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Oliver got chocolate on my pink pillow. Natti accidentally put my grandfather’s plate in the dishwasher. Tess did bad things with my candlestick that even aluminum foil can’t fix. Michael got antifreeze in my crystal glass. Davey was cold so SJ gave him my electric blanket. Dan mistook my beanie for kid 2’s and took it home. Ann Marie is mad because I shaved during Movember. My play is cancelled. My editing suite was flooded and now I may fall through its floor. The China pantry is on hold. SJ spends all her time with other men. But I have forks!
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Marty McFly 9

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I've been wondering ... how many of you are going to watch the Advent vlogs? Personally, I wasn't interested in the first ones and wasn't going to watch them, but then ended up watching them before last year's came out. I ended up enjoying the ones with Michael, mostly for the funny parts, the glasses that he put gold on for candles I thought were pretty and his turkey looks so delicious, but I don't remember a single other thing from them, oh, other than the blooper vlog, I enjoyed that. Last years I didn't like much at all. They were too long, and other than remembering liking ones that had Cat in I don't remember anything from them having an impact on me.

So, my plan is to not watch them, and just read about them here .... I am curious though, so here is a poll:

(y) I plan to watch all the Advent vlogs

❤ I'll watch those that Tartlets recommend

:sick: I might watch some if I'm bored

:mad: I refuse to watch any of them
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Clara Burnett

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What a day! Not only has it become clear that her not-so-well-deserved holiday to SA might have to be cancelled and the reunion with mummy dearest will have to wait, but just now the news got out that in the Netherlands theaters will have to close at night as new stricter covid rules are put in place. Poor SquirrelPants' career in musical theatre will have to be put on ice again as he will not be shining any time soon...
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Thank you once again @Mojo for the new thread. Congrats to @Bleu Lala for the fab title.

I've just watched Dan's vlog and noticed that he talks about Fanny coming to tell him that "she told Channel 4 to call Dan Amaury's best friend." So she chooses and tells Channel 4 how to refer to various people and yet she wasn't consulted about how they should refer to little PhiPhi? I think Dan has just blown that story for her.
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So we had complaints from the usual Dan detractors because Dan went to London for work, leaving poor Annalise at home. Now Annalise goes home for a couple of days to visit family and friends, leaving Dan with the boys - sounds fair enough to me. Instead let's start suggesting that she's only in rural France because it's what Dan wants. I really can't see Annalise as the subservient little woman, under the control of her husband/partner. It sounds as though this young couple have managed to work out a relationship that suits them so why are people still trying to pick at their relationship, with the support of both of their families. They seem pretty happy and getting on with building their home and family together.
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Thanks for not attacking me. It's interesting how we all interpret things based on our own backgrounds. I truly respect your opinion. But, putting the fact that he is gay aside, I believe is not possible in a discussion. I've watched my brother and son suffer terribly due to homophobic people. for instance, passed over for promotions, turned down from condo associations, and teased mercilessly in school. It affects a person.
Its not a secret that I dislike Teabag and I think of him as a "spiv".
Its not because he is gay !!
At the start of his channel I was a keen viewer as he has a artistic eye for the camera view and he placed the music background to the pictures beautifully . In fact , if he went to film making school he would have gone far ! Its all "in the eye" and that is a rare talent to have.
What I did not like was the patreon money and the begging for Spode etc.
In fact I have a hard time with Patreon for anybody! If I want something I have to buy it myself and save up but OK...... he got this money thrown at him for the Cottage !!!
So smart was he that he used that money for "good times" overseas and the cottage was neglected and that was what the money was for . That was very dishonest and the spiv came out .
I do believe I started to change my mind about him when at Christmas time his huge Spode platter broke and he begged for someone to send him one ... "only joking" but ...... he was not . That did it for me and when he got a new one sent .... that did it for him!
I joined Tattle then.
Of course the "Not Fair" speech when he came back from Spain with hardly any money and the cottage is still empty just put the cherry on top of the cake for me and many others !
I do not care if someone is gay, straight , pink or green ...... dishonest people I do not like. You can never trust them.

Morning All !
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Chatty Member
I am going to go against the grain and say that Philip's new table setting channel is the best thing since sliced baguette!

Who needs Stefanny and her slave labour camp or Teabag and his rentboys when we have Squirrel Boy penetrating a napkin ring.

COVID is cancelled because everybody is at home carving pumpkin tealights and polishing their granny silver.

Oh but wait, did you know you can use foil to hold candles in place? Someone tell this toothpick-on-a-diet that 19th century happened already.

Now I must go as my lunch is back in my mouth again 🤮
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Selmar and Tatty need funding and they are starting a kickstarter account.
I am flabbergasted!
Renovating a chateau from donations is one thing, but purchasing an entire chateau through crowdfunding is a whole new level of grifting, not to mention a whole new level of stupid!
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6 hours ago
Michael's settings-table decor for Tkg 2019 were glorious. Phil's are mundane.


