increases in sudden deaths in otherwise healthy people..unless there was something to fear in the findings?????
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So any poster who speaks for the vaccine, the studies, gets nothing but rude comments, people twisting their words, insulted etc. BUT anyone who goes on about not getting it and being unvaxxed gets a pat on the back. Gotcha. 👍🏻

Double standards. ✅
Echo chamber. ✅
One sided perspective. ✅
I will give anyone a pat on the back for exercising their freedom of choice. A freedom of choice that for a moment looked as if it would be taken away. You want to take the shots? Have at it. “Back pat”. 👋🏼👋🏼
Personally, I will never be ashamed for not taking it and I will always encourage others to speak up.
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"The puzzle of why there was a worldwide cascading abandonment of a hundred years of accumulated knowledge by scientific and policy advisers will occupy researchers for many years. The result is that old lessons are having to be relearned. Judging by the rush of studies now coming through to contradict key tenets of the 2020–22 narrative, there’s hope that the wall of silence rooted in groupthink and fear of consequences to career and reputation might have been irreparably breached.

On 29 February, responding to a WhatsApp message from Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s chief adviser Dominic Cummings that Israeli scientists were just weeks away from developing a Covid vaccine and if this was credible, Chief Scientist Sir Patrick Vallance replied “Short answer is no.”
Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty explained: “For a disease with a low (for the sake of argument 1%) mortality a vaccine has to be very safe so the safety studies can’t be shortcut. So important for the long run.” England’s highest mortality rate was in April 2020 at 0.6 percent, falling to 0.55 percent in January 2021 and 0.04 percent by January 2023.
This is nicely book-ended by a recent (16 March) CDC report showing US maternal mortality jumped to 1,205 in 2021 compared with 861 in 2020 and 754 in 2019.
The 2021 rate of 32.9 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births is the highest maternal mortality rate since 1965. Hmmm, let’s see. What was the newly introduced pharmaceutical intervention in 2021 that begins with “v,” that must not be named in connection with unexplained deaths. that also exacerbated the damage to healthcare access caused by the nonpharmaceutical interventions?
As Sonia Elijah comments, drug regulators withdrew 20 common cough and cold remedies earlier this month “because of concerns about a ‘very rare’ risk of anaphylaxis.” The European Medicines Agency identified anaphylaxis as an important risk from Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine way back when in December 2020 and flagged it again in August 2021.
So the vaccine was withdrawn immediately, you ask? I like your sense of humour. And please do try to remember that anyone dying within 14 days of a Covid injection was in reality “unvaccinated.”

The malfeasance was compounded by the cowardice of political leaders hiding behind “Follow The Science” that mistook a slogan for policy and let loose upon democratic societies previously unimaginable acts and scenes of censorship, coercion and brutality that has eroded trust in authorities and institutions.

Sadly, regulators have become vaccine enablers first, more committed to defend vaccines from criticism than protect people from harmful vaccines.

Based on the original Phase 3 trial data, Bart Classen showed as early as August 2021: “Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statically significant increase in ‘all cause severe morbidity’ in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group.”
On the number needed to vaccinate, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky tweeted on 25 June 2021 that among 12-17 year olds, one million vaccinated protect one death. To estimate the benefit-harm ratio, therefore, we would need to know the injurious side-effects for that age group.
This is where Aseem Malhotra’s calculations are pertinent. The NNV to prevent one Covid death for 18-29 year olds (figures for the younger cohort are not given) during the Delta variant’s dominance in the three months after vaccination was 93,000. The risk of a serious adverse event (that results in hospitalization or disability) from an mRNA vaccine is 1 in 800. In summary, therefore, Pfizer’s original trial data suggested that there is “a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccine than from hospitalisation because of Covid-19.”

Panic saw 100 years of evidence-based pandemic response programs junked. The accumulated wisdom was to quarantine the sick, not those feeling well; to prioritize the most vulnerable, not coerce the least vulnerable.
There would never have been the widespread public backing for vaxports if people had not been misled into exaggerating the threat from Covid by several factorfold and mistaking relative for absolute risk reduction. This led them into the false belief that mass vaccination would end the pandemic and the unvaccinated were selfishly prolonging that day of release. ."

Just a few excerpts 👆 and for those who think that some of us think in black and white 👇

"Not every death listed as a Covid death was caused by Covid;Not every vaccinated person who died was killed by the vaccine;Not everyone who was vaccinated, infected by the virus and got sick with Covid but didn’t die, lives because of the vaccines;Among the unvaccinated also, conversely, not everyone who died from Covid, did so because they avoided the jabfest;Not every unvaccinated person who was infected by the virus and got sick with Covid but didn’t die, lives because of avoiding the vaccine."

