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Well-known member
So apparently in Italy they can still go to work and public transport is still running? How’s that going to help them if people still work?

I have a Chronic illness and it’s annoying me when people say welllllll it’s only the elderly or people with underlying illnesses that get it! That’s me!

I’d be very stuck financially though if I had to self isolate when we move to the delay stage, I don’t have any spare money as it is! BUT I hope they take the decision out of our hands
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If you live month to month would wouldn't pass the mortgage application process. I know many live month by month because of a low income, but also many live month by month on a good income because they choose to spend it all. Why should tax payers bail out people to help them build up a personal asset and private wealth? It's not your home unless you own it outright, if you can't make the payments for many months it will get repo'ed then people can rent and claim housing benefit to help with rent. Millions can't afford to buy and j don't think it's fair on them to use public money to bail out those with mortgages. Unpopular opinion I know.
I'm certainly not asking for the government to pay my mortgage. If I am being forced to not work there has to be some way around that. If the government forced me to stop
The situation isn't surprising, the attitude that the government should bail people out is surprising. We pay way too little tax in this country - but many want welfare measures as if we're a Nordic country with huge taxes.
I've not said I want or expect the government to pay my mortgage. Nobody on here said that!!! I want the government to take into consideration that a lot of people, if forced to stay off work on no or low pay, will default on payments. I would rather measures put in place so that I can continue to work and earn. I've never relied on hand outs and I dont want to now either. I want a workable solution
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I work in central London and am carrying on as normal, relatively speaking. I am practising even better hygiene than normal and trying to avoid being too close to people (avoiding travelling at such peak times where I can etc). My husband is going to Cheltenham this week (not over the moon about it - he is Type 1 diabetic). I have decided though that after today I am not going to see my grandparents for the next couple of weeks and have asked my husband to consider not seeing his Mum (we don’t provide care they’re just older, have had chest infections etc).

I am really not a serial panicker - I was matter of fact and straight back to normal after terrorist attacks literally five minutes from home, but I would absolutely not be able to live with myself if I was asymptomatic and gave it to my grandparents, elder MIL etc.
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Not commented on here yet but been following. Feeling really freaked out tonight for some reason, feels like we are in a film 😩 Feel like its a lot worse than the goverment/media are telling us.
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Theres a British gentleman on the daily mail online talking about his 60 year old mother who has Coronavirus, apparently she is fit and healthy and rarely goes out of the house. The only place they think she got it from is from the doctors. She’s currently in a coma with just the machines keeping her alive and he’s worried she will be the next one to die. I’m absolutely terrified.
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I worry about this too but surely the government can’t let this happen?
I’ve been lurking this thread for some time and noticed the lack of media coverage on the financial implications for individuals.

The new rules with regards to the new flat rate of interest charged on overdrafts commence at the end of the month. Those who will end up in their overdraft to cover a shortfall, will also be hammered with interest rates of about 39%! Add that to the potential for people to default on mortgages and the financial ramifications will be massive!

If the country is locked down, I’d like to think that the government pressure the financial industry to introduce a moratorium to help those who’ll struggle, but I won’t hold my breath- Tories will Tory! :rolleyes:
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They need to test more people! How did Nadine get tested? I have a chronic illness but have woke up and have a fever a dry cough, it realllly hurts to breathe and my whole body hurts like never before.

So used 111 online They said it can’t be Coronavirus cos havnt been abroad or know anyone who has been confirmed as having it.

Don’t get meWrong I don’t want it but I don’t want to pass it on to my 86 year old aunt or my parents who have illnesses either.

Something has to change surely
I get they don't want to waste loads of tests unnecessarily but surely it would be better to just advise people to stay home in a "better safe than sorry" sense?!

Seems to me that the Tory government is playing a balancing game between containing the virus and trying to minimise the effect on the economy. This comes at a cost - people's lives - and they have admitted that people are going to die during this outbreak. People die from seasonal flu, yes, but personally the potential scale of infections makes this much worse.

