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VIP Member
Id land all planes and stop travel for two weeks apart from incoming and outgoing goods and care should be taken to hygienically handle these goods to and from transit.
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It sounds rather pessimistic but I can appreciate why the govt hasn’t moved to the next phase yet. The economic damage will be significant.

It sounds really cynical but if a disease were kill 3% of our aging population (and others), would they not be inclined to take that risk? It would reduce the long term health care cost/pension burden etc.

i am in no way suggesting this is the case - but compared to potentially economic catastrophe of social distancing - I can understand the governments reluctance.
The thing is, it’s not a binary disease of 3% death vs 97% being able to cope with it at home with a Lemsip.

Using Italy as an example, of the 10,000 tested positive

- 1,000 have recovered
- 630 died
- 880 intensive care
- 5,050 hospitalised
-2,600 in recovery at home

The proportion needing some form of hospitalised medical care is astronomical, and it is predominantly people in their 30s and 40s

The NHS will not be able to keep pace if we have similar here. The economy is going to be majorly shafted if they get the timing wrong and it slips out of control. People who would’ve been saved in normal circumstances are going to die because there just isn’t the facilities to treat them.

edit: breaking news: nadine dories MP being diagnosed with covid19... 😳
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VIP Member
Most people I know now have such sore dry hands from washing so much. Hand cream will be the next thing to sell out 🙄🤣
I had mentioned earlier in this thread (somewhere) my hands were raw (I always get sore dry hands anyway in winter) and I got lidl SOS hand cream and it has totally fixed them. Miracle cream
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VIP Member
I think big events (such as Cheltenham) should be cancelled. Theres people from all areas of the UK going (areas which some of wont have any coronavirus cases yet)
All crammed in the stands together then possibly taking the virus back home!! Crazy 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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VIP Member
I'm starting to worry now. People will start getting bored of washing their hands thoroughly and will feel pressured to go to work if they are ill. There's still a significant period of incubation before people are getting symptoms, ugh!
definitely, in my workplace we have been told that if we have to self quarantine we won't get sick pay and i work in q company that has clients (all international with a big focus on italy and china) coming and going all day. the chances of someone in our office getting it or at least carrying it and giving it to others are so high
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Silly Sausage

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There will be healthy people that will get really ill and probably die, it’s not a hard and fast rule that it’s only old and immuno-compromised that will be hit bad x
I agree. It is a new illness and there are so many unknowns currently. It was interesting to read his opinion changing after seeing his young healthy colleague deteriorate so quickly.
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I’m not Gona lie I’m shitting myself so many people saying don’t worry it’s just like the flu 🤦🏼‍♀️ but it’s making my anxiety so bad. I work in a super market. So I’m convinced with the amount of people coming in & out daily i feel like I’m at such a risk! So if the country goes on lock down what does that mean exactly? Sorry if I sound stupid 🙈
I don’t 100 percent know but from Italy it looks like it’s all non essential travel. Distancing from people. Restaurants are still open but tables a metre apart. A journalist was saying she can still travel you just have to prove you need to travel for work. Some shops one in one out policy. I think it’s essentially stay in unless you absolutely need to go out and if you do then keep your distance from people. I can imagine some people here though Won’t care. Restaurants open til 6pm in Italy. So for example I might take my children on a bike ride off the beaten track near here to get them out but I wouldn’t go to a play centre
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The more I read about it the more im thinking my husband may of had it over Christmas. He started off with a cough no cold at all then he had such a high temperature I was constantly putting cold flannels on his head to try and cool him down, paracetamol wasn’t helping and he had a high temp for 3 days, he couldn’t get out of bed for a week which is so not like him. We’ve both had flu before and I just thought he had a nasty strain of it again, I must admit now I’m wondering if it could of been something else? I slept downstairs while he had it and was constantly washing my hands but then surely if it was covid 19 I still would of got it? Who knows 🤷‍♀️
He’s still got the cough now and isn’t 100% still
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VIP Member
Hilarious, I can hear them in the next office, saying i'm going OTT with all this as the flu kills more people. I've been sending updated emails to all about things like cleaning communal areas, their own desks etc. What is wrong with people not taking this seriously, look at Italy! My daughters school are doing F all, she's been sent in with hand gels for her & her friends to use.
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Iconic Member
I do think social media and the media in general is fuelling the hysteria. If you tracked every single infection and death in relation to a single illness it would seem frightening.