P.s.An open mind gathers their info from many sources and never goes on reputation alone. Hardly ironic expecially when using an article to show a change in narrative.
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I haven't commented or read these threads before. But just wondering if anyone knows someone who has suffered from hair loss since having the jab/jabs? I ask because I know of 2 people who have lost hair in the last few months. Bald patches where the hair has just fell out. And are baffled as to why. These are young girls in their early 30s
2 of my nieces had hair loss, one after her first jab and the Dr said it was stress and to take the 2nd jab! She has shaved her head as the bad patches are right in the middle of her head.
The other suffered hair loss after 2 jabs and had a lot of tests and now has thyroid issues.
Both late 20s.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
This is very interesting from Dr Campbell about how the government employed a section of the army to delete ‘miss information ‘ written by doctors, journalists and the general public online during the pandemic.
so it wasn’t just the masks muzzling us. It was literally the online army
This might have been what I was hearing today on talk radio. The guest, a journalist? really can't remember, as always I was half listening. If that is what she was talking about, being monitored by the government, anyone of relevance with alternative views and the gov says they are still being monitored. She wrote a book and it was to be released on amazon but on the day, any search for her name or the book didn't bring any results.
Gov obvs still think people who have alternative views are still a threat to them. Good!! We are and we will forever be immune to their propaganda.
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I definitely think they're is a link between these jabs and these reported aggressive cancers. And I've no problem hearing conspiracies it's weird how those who don't, get so wound up by them. Surely it's beneficial for all opinions to be heard?
Some people get too angry about not being able to control people's thoughts and what they think others should post. Get a grip.
Like I say I don’t trust the gov at the best of times I fail to see why I should on vaccines 🙄 the only confidence builder they had to get people to move on from the pandemic when they realized how much it was costing the country in monetary terms, some people still think lockdowns were to save lives 😂 the shielders looked after themselves and were dropped like a stone when the gov called time , we won’t even mention the care home atrocities…While they all partied on laughing at how successful their campaign of fear was…But don’t you dare say it !!
Jerry Springer was diagnosed with cancer and died a few months later peacefully at home that sounds to me like palliative care in a home setting an expected death, in the UK unless requested otherwise you would bypass the coroner and go straight to funeral home no assessment would be made

Quote from Birmingham Mail quoting statement from the family

Jerry Springer has sadly died aged 79, but his cause of death has not yet been revealed. But the legendary US talk show host had been diagnosed with cancer a few month ago, his family revealed, with his health sadly taking a turn for the worse this week.

Jerry's family announced he had died peacefully at his home in Chicago, the United States.
He died of pancreatic cancer, same as Terry Hall if I’m remembering correctly!
I also saw they’re worried about the uptick in throat cancer attributed to oral sex, did people not engage in that until now🙄
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This sums it up brilliantly for me.
Unfortunately some people who would benefit from reading it don't appear to have the skills.
Some excerpts;
This my side vs. your side stuff is a dead giveaway that the parties involved really don’t care a lickspittle about the truth. If they did, they would realize there are no “sides” except the fictional ones we invent in our minds; there is only truth, and in an ideal world, we’d all be on one “side”, striving for it together. But alas, here we find ourselves, in this world of My Fiction vs. Your Fiction, with one fiction trying to “win” over the other.

(Side note: my girlfriend remarked to me yesterday that “it feels like we’re not living in reality”. Exactly. Any time we’re on these subjects, we are in the land of make-believe, fighting demons brought into being by insane conjurers.)

Secondly, he persistently uses the labels “vaxxer” and “anti-vaxxer”, which is another huge giveaway, and underlies much of the problem we’ve had throughout the pandemia years.
By now, we’ve all heard some people tell us they took their shots because they were “vaxxers” (or worse, because they were “not anti-vaxxers”).

This means that for some people, the confirmation of their identity (or the avoidance of the “villain” identity) is a more important motivator than looking into facts, evidence, listening to arguments, being open to reason, or paying attention to what’s actually going on.

Which serves pharma interests nicely, doesn’t it?
By adopting the identity “vaxxer”, like most identity-labels, it effectively means you’re tying on a blindfold. You’re declaring yourself Uncritical with regards to any pharma product that calls itself by the magic label “Vaccine”.

It doesn’t have to be safe, it doesn’t have to actually protect you against anything, people can be screaming warnings about it—you will not see or hear any of this. You’ve created the mental conditions where such perceptions are impossible. Your adopted identity requires you to be in headlong support of it, come what may.
This is why “misinformation” is seen as a threat. It threatens the mental fiction. Cue the rise of highly partisan, paid “fact-checkers” to keep everything on narrative, and prevent such facts from ever seeing the light of day. Cue the federal agencies dictating to social media companies which people are not allowed to spread facts. Cue the Ministry of Truth.

Now, people have been trained to see people as just their beliefs, (“oh, you’re just a conspiracy theorist”, “oh, you’re just one of those right-wing extremists“, etc.) and so see disagreement with someone as threatening their existence.

