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she needs to be careful what she says on youtube incase she wants to go back to being a reporter. she might be turned down for some of the things she has said about the job and other companies
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I just watched the latest video (which are, by the way…. Getting less view. I wonder if she’s correlating this new life with people not liking the videos as much). Plus, it seems so obvious Zac is dreading the move and is stress is making him ill. He literally told her she can go without him 😂

She claimed her job and terrible work situation was making her sick (or have health issues)… why wouldn’t it be possible the same could be true for him!?
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I really used to like her, she’s become so obnoxious and if she wears one more tablecloth as a dress I’m going to throw a Japanese sweet potato at her.
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Let's move to a different city but all that has changed is I eat my chocolate oatmeal out of a small bowl instead of a cup!
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I must admit I've tried her chocolate oatmeal and it had bitter taste. 😣 I don't get it how she can eat same breakfast (and lunch) for YEARS!
That's cos you're a hater and you hate on her and she will have to address the hate in her next video.

Jokes aside, Clancy continues to whine and whine about her "haters" when most comments about her "money saving" tips were very respectful and reasonable. She really thinks she did something giving people advice to skip Starbucks. Also, a Hello fresh sponsorship?! The girl who eats 5 things surely is the perfect face for the service. The way she did the sponsorship also put me off even though I only saw a small clip of it. It looks just like a TV commercial and like she didn't even bother to try and make it authentic.
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I went back and rewatched yesterday's vlog (you're welcome for the views, Clance) to see if I could remember what prompted me to make an account and comment here. It was a combo of two things: Clancy's very apparent unhappiness and the way Zac is acting/treating Clancy. Someone said it earlier, and I have to agree, if Clancy could convincingly lie FOR YEARS about loving her TV news reporting job, she can and will lie about being happy w other things. And I totally get having to be professional and use discretion about what you share online while still employed at the job you hate, but nevertheless, she wasn't honest w her audience. There was never any hint that she hated her job, the one unique thing that brought many of us to her channel. For years, I thought she really loved her work and yes, I admired not only her work ethic but the fact that she kept a "real" job even w half a million YouTube subs. Come to find out, she was putting up a front AND hiding a very real struggle w anxiety. I hate to say it bc I don't want anyone struggling w anxiety, it sucks, but when she shared that struggle, I liked her even more bc it made her that much more relatable. Her vlogs are now pretty boring and cringy to watch.
As for Zac, he is openly hostile to her at his point. Granted, we have no idea what goes on when the camera isn't on, but if we can see glimpses of his hostility when the cameras are on, I can only imagine the fights they are having when they're off. In every. single. clip w Zac, they are either arguing or he's quipping back w a contradictory statement to what she's said. When they were in the car talking about going to Bar Louie, Clancy said she hoped they would go more than once and he poo-poo'd on that. Then when they were walking back from the Goat when Clancy wasn't feeling well, he said something about NEVER going to Bar Louie, which hurt my feelings for her bc she obvs loves that place and wants to go really badly. He just can't help but shit on everything she says/likes. Then he didn't make the effort to get up and go to the couples workout w her. He laid on the couch and made fun of her for vlogging, which is her literal job now. He made fun of her clothes. He hid her oatmeal, which might be playful, but his attitude towards her clearly isn't, so even that action comes into question. And of course, he fought w her about being late to their engagement photo shoot. Not only is it rude to make the photographer wait (yes, even 3 minutes is rude, imo) but he knowingly took his time getting ready knowing how important being on time is to Clancy. That's not healthy or loving. Then, according to her, Clancy literally couldn't tell him how she felt about it for days lest it upset him. Girl, run.
I just hope that even if Clancy doesn't read these posts, her mom or bff do and they will take up the cause to save Clancy from a very unhappy marriage. They both need to grow up, go to therapy, and learn the value of honesty.
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Glitter Girl

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Looking back she definitely wasn't a good news reporter though. She constantly complained, had issues with her stuff (which I'm sure is normal but with her it was like everyday lmao), and would be vlogging instead of getting ready. I'm not sure how her weather reporting was. Imagine waking up and someone complaining and not having a fun time. I would not want to see that one my TV. I'm sure the rating went up when she left. 🤷🏼‍♀️

She isn't growing as a travel vlogger either. Maybe she should pick something else in general.
Meh, I don't remember her complaining on air. She saved that for the vlog. I actually thought on-air she was pretty good. She brought the pep and was good at making people excited about whatever she was covering. She was much better than the news people in my market (comparable market size to Cincy).

