Climate Activists

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Anyone else think they're going on about shutting down Heathrow tomorrow as a decoy, and they'll turn up set up camp at on Gatwick's runway
Part of me wonders if they assume people will think that and it’s sort of a double bluff!

I just wished they’d stop now. I don’t think they are helping their cause.
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I didn’t even think of that, but it’s the uncertainty for millions now.
Peaceful protests my ass, emergency services shouldn’t be working 12+ hour shifts and having days off cancelled. People shouldn’t be having holidays ruined.
If I was going anywhere near there I’d be pissed off.

“Peaceful protest” just translates into “massive disruption but not that many black eyes or pepper spray used” 😏
And the people who are doing the media interviews are come across as arrogant twats.
This isn’t gonna be getting public support at any rate. 🙄
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It’s not peaceful by any stretch of the imagination. They are not too far from me and I needed to pop out to grab a few bit for Easter for the kids and it was hell. I did not feel comfortable in the slightest. I was just so pleased I didn’t have the kids with me but this week I have not felt comfortable taking them out.
Was listening to Chris Packham on the radio and he was claiming its all peaceful however there's been over 300 arrests so they're obviously breaking the laws at some stage. It's also a bit pointless they are interrupting public transport as they are forcing people to drive surely? Bit of irony there. I've not actually heard any of them say what it is they are hoping to achieve. Surely the government is busy enough at the moment.

Also where is this action in other countries? They're targeting the UK government what about the rest of the world? Are they not contributing to the problem then?
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So grateful to these people for protesting to protect all of us. We are ALL literally facing being burnt to death or drowning and some of you are complaining that the activists aren't peaceful enough for you? What the duck? Do you understand climate change? If we don't die a horrific death because of it, your children will. It's not debatable; it's DEFINITELY HAPPENING. These are some of the first people to be arrested. It'll be you one day, when you're scared enough to disrupt the status quo. Support them, they are your allies.
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I don't know much about it apart from the leaflet I had through my door about it last night but can't take any organisation or whatever they are seriously when they are leafletting about climate change
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I think the point is it's a pile of plastic and whatever else, a lot of it is single use. It's from people claiming they care but can't use a reusable water bottle or are chucking carrier bags, which a lot of us don't do. It's a bit hypocritical to claim they care about the planet but are doing less than the average person.
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I think the point is it's a pile of plastic and whatever else, a lot of it is single use. It's from people claiming they care but can't use a reusable water bottle or are chucking carrier bags, which a lot of us don't do. It's a bit hypocritical to claim they care about the planet but are doing less than the average person.
Yep that will all go straight to land fill and won't get sorted into recycling (not that a lot of things that get put into recycling get recycled anyway)
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I think when you start having such a hugely negative impact on the general public and putting such pressure on emergency services.
You’re doing the cause you’re serving a disservice.
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I don't know much about it apart from the leaflet I had through my door about it last night but can't take any organisation or whatever they are seriously when they are leafletting about climate change
It's easy to criticize others out there trying to make a change while you're sat on your backside bitching and moaning about them on a website. Clearly not able to see the bigger picture and realise it's about doing what's necessary in the moment. It's estimated we have 12 years left. %1$s&ampshare=
They will sort out all the single use plastic, it won't go to landfill.

The ignorance is shocking, if you want a planet for your child to grow up in you should be doing something about it to! We all should.

Sorry @Bubu this wasn't meant to quote you it was supposed to be Sherlock.
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Out of interest and not hating on either of you at all.
If you had been heading away with your family today and missed your flight because of this “peaceful protest” or you were mugged, and the scumbag got away because there was no police officer available in the area to assist you.
Would you be ok with that, saying both were for the greater good?
You’re the only two getting aggressive on this thread in replies.
I understand passionate but that’s very different to aggressive.
@I do not spark joy @NitrousOxide
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It's easy to criticize others out there trying to make a change while you're sat on your backside bitching and moaning about them on a website. Clearly not able to see the bigger picture and realise it's about doing what's necessary in the moment. It's estimated we have 12 years left. %1$s&ampshare=
They will sort out all the single use plastic, it won't go to landfill.

The ignorance is shocking, if you want a planet for your child to grow up in you should be doing something about it to! We all should.

Sorry @Bubu this wasn't meant to quote you it was supposed to be Sherlock.
I don't actually see the need for you to be so aggressive.
I just think, like many people, it's hypocritical to cause absolute chaos for people living their day to day lives when those people are probably doing their bit more than these protesters. Dumping all their crap in the street that someone has to clean up and sort, if they bother. They're not even doing the basics themselves so how can they do what they're doing with integrity? They've been doing it how long now and haven't changed a thing, just become a huge drain on resources.

I know the message, I've heard about it enough on the radio and read about it, I'm not ignorant about it. Not agreeing with what you are saying doesn't make me ignorant.

You’re the only two getting aggressive on this thread in replies.
I understand passionate but that’s very different to aggressive.
The tone from many supporters of the protests all over the Internet, TV and radio has been aggressive overall I've noticed. Its possibly why people are not having much sympathy.
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I largely support what they're trying to do, there has bit of a smear campaign as probably so many of the millionaires running the big newspapers are tied into fossil fuels and the continual extraction. The ones I've heard interviewed on LBC have been articulate and well spoken.

Too many gotchas - the rubbish wasn't that much and could have been from the spectators or journalists trying to make a point. We're all hypocritical to a certain extent just trying to do our best in the situation, no ones perfect.

As good as the Attenborough documentary is, it would just make most people think not to buy palm oil for the next 30 mins then it slips to the back of their head.

There does need to be a re-jigging of the economy to move away from fossil fuels and stop extracting them, but it makes people rich and is easier than developing alternatives. Ultimately the human race will be wiped out one day, I think it's all too late for anything to change. It's been the biggest story in a long time and has got people speaking and it's all over now with them just protesting in marble arch so can be ignored.
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I'm in two minds about them. But watch from 0:50 where they lose control of the hose shortly after turning and it's just spraying over the floor :LOL:

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Both sides to this “argument” are passionate il give them that.
I do believe in what they’re fighting for, but I don’t agree with how they’re going about it


🤣🤣 irony
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It is the hypocrisy that I can't stand. No wonder as a society we are becoming more divided.

I live in a city that tends to have a strong opinion on things. We've had 2 efforts to shut down my city on a weekend by Extinction Rebellion. First one I decided to go and have a nosey.


It was cringe - these are our hardcore anarchists. The aim was to shut down the city to all traffic, including public transport. Privileged people shutting down the city to those who cannot afford to live here, struggling local businesses losing money due to the disruption.

I expected passion and heated exchanges. What we had was an embarrassing display of virtue signalling.

What I don't get is why do they do it in a city like mine, where I imagine most people would be aware of the cause and would be a city most likely to support the cause. Why not go to Bradford or Rochdale and see the reception they get? I do get it really, all they want is a pat on the back from other like-minded people.
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Is this the group that shut a major road and a man couldn’t get to his dying father in time?
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