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I'm so confused how the country can go into lockdown....I'm a care worker and look after a man that needs 24 hour care. So how on earth could me and my colleagues all isolate ourselves.....who will support our client to get out of bed, personal care, cook and feed him? Surely alot of jobs are critical and must be done!? I'm type 1 diabetic too and the more I read this thread the more worried I become 😥
I have two elderly relatives who rely on people like yourself to help them function ,and take care of their basic hygiene needs everyday .That's my fear that the must vulnerable are going to be left to fend for themselves if this thing gets worse.The government should be making the health care professionals a priority ,as their the people on the front line without whom we're all doomed.Yourself and many like you do a fantastic job which use never get anywhere near enough credit for, I for one am eternally grateful..
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I keep flip flopping about how I feel. On the one hand I’m “keep calm and carry on”. But on the other I don’t want to be in busy public spaces.
I’m supposed to fly to Dublin on Friday through Luton and am conflicted. I’ll probably lose about £350 if I don’t go but I don’t care. It’s more the fact of being at a busy airport and going to a tourist city that has me nervous.
I don’t know what to believe about the virus anymore either 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Screenshot_20200310-161010_Samsung Internet.jpg

The aintree surgeon is a cancer surgeon honestly can't believe someone so high up and educated would be so stupid to potential endanger hundreds of already very vulnerable people
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This virus will probably be a 'new flu' it won't go away and will be here in flu season year after year, swine flu is still around.
Yes that is the prediction. However, the Coronavirus is not the flu. There are now seven strains of Coronavirus, two of which (229E and OC43) cause symptoms of the common cold and none of the seven have a known cure. The other five are described in medical literature, as causing serious respiratory tract infections. There are two main types of flu, A and B. Swine Flu can also cause respiratory tract infection but is a type A influenza virus and is currently included in the influenza vaccine, so can be prevented.
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Iconic Member
At least people in Australia are being calm despite their sensationalist news 😆
View attachment 93654
literally just looks like me on a weekly shop 😐
I feel judged.
(Completely off topic but apparently we don’t yet have a toilet roll appreciation thread 😑
I kinda want this... I’d need 4 large sheep obviously)

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Chatty Member
Most people I know now have such sore dry hands from washing so much. Hand cream will be the next thing to sell out 🙄🤣
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I am sure the numbers must be much higher in reality. If it isn't contagious enough to catch in the community why all the happy birthday handwashing stuff? I think they are keeping numbers low for the sake of the economy. My pension is currently down over 10%
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I don’t understand what people want the government to do? Whatever he does he’s gonna be slated for it- no win situation!!
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I do think social media and the media in general is fuelling the hysteria. If you tracked every single infection and death in relation to a single illness it would seem frightening.

For example sepsis affects up to 30 million people a year world wide and results in 6 million deaths, but we aren’t bombarded with live updates and people aren’t obsessing over the symptoms of sepsis and how to prevent it! I know it’s not the same as it’s not infectious or a new illness but it can happen to anyone from something as small as a cut on your finger

It’s worth remembering that the media post headlines to get clicks - clicks equal money. The scarier and more dramatic the headline, the more clicks, the more money etc.

I can’t even get 1 box of paracetamol, or child’s paracetamol. It’s absolute madness.

I’m worried for my Gran, she’s 91. She can’t go stock piling. People are being so selfish. I just bought 3 bags of 500g pasta, an extra pack of toilet roll, 3 dettol spray, extra beans and soup, that was about it as a little safety net. Even that was hard to buy as people had cleared the shelves. We can’t even get antibacterial hand wash here.
What about children or people with health conditions that need painkillers like paracetamol for chronic pain? They will be going without so healthy people can have 20 packets sat in their home unused - it’s beyond selfish.
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I’ve been reading the threads over the weekend and after a bit of a rant to my OH, want to voice it here too.