For example sepsis affects up to 30 million people a year world wide and results in 6 million deaths, but we aren’t bombarded with live updates and people aren’t obsessing over the symptoms of sepsis and how to prevent it! I know it’s not the same as it’s not infectious or a new illness but it can happen to anyone from something as small as a cut on your finger
I don’t want to be a patronising twat because I’ve just copied and pasted this like a pilfering pro 🤪
but people don’t seem to get why there are so many concerns about this illness in comparison to others,
It’s really can’t be compared to sepsis, or flu, or cancer or heart diseases Etc.
we can’t use those figures to down play this illness.

It can’t be compared to anything because nobody knows what it is yet. 🤷‍♀️
I’m not overly concerned yet, but I’m also not going to throw out stats about other illnesses to try and downplay the seriousness of this.

“So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 100,000 illnesses and more than 3,000 deaths worldwide.
But that's nothing compared with the flu,
In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 34 million illnesses, 350,000 hospitalizations and 20,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

That said, scientists have studied seasonal flu for decades. So, despite the danger of it, we know a lot about flu virus and what to expect each season. In contrast, very little is known about the new coronavirus and the disease it causes, dubbed COVID-19, because it's so new. This means COVID-19 is something of a wild card in terms of how far it will spread and how many deaths it will cause.

"Despite the morbidity and mortality with influenza, there's a certainty … of seasonal flu," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a White House press conference on Jan. 31. "I can tell you all, guaranteed, that as we get into March and April, the flu cases are going to go down. You could predict pretty accurately what the range of the mortality is and the hospitalizations [will be]," Fauci said. "The issue now with [COVID-19] is that there's a lot of unknowns."

Scientists are racing to find out more about COVID-19, and our understanding of the virus that causes it and the threat it poses may change as new information becomes available”
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This morning have posted a good article from the dr on there about the coronavirus myths. She made a good point in saying that - the reason this is worse than the normal flu is that we do not have a vaccine to protect the vulnerable brackets. The whole world’s mortality rate is 3.4% but the UK is standing at 1%. I think sometimes we forget that the WHO numbers are based on the world and not where we currently live. Now obviously every single person in the world matters so this mortality rate is high but for us living in the UK it is still very very low.

I belong on an episode of hoarders,
I am destined to be on that show (with less primark polyester and less facial hair, I said it, but I said it in 10, that’s growth 😌!!!)

I stock up on everything 😂
If it comes in a multipack you’ve made my day. If not I make my own multi pack.

I knew being a neurotic bitch would come in handy one day and if I die I want my epitaph to read

“Always had a spare oat milk or 2ply....she will be missed 🧻
Groupon do great multipack loo rolls 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Matt Hancock (and his NHS pride badge) saying the same things he's been saying for weeks at parliament. I wish they would just put their cards on the table.
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Well-known member
I work in a GP surgery and we have wallpapered the place with coronavirus material, there are massive signs on the door asking people with symptoms and travel to phone and not enter the building. They just ignore them, we send people away daily, only a matter of time before it hits staff.
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I returned from Italy(Rome) on Friday went into work yesterday as normal. Told today to stay off for 2 weeks from HR. Rules have changed as of this morning. Any part of Italy symptoms or not I have to stay off.
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VIP Member
I read a comment on another website that said something like "its funny how there are 387 cases in the UK and 2 of those are in Government", really made me think. I mean.. what are the odds! Its likely that it is in the thousands already by now, they are barely testing anyone, that is why the UK official figure is so low. We just get told to stay at home and isolate if showing symptoms. Its shocking really.

I wonder why it is at 7pm?

I think big changes will be announced in this speech, let's hope its something more than "wash your hands"
School closures? I hope so! Whilst I'm aware that children will still mix out of school, it will be nowhere near as intense as school.
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