We are now 13 days behind Italy and on the same trajectory as them. I expect the whole country to go into a similar lockdown as Italy within two weeks. People are being too blase about it. Everyone knows someone who is old or with an underlying health condition and they will be at risk. It's time this country actually showed some decisive leadership but sadly the Torys don't care about the little people.
in case anyone was ever in doubt that the tories do not care about people (unless they have money) I think it has been decisively proven now
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I hate this feeling that life is on hold and no one knows what's happening. I know it could be worse, but still.
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Well-known member
Not sure if this has been mentioned but what criteria did the MP meet to be tested? As others have said its very difficult to be tested if you only have symptoms and have not travelled to a infected area or contact with a confirmed patient?
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VIP Member
Just looking at what the rest of Europe are doing, the Netherlands had 56 new cases in the last 24 hours bringing the total to 321 the same as the UK. Thousands of children were sent home from schools today. Albania have 2 cases and have closed all schools and cancelled all travel to and from Italy until April 3rd. Germany are tracking all confirmed cases so the root cause of each case can be found and offering testing to anyone connected and have cancelled all public events over 1000. The Germans have taken this virus seriously since December and have taken a proactive approach. We meanwhile, are being told to wash our hands and consider self isolating if we feel ill and are brave enough to tell our managers.
Germany is doing very well with handling it.
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VIP Member
Should but won't. They force women to have abortions, have political prisoners and jail people for bring religious, harvest organs from prisoners including totally innocent prisoners, shoot protesters...and everyone falls over themselves to buy the stuff their slaves make and give the Chinese government access to sensitive information
Seems bloody ridiculous that (to my knowledge, again correct me if I’m wrong) that three major viruses have spread from China (bird flu, SARS and now Corona) and they aren’t at least being condemned by countries for it.
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I’m not Gona lie I’m shitting myself so many people saying don’t worry it’s just like the flu 🤦🏼‍♀️ but it’s making my anxiety so bad. I work in a super market. So I’m convinced with the amount of people coming in & out daily i feel like I’m at such a risk! So if the country goes on lock down what does that mean exactly? Sorry if I sound stupid 🙈
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Isn’t it awful how a spreading virus can turn people’s lives upside down. I bet you and many others have been looking forward to pre booked holidays for months, yet in an instance it can all be cancelled. I’m basically a constant pessimist and I suffer with depression and I just think life is really unfair. It’s like I’m always waiting for bad things to happen, and this virus is just out of my control and it’s such a worry. I’m glad you’ve been able to postpone
Thank you. All of us were really looking forward to it
but in the grand scheme of things it was an easy decision to make. We were exceptionally lucky in that our gite owners have allowed us to transfer the booking to next Easter so financially we aren’t out of pocket. I really thought we would be.

As soon as the schools close I shall be self isolating, myself and the kids and working from home. I honestly don’t think people are taking this threat seriously enough (up until yesterday I was the laughing stock at work for my obsession with this and now everyone seems to actually agree with me) and I do think life as we know it is going to be disrupted. This forum has been my little safe space on the internet where I can read up on everything and keep myself informed. Keep up the good work tattlers.
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Iconic Member
Peppa pig is busy finding dad's glasses!
I bet she didn’t wash her hands, then he puts them on and
I remember when Pedro got a cough at playschool, he’s got asthma so he’s in the danger category, has anyone bothered putting him in isolation, like fuck they have.

(I feel I might have really, really derailed this thread 😂)
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The first noted multiple cases of CV19 actually started in Autumn in China. This was not disclosed and any media info blocked at the time to slow panic. So it is more than likely that the virus has been in the UK and across the globe including your local area for much longer. Chances are people have had it and not had severe symptoms and passed it on. Wash your hands and follow the gov guidelines.
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Chatty Member
I'm orginally from a country where currently there's about only 4 cases diagnosed. All concerts, theatres, cinema are closed there now. So I'm wondering what's going on in the UK where we have 300+ cases?!? No closures, no checks at airport. Nothing. The 111 service is a joke as well. I went to check it online last night and basically unless you've travelled to a particular country or you've been in contact with a person that has returned from there, you are advised to sit at home and do nothing. You won't get tested.
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Chatty Member
I think Bozza definitely needs to up the communications game. Apart from “wash your hands” (which he also didn’t make clear) nobody is quite sure how to deal with this.
Johnson couldn't even wash his own hands correctly on a press trip to a lab with numerous cameras on him! He just did two seconds washing then started to wash of, then remembered the cameras were on him and did a few seconds more. Then he turned off the tab with the huge leaver that you're supposed to turn off with you arm with the same hands he used to turn on 😱

I wouldn't expect much from this cobra meeting. They're just meeting in cabinet office briefing room a, as they should be meeting every day anyway. A guy from european centre for disease and control on BBC news was saying we're just two weeks behind Italy and need to take action soon.
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Chatty Member
It really shocks me how careless some people are being, I was on the tube today watching someone constantly touching his face.. literally one of the main things we have been advised not to do, I had to hold myself back from saying something!
Walking to work this morning a woman coughed openly in my face as we passed each other, no attempt to cover her mouth or cough away from me. 🙃
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Greece have taken action after only 90 cases and shut schools etc..but UK citizens are told to 'take it on the chin' just make sure you wash your hands before touching your chin! As per our government advice!
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