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VIP Member
Yeah we get it. Heartbreak sucks. She’s hurting. Of course. Doesn’t mean she has to post everything so publicly to her large following and subtweet her ex with posts aimed at him does it? As she likes to remind us, she’s nearly 30. She’s acting like a teenager.
I never said it meant she had to post everything so publicly, of course she is, she’s Carrie. We all know how she is, I was explaining the points I was trying to make. Yes, she’s insufferable, but how do we know he isn’t as well? I always thought they both were insufferable. How do we know he wouldn’t be acting the same way she is about the breakup publicly if he wasn’t under contract with Disney though? She’s needs to stop putting everything on social media, she needs to open her eyes and realize it’s not the place to be putting everything about your personal life. It makes her look like a twat a lot of times and she needs to realize that too. That’s my opinion, nobody has to agree with it.


VIP Member
She doesn't strike me as an adventurous traveller. And as I don't think it's possible to visit China at the moment, or Japan come to that my bet is the original Disneyland in california lol


VIP Member
Maybe it’s a big deal to people who are really interested in theatre but to most people it’s not well known
You could probably say the same for Hamilton but Carrie would kill to be in Hamilton.

To be fair, you could say the same for Carrie herself.
Now that I think about it, it was probably not a fun night for Oliver. Yeah the show he’s in won most of the awards but he had to watch one of his exes performing a song with her boyfriend, and another one winning an award and doing a speech not long after their break up - not to mention he didn’t win in his category. Probably stung a bit. 😅
Who was the ex who performed with her boyfriend? I don't really know that much about Oliver tbh...


Chatty Member
I feel sorry for carrie if Oliver brings a date and she doesn't. He's got every right to since they're not together, but I do think it will be hard for her to deal with. It'll be worse if she doesn't win and he does
Neither of them are going to win.
Unless she didn’t want the cast proposals to be done onstage ....
Exactly- that would have been the show Georgina was in as alternate Cinderella and Carrie just couldn’t bear the thought that she would be getting double the spotlight while she was stuck at home with a recent breakup.
I've no idea what went on in the Mcfly fandom, all I know is that she did a video with the Vamps in 2012(?) and as she is Carrie, she kept joking that there were rumours that she was dating them, but I always just took that to be her personality of always wanting to flirt and to seem interesting to boys, so she liked pretending to mock those rumours, yet secretly hype them up at the same time. To be fair, if she did have flings/things with some of the guys in those bands, I say "good on her", women should be able to have a dating life/sex life with however many they want without judgement. I just am not a fan of the coy "oo there are rumours we're a thing - people are so dumb, lolll" while she seems all over every man she sees.

at 1:40:
Off topic but jeez the tuning of those instruments during the poor ears!
I don’t think she cheated. That being said, doesn’t she randomly kisses Rob? Like I know he is gay and all that but I think Carrie is a type of drinker that kisses anyone (remember how she only kisses girl when drunk? 🙄). So maybe Oliver had enough of it, one thing is kissing other people because is your work (acting) but another is acting all romantic with any costar every chance you have.
Thats sort of the point I meant when I say she cheated. I should have clarified sorry! Any sort of kiss unless it’s for a performance is considered cheating in my books. I’d always noticed it and obviously we’re not privy to her private life not on socials but if it’s obvious enough on her socials it’s probably worse irl. Of course, if Carrie is reading this, I’m sorry for being nosy! Also as a side note, I had an ex friend who behaved exactly like Carrie and then she broke all contact with me suddenly so maybe my negative opinions about Carrie are because she reminds me of this ex-friend? Anyway it’s interesting she’s left up all the good morning/evening world videos because there’s no trace of Oliver on any video platforms she uses apart from her finsta/insta now.

Oliver is in a Disney contract who won’t put up with him splashing drama all over the internet. I doubt she cheated, she was way more into him than him her from what I saw but who knows
I think the Disney thing is a good point but haven’t other Disney actors released statements if their long term relationship breaks down? Like Dove Cameron went through a huge break up and they constantly talk about that relationship. I personally just think Oliver keeps to himself more and possibly doesn’t want to anger or upset Carrie further.


This is kinda off topic so sorry if it's not allowed but I noticed Helen George is credited on the Cinderella cast album did she originally play the stepmother and drop out/got replaced or was she just brought in for the album?
Wait as in Call the Midwife Helen George?


VIP Member
Remind me, has she ever actually come out and said that she can’t dance? Admitting her flaws seems very un-Carrie.