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VIP Member
I think that's the new way of reporting now from June 1st .I think it's indirect deaths from covid that they've started to add into the daily figures these weren't previously counted ..
Did they count them yesterday when there was only 170 something deaths?? Just seems like such a massive jump!!


Active member
What happens if you drop your phone or leave it somewhere, anyone who was near it will have to isolate who may not have been near you and visa versa.

Also while my kids haven’t gone back, I understand from other parents if any of the kids in the bubble have symptoms everyone has to isolate including the parents. So parents will have to take time off work until it’s been confirmed.

New Zealand have coped well with this and have lifted all restrictions, I wish that could happen here. Stay locked down and then lift everything. I don’t want to live my life in fear and having to avoid people.
The whole family do not have to isolate if a child in the class gets symptoms unless they test positive. I emailed my school because my child is off because of a child having symptoms.


VIP Member
I wont be celebrating until it's zero, i know the sentiment is a positive one but those 55 people will have had families who will be absolutely devastated right now and there is nothing amazing about that :(
Of course deaths decreasing is a good thing but still 💔
I get what you mean but if we thought like that then we would never leave the house for fear of catching anything or getting run down.


VIP Member
My dad caught Covid in the hospital. He had cancer and was going to have treatment for it but the Covid robbed him of the chance.
He died yesterday and his death has now become another statistic.
I feel so cheated. I feel so angry. Why did he have to go?
So deeply sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts tonight 😘

chocolate choux

VIP Member
Why are US allowed too? Isn't their death toll absolutely horrendous/worst in the world?
It’s the highest but relative to population not the worst - theirs is 330 per million, U.K. is 600 per million. I do find their lax approach to the virus concerning though

Found out today my daughter has a hospital appointment the week after next. I know it’ll probably be pretty safe by then but I still feel uncomfortable going there


VIP Member
Doesn’t apply to health care workers in the sense of if you come into contact with someone whose positive , we don’t isolate (we would if we develop symptoms) but not on the basis we come into contact with them
Ah this is the information I’ve been looking for! Where did you hear that? I’ve been panicking for days about potentially having to isolate every time another patient or co-worker has symptoms - seriously stressing me out!


VIP Member
All we get every few weeks is a BBC bitesize link sent to us.

I know her teachers are really busy but 🤦‍♀️
Yeah it’s not great is it? Ours were good to be fair. He was getting about 5 pieces set daily but it was only taking about two hours max so it didn’t feel too much.
But now it’s nowhere near and I’ve noticed the kids that were regular contributors on their blog have all dwindled. It’s a shame as it gave them a place to talk to each other.

It’s not the schools fault, their hands have been forced.