Agree that you're not a travel vlogger unless you're actually showing us things about the city, not generic bars and running the same errands you'd run if you were at home. I couldn't care less how many people you're meeting up with. I want to see Nashville. She needs to follow some legit travel vloggers or even real estate You Tubers who do those "10 Things to Know about (city name) Before Moving Here" or whatever.
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I’ve been following this thread for a few weeks. I used to be a fan of her reporting life and how disciplined she is. That’s what kept me watching. What rubbed me the wrong way is how she and Zac interact with each other. It can be kind of mean sometimes. I can see that they probably have a tease-flirt dynamic but it’s still uncomfortable to watch them together. It’s cringy.

I agree, her last video is very telling of how she exaggerates things when Zac said “What you say isn’t real”. I get the vibe that she’s got a really strong work ethic, but to an unhealthy extreme just like her other habits. It seems she has anxiety over being the top performer, like she wants to be seen as the one who works every holiday even though no one is forcing her and she won’t be fired for taking time off. It’s too much, and it gets old after a while.

ALSO! I googled her name and found that a book was published by a “Clancy Burke” called Girls, Gloss, and Gossip Galore. It’s on Amazon and it seems it was published in 2008. I’m not sure if that’s her…so I came here to ask, do any of you know if she’s mentioned writing this book in her older YT videos?
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She snapped back at a comment saying Zac is obviously stressed about the travels - "Are you his doctor? If not, we respectfully ask that you please keep your input and opinions to yourself". lol

So now that they have some issues and the influencer life is not all praise, naps and money, Clancy has complains? People are going to have opinions if you share your boyfriend's bathroom schedule, Clancy, just like they do when it comes to his job, etc. You can't have it both ways - if you go the easy road and spend your days taking pics and talking about dresses (cringy af btw), you have to deal with the negatives too.

She keeps trying to prove that she's working hard, it's ridiculous. I can't feel bad for her missing pool days because she has to edit another vlog in which she is at the pool. Also, those travels already look so so sad.
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I absolutely cannot stand her lol. I thought her reaction to the engagement situation was extremely odd and I personally don’t foresee the relationship lasting. She seems like a terrible person to be around and all she does is complain and act holier than thou. Zac is the exact opposite of her and not in a complimentary way.

She’s definitely a “pick me” girl and acts as if she’s better than everyone because she eats “healthy” (her eating habits are the furthest thing from it) and because she doesn’t spend a lot of money. Newsflash: you don’t get an award for being “not like other girls”, you just make a lot of potential subscribers forever turned off due to your horrid god complex. I’m so over her - rant over :)
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Happy to see a Clancy thread! I also used to consider her a complete breath of fresh air with the lack of sponsorship, working in a 'regular' job (I know her job and hours isn't exactly normal, but she's paid a salary unlike most influencers) and she doesn't live excessively. As time as gone on though I find myself watching less and less. Her titles are all click baits of how hard her life is, and her relationship with Zac feels very strained and unnatural, and the food thing, omg the food thing!

Clancy's eating is essentially disordered, she has an excessive focus on eating healthily and because she does have severe allergies, she's able to justify her extreme restriction. She does have a real holier than thou attitude to her eating and exercise, even if it's her diet that has resulted in such a severe vitamin deficiency.

