Anyone else think they're going on about shutting down Heathrow tomorrow as a decoy, and they'll turn up set up camp at on Gatwick's runway
Yep that will all go straight to land fill and won't get sorted into recycling (not that a lot of things that get put into recycling get recycled anyway)I think the point is it's a pile of plastic and whatever else, a lot of it is single use. It's from people claiming they care but can't use a reusable water bottle or are chucking carrier bags, which a lot of us don't do. It's a bit hypocritical to claim they care about the planet but are doing less than the average person.
It's easy to criticize others out there trying to make a change while you're sat on your backside bitching and moaning about them on a website. Clearly not able to see the bigger picture and realise it's about doing what's necessary in the moment. It's estimated we have 12 years left. %1$s&share= don't know much about it apart from the leaflet I had through my door about it last night but can't take any organisation or whatever they are seriously when they are leafletting about climate change
I don't actually see the need for you to be so aggressive.It's easy to criticize others out there trying to make a change while you're sat on your backside bitching and moaning about them on a website. Clearly not able to see the bigger picture and realise it's about doing what's necessary in the moment. It's estimated we have 12 years left. %1$s&share=
They will sort out all the single use plastic, it won't go to landfill.
The ignorance is shocking, if you want a planet for your child to grow up in you should be doing something about it to! We all should.
Sorry @Bubu this wasn't meant to quote you it was supposed to be Sherlock.
The tone from many supporters of the protests all over the Internet, TV and radio has been aggressive overall I've noticed. Its possibly why people are not having much sympathy.You’re the only two getting aggressive on this thread in replies.
I understand passionate but that’s very different to aggressive.