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VIP Member
The province's daily numbers are just in (Alberta). 7 new cases today which are the lowest number since March 12.
6,624 recovered cases, 328 active cases.
In the last 24 hours, the province has done 6,445 tests which is amazing.


VIP Member
Absolutely. I've been dealing with a similar situation here and whenever I explain it just falls on deaf ears! It's just so frustration when it's always what they want with no concern for your needs.

I wouldn't worry too much cause you'll make yourself ill with it! You've all done what you can, that's all you can do ❤
I read cases are still quite bad around here so I am more worried. I just feel like all our hard work for nothing and taking so much care of ourselves, washing groceries, wiping parcels, staying home etc and then we’re put at risk by people we have little to do with. It did tarnish my daughters day for me, as you’ll understand with my family history.

I guess all I can do is sit and wait now but I feel sick with worry. Xxx


VIP Member
Can you imagine if no school whatsoever now until 2010 though?! I know they’re getting certain years back, but those with kids not in those specified years, another 6 months at home!
Mines in Y1 and shes not going back any time soon. Not my choice, I'd send her tomorrow.

Oh god. I thought they ment to end of the school year in july. Not 2021, fml not not cut out for this 😂


VIP Member
Alton Towers is planning on opening though, so they must have a regime in place (I guess following the likes of the Disney parks).

zoos in other countries have reopened?
I think Dublin Zoo is planning to reopen..


VIP Member
Howdy fellow North easterner !

When I was speaking to the travel agent this morning she said airlines and hotels are going above and beyond to make sure all is OK and we get the holiday we've paid for but it remains to be seen. Newcastle Airport is open but no shops bars or duty free. Im going to gran canaria (if it goes ahead) so will have to stock up on drink for the room if the all inclusive is a bit limited.

We dont know how bad it is til we go though. We've gotta start somewhere right?
Ive got connecting flight through Paris so hoping they are allowing flights lol I’ve heard talks they are taking off the free complimentary booze on long haul flights to reduce aisle traffic and trips to the loo , gutted it’s my first long haul 😂


Well-known member
Very few on my ITU, I suppose it’s good because the PPE obviously works but we were hoping with so much exposure to it in high risk area we might have built up some antibodies 😂😂
Have you all had the antibody test?
I’m a nurse and was redeployed to ICU, my hubby is a Dr, both been working throughout. Neither of us has had any symptoms, so we’re obviously both curious.


VIP Member
I’m so confused as to why the south west R rate is at 1 when we’ve had the lowest amount of cases and been consistently low the entire time?

As seen Above, is it something that makes us seem bad but actually better because of infection cases? So confusing!
I guess they are saying even though only 5 people here might have it they are almost all infecting another 5. Essentially i guess we are just rubbish at social distancing 😂
Completely fed up worked through at a nursery for key worker children and opened up fully on the 1st. Do not feel safe at all mixing groups up and staff swapping rooms and won’t bring more staff in to help out so we are all working arses off while half the staff are home safe on furlough. Totally disappointed in the company and feeling sorry for myself ☹ I’m still worried about getting sick i know cases are dropping but it’s still out there and feel totally unprotected
I can relate to how you feel working in this industry at this time, I feel like early years have been completely shat on during this time and schools have remained absolutely fine. I raised concerns about what you’ve explained as my mum is extremely vulnerable and I didn’t feel it was safe to go back to work yet. Their response was to lay me off in September and if during that time until then if they need me I HAVE to come in even though their fully aware of my situation. I’ve spoken to ACAS about this and they keep on asking if I’m a part of a union which I’m not however if you are take it up with them and if your not have a little google, I’m sure their like a fiver a month and would be worth having if you feel unsafe during this time! Your doing amazing during this time and the kids must adore you x


VIP Member
Our school was supposed to open tomorrow but they've said they're now pushing it back as it's not safe.
I think the government are happy to turn a blind eye to protests/beaches etc, because in two weeks we will see the result of non social distancing. If it's not a big spike then I feel like they'll relax more restrictions, but if it's worse case scenario then it'll be all our fault for not complying 🤷‍♀️
Out of interest how do you feel about them not opening?
That's great but I can't help but feel we're not getting the true figures. To go from 300+ to 55 almost overnight seems to good to be true
The graphs which show actual date of death rather than date the deaths were recorded show a smooth gradient going down. The high and low figures are because of how NHS/Care providers report. If you look back at all the declared deaths on Mondays then it's not as much of a jump - was 120 something last Monday.


VIP Member
No, if you have had it and recovered and you them come into contact with someone else who has it (via track and trace) or show symptoms you would need to isolate again as even if you have had it they cannot be sure you are now immune.
Awww ok I haven’t bothered getting the app , it’s useless for me and wouldn’t apply to me


VIP Member
Random question....can I buy pet fish at the garden centre or peta at home in England? Have promised the kids some goldfish 🤦‍♀️

Miss Havisham

VIP Member
Literally despite the fact I can’t go to work or take my kids to school my life doesn’t feel much different anymore because when I do go outside it’s like normal. When I first was walking towards Home Bargains across the walkway past other shops I completely forgot I even needed so SD because nobody else was. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Take no notice of what others are doing - I don’t. If they are irresponsible, that’s for the authorities and their own consciences to deal with.
What is the alternative? if we ignore social distancing measures it is likely to increase the infection / death rate - and prolong the lockdown.


VIP Member
Our school has recently shut too due to a case and yes we have also been told all family must isolate
I've double checked the information they've sent home and it definitely says the whole family must isolate if a child or member of staff from the bubble has symptoms. That is part of the condition of you sending your child back but it may differ from school to school/area to area.
I know when i intially read it, i thought it was a bit crazy as kids always gets sniffles and temperatures on their return to school and I'm not sure many parents could afford to keep having to take odd days off everytime a child in their childs bubble has symptoms until they get test results.
It is very clear our school do not want pupils returning en mass though, they have a very long and comprehensive list of conditions parents and pupils must meet, so i wouldn't be surprised if the isolation for the whole family is not a nationwide thing!
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VIP Member
Hope your daughter had a fab birthday!

You stayed inside and everyone scrubbed themselves coming in so I wouldn't worry too much about it. You've done what YOU personally can. Also are there many cases in your area? If it's a relatively small number then the risk reduces.

If they want to mingle and put themselves at risk then that's on them but you've done what is best for your family so sod them!
Thank you so much lovely. You can imagine why it infuriated me, still total disregard for my family and my health. Just their usual selfish, irresponsible ways.

I think here it’s not too bad now but it was bad a few weeks ago, we peaked later than other areas. I’m struggling to find out how many cases in my actual county.

Thank you xx