This is why some people have a compulsive need to exercise power over others. The desire to control others, of course, comes from a place of fear and weakness. Every bully (or dictator) is secretly terrified. The exercise of force over others is pre-emptive: everyone is coming to get them, so they better get everyone else first.
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VIP Member
This is very interesting from Dr Campbell about how the government employed a section of the army to delete ‘miss information ‘ written by doctors, journalists and the general public online during the pandemic.
so it wasn’t just the masks muzzling us. It was literally the online army
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What is wrong with you monga? Do you even read comments or do you just like to put words in people’s mouths. I said ‘if we go by your logic’ regarding vaccine. I did not say people were lying, nor did I mock anyone.
Yes you did , it’s very clear what you wrote, you’ve effectively called those people liars to try and prove a non existent point over your beloved vaccine…Disgraceful!
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There are quite a few still wearing masks around my area ,mainly elderly people but also a few young people who work in the shops. I don't judge them, it's up to them what they do but it always makes me feel really sad that 3 years on they still feel that fear.
I also feel angry at how some people have been changed forever by the goverments admitted scaremongering tactics.
Yes, if I see anyone wearing them now it's much older people. I hate that they are still so scared when most of us are living what passes for normally now. I hate it even more knowing how the government were behaving behind the scenes while we were all doing our best to do right by each other. It makes me feel really sad knowing how betrayed we were.
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From a fellow “tin foil hatter”. Nice to meet you.

Thank you! The pleasure is all mine. ❤ I find it refreshing to see these conversations are happening here. I live in a rural section of the SE United States. Many here are also unvaxxed. The ones that did get the initial shot…that led to another, and another are regretful. Most of them will not be getting anymore. My hubby and I saw it for what it was from the very beginning. EXPERIMENTAL!
No thank you!
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Nah I never chose to believe they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread. They come with side effects and risks, this is common knowledge but they have also saved many lives and lessened the risk/complications of Covid-19 - which people choose to ignore as they’re so fixated on trying to prove something.
There’s no robust data to show that, they changed from the vaccine being the cause to the vaccine/ prior infection to evolutionary changes plus prior infection/ vaccine to individual makeup plus prior infection/ vaccine/ evolution 😂 like I say that’s only your opinion there’s no concrete data on anything because they’ve never been able to pinpoint why someone is more susceptible than another, some die some have no symptoms at all. Even from personal experience my husband and kids had it I was hands on ,never even got a sniffle , even tested to see was I asymptomatic ( I wasn’t) I got it first time round like the rest of them why didn’t I get it second time round when they had a worse bout than the previous one?? Nobody knows ?
it’s pot luck imo ,nothing more than immune response…My own GP is off after his third bought, sailed through the first two, can’t shake the third #immuneresponse
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I’m just here to see if anything similar has happened to anyone else. I got my first vaccine in jan 2021 (had to because work in nhs) anyway since then my periods have been every 6 weeks then Two weeks after then 6 weeks again I’ll be on for over a week. Bearing in mind they use to be clock work first week every month for 3 days since high school. Doctors admitted it is due to the vaccine but don’t understand why they not gone back to normal nurses still won’t admit it’s the vaccine. My gp said she hasn’t heard this happen to anyone else

Welcome to the thread. Sorry you’re going through this, but you are not alone.

Unless your GP actually looks he/she won’t actually know. At one point there had been more than 50k yellow card reports for menstrual issues in the UK. I tracked the numbers at the middle of these threads.

16 pages of women who have noticed variations. :

The Pfizer bio distribution study on female rats did show vaccine accumulation in the ovary. I personally think it’s the same thing that is happening here.

Of the whole administered dose, ~0.1% in the ovaries at 48 hours may not seem much. But it is a small organ. At a tissue concentration of 12.261µg lipid equiv/g, it was also exponentially rising at the last data point! How much more would it rise if the study continued?

The dose mostly peaked in male tissues. But not in females. Rising at 48 hours: uterus, liver, spleen, adrenal glands, adipose tissue, bladder, femur bone and bone marrow, eyes, large intestine, lymph nodes and pancreas. Why wasn’t the study extended until all plateaued?”
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Not as exciting as a sick 🤢 emoji ☺

I wonder how those (unvaccinated )in Esters situation felt to hear those words 😕 life has a way of biting you on the arse.
View attachment 1925866
Wasnt she very Pally with Saville? Cant see past that at all.
So she thinks thats of vital importance to actually be cruel to a personal choice that people have for various reasons.

Also has she not read it cured nothing and wasnt tested like other vaccines. Theu backtracked on the peomise to stop Covid with the Vaccine and of course deem it safe hence it was reclassified From being a vaccine.

So it depends what science you read really.

Im not gonna lie I regret my doses so much. I feel like a ticking tome bomb.

You cant deny and excuse all these deaths as having none linked to the vaccine.🤨

Thats why some countries halted some brand Covid Vaccines.

If you dont give medics a platform to talk.
A place to complain. You hear of bribes,them being humiliated, struck off being a medic then isnt is logical that something is up? 🤔

Its not ok to be injured or killed post vaccine and then just ignore the matter of a link🤯
Its a human beings life ruined, over.

And try to get away with it.
I first read about JJ talc about 15 -20 years ago how a US woman family sued as her mum died I think it was as they found traces of powder in her ovaries and the family got to discover this was a pattern in females.

Remember the times women use to talc intimate areas as it was deemed safe and a perfumed alternative to keeping sweat at bay.
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VIP Member
This is very interesting from Dr Campbell about how the government employed a section of the army to delete ‘miss information ‘ written by doctors, journalists and the general public online during the pandemic.
so it wasn’t just the masks muzzling us. It was literally the online army
This was scoffed at on here as a conspiracy theory.
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