There a group of students in my local area returning from a ski trip in Italy that’s been cut short due to the slopes now closing. Apparently because there are no confirmed cases in that part of the country, the families have been told the children do not need to be isolated. Is it just me that finds that really concerning?!
My friend is in a similar situation. Her daughter is due to go in a skiing trip to Italy at the end of the month and at the moment the school say they are still going!!!!! There’s no way I would send my child, I think it’s ridiculous people are still doing this to be honest
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First of all the epicentre of the outbreak is still in lockdown until further notice. Anyone coming in or leaving the area, has to be temperature screened and the Chinese government are tracking every citizen in the lockdown area through a mobile phone app. The only reason that this country hasn't reached that is because we still in the containment phase, so our government are aware of who has got it and where. The next step is the delay phase where they will start locking down, as they are now doing in Northern Italy. Until then we have to go to work as normal until directed, as our government are trying to avoid an economic collapse and the NHS becoming completely swamped. Our numbers are still fairly low but if I could afford to stay off work and self isolate, I would until the virus is extinct. I don't really want to catch it because it could potentially lead to pulmonary pneumonia and life long lung damage.
My mum has an auto immune disorder so believe me I know what effect this will have on her if she catches it and she WILL die- no 2 ways about it, but the same will happen to her if she catches normal flu, and she almost died last year from catching a very severe case of norovirus, so you see I understand the concerns. But the government give worse case scenarios that will never ever happen!

Unfortunately we are going to have to let it run it’s course! And just wait and see!
There is no point now panicking as what are people going to be like in another 2 weeks time when it’s worse,

Currently 4 people in every million in the uk have it!!
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Chatty Member
Does anyone else struggle to find hand sanitisers in the shops? I'm in London and I keep checking various Boots, Superdrug, supermarkets and none have any in stock. Of course if I have access to a sink and soap, I'd rather do that, but if I'm out and about in the bus/tube, I need hand sanitiser. I have only one at the moment and it will run out soon :( When are all these shops going to sort out the shortage?
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I'm trying so hard not to totally believe these conspiracy theories but... It's strange that the first MP to get the virus, is a health minister. Will she emerge after 7 days saying she's absolutely fine and we should all go about our lives as normal??
Or maybe it makes perfect sense as she’s been in close contact if not with victims but with people treating victims, working on cures, she’s probably met the bloody bus driver who picked up the British citizens flown back from wuhan and put in quarantine. Point is she will have been living and breathing COVID-19 for the last month and meeting tons of people associated with it. however careful people are inevitably someone will cut a corner and not wash their hands one time and the virus will slip through the cracks .
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I'm so shocked at how some people are behaving. I had to take my son for a totally unnecessary GP appointment first thing as they were refusing to do what his consultant wanted. In the waiting room was a mum with her little girl. The mum coughed in her hand, sneezed in her hand, was touching her own face and mouth, picked her teeth, was touching the chairs and magazines, then was pulling at her child's eyes and mouth, as if she was deliberately being as gross as possible. Then when they were called in, she was giving the GP something out of her bag and the doctor was saying "oh thank you. You really shouldn't because I'll be getting fat". When I was at the pharmacy the same woman came in and gave the staff a box of home made cakes and they started eating them then and there with unwashed hands. It just all creeped me out. People can literally die because of the lack of hygiene and caution.
I’ve been reading the threads over the weekend and after a bit of a rant to my OH, want to voice it here too.

There a group of students in my local area returning from a ski trip in Italy that’s been cut short due to the slopes now closing. Apparently because there are no confirmed cases in that part of the country, the families have been told the children do not need to be isolated. Is it just me that finds that really concerning?!
A group of students from my son's college are newly returned from Italy and have been told to come in as normal which doesn't feel at all safe to me.
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The conspiracy theories are just ridiculous. The chinese eat chicken embryos for goodness sake. That how these things cross species. Same as Ebola, people eating infected monkeys. The chinese doctor is suspicious but the chinese are a law unto themselves and probably had him killed to save face.
Yeah that was my point. The Chinese doctor situation is a reflection of an authoritarian state that will go to any means necessary to control “the truth” - or the narrative that benefits them. Once this became too big to conceal they had to adopt a new narrative, as public health saviours, building hospitals in a week or whatever madness it was. The doctor was evidence of the old truth, that they had tried to cover it up. He maybe even could have spoken out (if he left the country anyway) on the amount of lives that might have been saved had they listened to him at that point. How convenient when an enemy of the state is one in the first place because of his connections to a potentially fatal virus...

If anything, how much covering up they’ve had to do just shows it’s not a government conspiracy- when even the full might of the Communist Party of China cant get something under control, you know it’s trouble.
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I don’t know in terms of every day. But I do worry about businesses going bust. There is already a lot of pressure on business and with this I think we will see a fairly large chunk of small businesses shutting down permanently
My family own a taxi company, so we rely on the public for the money coming in to pay wages and the bills. This isn't the sort of buisness you can work from home . if our town was to be put in isolation the buisness is in turn stuffed 🤷‍♀️
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