The other thing I find really annoying is her attitude to money, again she thinks her quite privileged lifestyle is just the norm - I don't get the impression she has ever known what it's like to have to put something on a credit card or to go without because you can't afford. She made a massively deal about buying her car and how she didn't want to spend the money, as if everyone can just buy a new/almost new car with cash and it's fine, but she gives of this air that if you can't, it's 100% your fault rather than acknowledging that her circumstances mean she can do that.
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Zac was 100% right. You can’t wear a cover up over a bikini to a restaurant. What the actual hell lmao 😂. It was all wrinkled too. It would take literally two minutes to throw on a decent shirt and shorts.

As far as style goes, I’ve never in my life seen anyone actually meet the criteria of “cheugy” until Clancy.
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If you took a shot for every time she mentioned her sleeping schedule, you’d black out and sleep for a week straight.
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Zac all sloppy like that on film was gross. I’d be pissed if my significant other put me online like that. What might future clients think? Maybe only the ones who get wasted are the ones you care about. Zac looks like a old creepy guy that still goes to clubs with his bald ass and unbuttoned shirts. ZAC YOU ARE 30 NOT 22. I feel like Clancy is so eager to please if she found someone who liked parakeets as much as zac liked liquor she’d open a pet shop.
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She is extremely passive aggressive in the comments. I’ve criticized her few times and she always wrote back with an arrogant and ignorant tone. I stopped watching her few weeks ago but still enjoying this thread and all your thoughts here. Never giving her my views anymore. She sucks at everything.
I love pissing her off at her comments 😂😂😅 I wrote something like she used to be so passionate and driven eith her career and now shes changed so much taking this yt path. Wow she went mad big time and wrote a novel how happy and passionate she is with her new lifestyle 😊😊😊😊 and people came kissing her ass like she shits rainbows poor clancy!

Ps. Thanks for all the comments😂😂😅 I cant watch her anymore she pisses me off so much. She thinks so highly of herself. Shes a mega cheapskate bore and her content is awful. Now she tries to be a fashion influencer with her awful dress sense. Who are all these people licking her ass at the comments??? "clancy you make my day by posting" please get a life people 😂😂🙈
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Looks like her commenters are also seeing how cheap she is, hopefully it’ll be an eye opener and she’ll be a little Les tight on the purse strings! (And hopefully hire a professional to do her wedding makeup )
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I just don’t get it. You’re in Nashville. There are literally hundreds of things to do and show to your audience. Museums, kitschy shops, outdoor gardens…my god, collab with someone and have them show you around if you don’t want to do the research yourself! Challenge Zac to see who can find the weirdest souvenir. At the end of the 12 months, look back and make a video montage about it.

The issue with her content is that Clancy can’t decide if she wants to be relatable and quirky or aspirational and untouchable. You can’t spend a month in every city and try to say you’re just like everyone else. But you also can’t go to those cities and do NOTHING, then call it content. It’s a paradox she’s written herself into.
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Remember when she was complaining a lipstick she got was too dark. Then put it on complained more. In reality it actually suited her lol.
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Clancy can be nasty like a few years ago making fun of a man who started crying when the flight to NY got cancelled. How did she know that he wasn't missing some major life event? She complains when filtered water isn't available in hotel rooms so should have some empathy to peoples emotions.

Having said all that, I agree their relationship is totally unbalanced with Clancy doing all the running. I guess it stems from initially being lonely in Ohio with no friends or family around for support. It was easy of Zac to fall into as a local with no major adjustments to make apart from saving money on rent when they moved in together.
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I’m confused - why would she even need to wear the swimsuit to lunch? She spent FOUR HOURS at lunch with Kristen… And she could’ve thrown the swimsuit on when she got back?!!

I was particularly irked with this vlog… She told Zac she’d get him lunch at Aladdin’s then didn’t get home until 4pm?! Then, showing the texts between Kristen and her husband? Kristen HAD to be tired since they met after her shift and she was at the restaurant for 4 hours. I’d be a bit annoyed if I were Kristen’s husband…!

And yes, her frugality is next-level. Walking to the library to print stuff to go when sending your Poshmark clothes you technically got for free as a part of your job/clothing allowance?!! Come on girl… Go to Staples or FedEx for your printing!
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