6 hours ago
Unfortunately you felt the need to post a negative comment, I am sorry you are so sad and obviously need some love in your life to help you see the best in everyone. Namaste.


Tony InLosAngeles
19 minutes ago
@VC frankly it ended up being a pile of pumpkins in three stacks on the table and two candle sticks. Housewives in middle America with an elementary school education put more effort and have a nicer table with stuff from the dollar store!
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OMG! BJJ's first vlog, talk about stating the bleeding obvious showing people how to put a napkin in a ring and how to put candles in a holder with a mention of his grandmother of course and his grandparents' dinner service! Where are they going to put the serving dishes with loads of large pumpkins on the table? The main thing that struck me was the speed at which he speaks, like a bullet train! Very few non-native speakers will be able to follow what he's saying! It's the polar opposite of Nicholas Fairford in terms of speed and elegance. He looks ridiculous in his pumpkin-like beanie. He really looks like a teenager and there's something very pathetic about someone of his age telling people how to set a table! It really beggars belief that SJ wants him for a partner! How long will it be before he starts a patron account?
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The Chateau Diaries

t free

3 hours ago
Great to see Michael there…he can do everything and it’s always great !!


Tony InLosAngeles
31 minutes ago (edited)
Like give away nearly all the money you people gave him to some hustler to get his 🍑slapped, spent the next six months of this year while in Spain with multiple people and lied why he was going and what he was up to. Pretended he was in France premiering videos while he was dancing at gay pride with the twins. Came back and begged for more money from everyone… only now to find out there is a good chance he will be homeless and never live in the cottage the internet built. As the Tiger 🐯 says “it’s Grrreat”
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T Rex

VIP Member
I watched her last two, and while the town is certainly picturesque she keeps showing the same few streets over and over. Also, she is entirely propped up by Jill (?) and Nicky, her accommodation, studio, and also meals it seems. I would be impressed if she was actually doing things on her own.
Marie was in such a state when she left the Shitoo, so I am glad someone gave her a helping hand. (She went "home" to her mum and was pretty much given the boot. I don't think her mum was a nurturing type of woman.) Haworth is not very big, so the same street scenes are unlikely to change. Whilst it is not Marie truly doing it on her own (she has neither the finances to do so, nor the knowledge), it is good to see her trying to make a better life (and seeing the kindness of other people.) I do suspect Nikki feels the need to someone to take under her wing and mother, so it is beneficial for them both. I used to be one of Marie's biggest critics, but am more empathetic now- I like to see people succeed, and make their lives better. We only saw the worst sides of her whilst living at the Shitoo- which was a toxic cesspool.
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Dippy Hippy

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Maybe I'm the only person who feels like this, but I found MPKs ripping up of the altarstone in the Chapel quite disturbing.
I'm a practising Catholic, but I hope, not narrow-minded or very religious. The Chapel is clearly still consecrated, or the relic would have been removed. It felt like vandalism somehow to jemmy it up.
I didn't find the photos of the model in underwear taken in the Chapel offensive,( an earlier thread) that was just someone trying to be shocking. I know some people were horrified by that.
The relic is usually a part of a saints body, or something that belonged to them. This just felt like desecration. I think it should have been left alone really.
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Yes, but then rules and restrictions do not apply to SJ. Good God, she is above such frivolous things.
It would be such karma if SJ could go NOWHERE this winter to escape her freezing cold doghouse and she had to stay there and live in the ice cold dump she created.
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Yeah, being from Canada, I really notice this 'class thing' - funny, because my friends are rich/poor/ highly educated, tradespeople and some with high school diplomas but the divide is just not there to the same extent as it is in some other countries. If somebody is a 'snob', for lack of a better word, they tend to be stigmatized as having a social adjustment problem.
I can’t stand a snob. Everyone has something to offer. One of the coolest cats I ever met randomly was a tour bus driver I happened to stoke up a conversation with as we both stood the same spot for smoke nearly every day. He was a super skinny old black man with dreads. He loved movies. Like, LOVED movies. He’d come up to chat with me nearly every day for years. We were an odd couple. I was 30-something corporate dressed female, he was him with an old ball cap in khakis and sweatshirt. We’d talk movies and how’s life treating you mostly. I heard some great pearls of wisdom from him and we always had lively conversation. I’ll take good people, no matter their station, over a bad person of status anytime.
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Sophie Pétoncule

Well-known member
In regard to the comment above, 👆
we have a reply ...
Custard Cream
22 hours ago
@The Chateau Diaries thanks Ollie, but we will have to agree to disagree on this matter, the panelling is not renovation it’s furniture as it can be removed, I hope that Stephanie has checked with her Patreons that they are OK with using their money in this way instead of addressing the rendering, windows and heating
So she says that because the chateau spans many centuries, she can justify the panelling that wasn’t originally there yet she doesn’t want shutters on some parts outside because they weren’t originally there. Make your bloody mind up woman! Are you restoring or just redecorating?
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