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VIP Member
The whole theatre disruption thing is so dreadfully middle class.

I feared they didn't have the courage of their convictions in a prior post. Looks like I'm right.
Ironically the vast majority of those theatre goers affected will have travelled by public transport. Fucking morons
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Chatty Member
Would the actual surface of the stones have some kind of legal protectionattached/implied like with certain listed buildings or something?
Seeing lichens spray painted has set me off a bit which is uncommon for me.
Wouldn't be surprised if access to the site is totally prohibited after this. (I know there's existing access covenants already)
Dyed Cornflour apparently but regardless I can't see the relevance with their statement:-

"Just Stop Oil said the motivation behind the incident was to demand the next UK government end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030"
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I'm not seeing much public sympathy or awareness of what they want other than buildings to be orange, to be honest.
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VIP Member
Isn’t vandalising art a criminal act? I might have just made that up; I’ve just finished reading a dystopian novel :LOL:
I think if you shout something like "this monstrosity is an overrated waste of space" while throwing a bucket of paint, can of soup etc at it then that's completely fine as you are making both a valid critique and an artistic contribution at the same time.

I was a bit stuck 😇 on the connection with art but now I think about it, it's so obvious - the painting was done using oils! So is therefore inherently evil and should be banned, which totally makes sense :unsure: how on earth did I miss that 😎
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VIP Member
Of the XR protestors, I'd love to know how many drive/get driven to these protests. How many take more environmentally friendly forms of transport?

My mother and sister are nowhere near XR level but it drives me crazy when they talk about being environmental despite driving everywhere and rarely taking the train or even walking (despite living in urban areas in Central Scotland where many things are walking distance or accessible by trains, most of which are electric). It's so hypocritical and I bet that's the attitude of many environmental activists. Until they sort that out, there's no way I can take them seriously.
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Was the above written by a five year old?

Seems like it, as I can't make sense of any of it.
I suspect they are referencing the Sarah Everard case. Not entirely sure why though as last time I looked Wayne Couzens was serving a life sentence having been caught through some very quick, efficient, and effective police work.

CCTV played a major part in obtaining the conviction. Just sayin'. Damn fascists....
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Emmelina Ball

VIP Member
They’ve done the same thing to a Aston Martin shop near Park Lane.

Came here to post this! What on earth is going on - have these people lost their mind?! I have seen quite a few of these kind of videos today it all seems insanity to me.
The milk ones are also absolutely disgusting. I don’t drink cows milk myself but my god in the middle of a cost of living crisis people wasting food like that?! It’s crazy. I feel most sorry for the minimum wage workers who will have to clean that up it’s disgusting.

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Bubbles Tizzy

Active member
I just saw this on twitter, 10mph could do lots of damage still. What pillocks.

GB News



National Highways should reduce motorway speed limits to as low as 10mph when Insulate Britain protests on a carriageway, a member of the campaign group told the High Court.
Insulate Britain: Motorway speed limits should be 10mph during our protests
Dr Diana Warner, a member of Extinction Rebellion offshoot, demanded that the roads agency work with protesters to 'ensure safety for everyone'
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VIP Member
I've been waiting for this announcement. Good news. Hopefully other events will start to follow suit.

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VIP Member
Hasn't free/subsidised insulation been available via government schemes and grants for years? Have they recently dropped this initiative or something? I know this bunch are part of the overall climate change movement, but it just seems a really niche thing to be protesting about.
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VIP Member
The Stonehenge attack has made me think very uncharacteristic violent thoughts towards these people. They don't care about the climate, they are just scumbags. They don't care about anything. This is all about their hatred for humanity and probably themselves.

I'd say lock them up but it won't happen so at this point I'd quite like to see them do a stunt when the "wrong person" is around who might not be afraid of the consequences of their actions.

And I am someone who very much believes that climate change is a real threat, that more should be happening to tackle it, that would support non thuggery protests with all my heart... but this is a whole weird thing all on its own and I even wonder if they've been infiltrated by Nazi types because how can they not see their actions are never going to work ever?
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VIP Member
I glad someone is starting to push back, one day one of them is going to get hurt and it is their own fault. Roads are for cars not people and if you sit on one you take the risk of getting run over.

They are not helping their cause but they are too blind sided to see it, must be nice to be free to sit on the road without much worry while other lose money, education, medical treatment.
Watching that clip I had an OMG moment before I realised the woman's hands were free but made me think it's lucky she hadn't glued herself to the road - I hope they stop doing that bit of it at least because that's not going to end well, I don't see how it can.
I don't mean anything deliberate either, there's any amount of incidents where a car has been shunted forward by someone not stopping in time, even when there's been a couple of cars between.
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VIP Member
I knew someone who protested with just stop / insulate Britain- he got a suspended sentence and a criminal record. His wife would also post that stupid hashtag everywhere on non related topics.

He now writes : “having lived a relatively privileged life . As a white, middle-class man, I regret not recognising sooner the suffering of others less fortunate than me at the hands of the state.”


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Chatty Member

I know you have to kick up a fuss as a protest in parliament Square is so easy to ignore, but this isn't it

I'm not even sure retrofitting insulation even works, can cause so much problems doing things like filling a cavity that was designed to be a breathable void!
Exactly this! Heard of so many issues with mould and damp after homes being insulated.
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Well-known member
These are not true environmentalist. They're causing damage, and the only thing they're achieving is making eco-campaigners look terrible, spoiled, over-privileged hypocrites.

On a now deleted site, there was information that these "activists" are actually receiving a wage, which makes me think that big companies are paying them to destroy the reputations of actual environmentalists.
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Norfolking Good

VIP Member
There have been some interesting discussions on Twitter with police chipping in regarding the woman nudging the protester with her car.
A few police officers whilst saying that blocking a public road is illegal, to drive at a protester then opens the driver up to prosecution so it is a bit of a 6 of 1 and half dozen of the other. Quite why the ER douche bags haven’t been arrested yet is beyond me!
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