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I love the fact that he blames a fucking rock floating around in space 238 855 miles away for his bad moods and not the fact that he lives in a postage stamp, has crippling debt, a shit diet, is failing at being an Influencer and is so sad he packed for his holibobs an entire year in advance. Sure babe. Blame the moon 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Living his best life?

Fucking hell. If that is classed as a best life put me in the cremator ma lovelies
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"Don't think would could handle pudding".....I wish this imbecile would check his posts. And we'll not go there with the grammar 🙄

View attachment 2763837
That veg looks putrid. And who the fuck is putting Bisto on a steak!?! I’m vegetarian and even I know that’s a punishable offence! And let’s be honest here Mario. You’re not buying M&S food because you have such high food standards. You get it because Deek works for them and probably gets an employee discount. Stop trying to act like you have a sophisticated palette. We’ve all seen the shit you attempt to cook and the artery blockers you order out.

And buying the accessories before he’s even decorated? He always does everything backwards! Normal people refit their bathroom and THEN accessorise. Let me guess. He’s bought yet another reed diffuser because the 400 he’s already got crammed into that little shoebox wasn’t enough.
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It’s another wee cat isn’t it?
I really hope not. Poor Rayn has been an only bairn for 7 years and cats find having a new kitten in the nonhoose tough. Two cats in that tiny bedsit is heartbreaking. Not to mention the smell.

I have two indoor cats (ragdolls) in a six bedroom three storey house (smell the wealth) and they have the run of the place, plus loads of toys and cat trees and hiding spots. The idea of two cats being cooped up in two teeny rooms kills me.
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What the hell is he playing at dragging the pics of that poor girl out. Fucking grief thief he is. Hadn’t spoken to her for a year before she died, from his fault by his own admission. But he’ll drag her out for a bit of attention and engagement. Creep
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Just a reminder that while he was posting this, he was sitting in an awful looking Chinese restaurant in Paisley eating diarrhea with chips as part of the £9.95 lunch special, and scrolling Tattle. Best life being truly lived, also.

Hi Mario. Your new couch looks cheap and tacky 👋

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This fat whale diving on it, has probably buckled the legs already. Same clothes again. Featuring a bathroom cabinet, also.
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It's suddenly dawned on me Hinches management has told her to invite him as an equality move. Hard of learning and seeing friend in a forever cozzie living crisis. It shows that she's a woman of the people, you don't need a mansion and lamas to be in her crew, look everyone she has a 'real' friend who lives in a real life crack house, she doesn't judge. She's so diverse. I bet she will be spraying the sanitiser after him as he ponces around her gaff. I bet most the house is strictly off bounds. Probably a marquee in the garden.
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Uhhh Mazza.

It's not unusual to have non follower reach ya dafty.

Does this mean I'm an influencer if my post reached 10x my meager little following?
He's a bellend! How are people meant to know if they want to follow him or not unless they watch his content! And there he is, calling them cunts. There's a reason your account hasn't grown Marion and its not because you've been shadow banned, that's the excuse you give yourself. It's because you're a nasty bastard and no one likes you.
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He is such a bitch. He'll read this as a compliment and it's far from it. He's the punchline of jokes not just to us but to the instacunts he considers them childhood besties, (we all know how he treats his real life pals). Anyway he still stuck In that bitchy high-school phase, the "I don't give a fuck" attitude - you well and truly do mario! Rips out you. The tongue smacking the roof his mouth n lip smacking have sent me over the edge 🤣 he's pissed me off with his immature bollocks. He'd probably be well more liked if he grew up a bit, matured enough. He's the definitely a wee scheme cow that thought she was we ticket. He's never grew out of it. I can't go folk with that kind of mentality, they're embarrassing!

I didn't sleep good last night hens, so in a cunt of a mood the day and that wee arsepiece needs his squidward nose punched back in!

Sorry for the rant hens!

Back tae my ain lane, also
So on an so forth!
New York, in America
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Little Miss Planner

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Why does he act so old? He's only 40 and, not sticking up for him, but what's stopping him from going to that metro place?? He is!! It doesn't matter what age you are, if you want to do something then get up off your lazy arse Mario and enjoy yourself! I thought this was his F it year?? I'm on my 50s and I'm in places near me with all ages. Nobody cares. He's just using it as an excuse not to go.

What's weird is a 40 year old in a hoody saying he's in his jammies "aw cozy" at a time of night when toddlers are still up. He acts like he's going g to do all these new things and then moans and finds reasons not to. Fine if you don't want to expand your comfort zone but then don't post all those passive aggressive quotes sayings it's his year blag blah. He's a walking contradiction of his own quotes
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