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This makes me angry because this is what she does - make people feel bad about perfectly valid opinions!
“You’re wonderful and I’m not” just makes me so sad to read.
Her response makes me think there is no love lost between her and the show’s management now. Encouraging the person to complain higher up is the sound of a pissed off employee. Interesting.
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That crying photo literally looks like she splashed water on her face.

Also, I cannot stand it when anyone takes photos of themselves crying. Who the fuck gets upset, cries, then thinks 'Oop, better the camera out!' It's pathetic when anyone does it, let alone a 29-year-old woman.
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I mean just, who would send this in 🙄
Also isn’t their anniversary March? I wouldn’t call that ‘nearly 4 years’ it’s November… but here’s her trying to confirm 2018 as get together year
Obviously there was no cheating involved!!
Their anniversary seems to change quite a lot. It might be because she has an official anniversary, plus one for when they met, plus another one for when they became friends with benefits… either way I’m still convinced she cheated!
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Oh my god Carrie needs a lie down between shows because she’s NEARLY THIRTY. Get a grip, Karen. It’s not your age affecting you, it’s your health and work ethic. Imagine being a teacher and having a lie down between lessons and you’re excuse being ‘well I just turned 29.’
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Not sure if anyone has posted this already
My thoughts on this are as follows.
This was exactly the same as WEL.
I'm not sure where she thinks she "lost the choreography" at WEL because she didn't do any in that either.
Her lack of training really really shows here. She is going to wreck her voice further belting this with no control continually.
She is unfit for it too.
With the costumes, staging, lighting and leading lady it looked like a substandard amateur production.
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Maybe ALW can do a new reality TV show, 'How do you solve a problem like Carrie' , where she auditions for different roles until they find one that fits
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I usually lurk on this thread but I tuned in to Gary C live last night (couldn't sleep) and someone asked if he'd seen Cinderella on the West End and the speed he went 'oh god, no. I don't want to. I cannot abide ALW' and couldn't help but think that his main real reason was Carrie :')
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If I hadn’t already seen it and was seeing the behaviour being displayed by the cast right now it would definitely put me off. I don’t want to pay to see a show where the cast believe they are better than others because they’ve been cast in a show. ALW was right in a way, no one is entitled to their place on the stage. Everyone is replaceable the same as in any other job role. It’s a bit like biting the hand that feeds you at this point.
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Shes never really had a boss has she, or had to navigate working relationships

She has always been 'the talent' , now she is just a member of the company like anyone else.
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Briar Rose

Active member
Gut feeling tells me what's happened is the performers have just taken ALW's use of the term "service industry" way too literally and their egos simply cannot handle it.

I continue to be shocked at the attitudes on display from so many of these actors.
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didnt Carrie also say something along the lines that she would never sit next to him if they ever had a show together or something like that?
Yes she did, said she'd avoid him. I contacted Papyrus, the anti-bullying charity she represents, to ask how they justified having a bully as their celeb patron, but unsurprisingly never heard back and she has presumably faced absolutely no consequences. The whole thing was disgusting. I hope the man in question is doing well, I felt awful for him.
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I literally can’t think of anything more boring than an advent calendar full of Nespresso pods. Except maybe Carrie’s daily stories of opening said calendar and revealing said pod day after bloody day. It’s day one and it’s already annoying me!
And the fact that it’s #gifted annoys me even more!
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Have just seen that ‘But Im a Cheerleader’ has got booked for Jan 2022. Paul Taylor Mills is producing (same guy that produced Heathers) and Carrie performed songs from it at an event (West end live maybe? Or MT fest?). Wonder if that’s her next job after Cinderella…….
I’m not ready for heteroflexible- I kiss girls when drunk so obvs I’m not straight even if I would never date a girl-Fletcher to come back
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I just can't imagine how people who follow them on social media and do work in the service industry must feel. At this point it's like they have more of an issue with being associated with that industry than with the fact that ALW is a bellend who treats his employees like shit.
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Sometimes it makes me actually mad someone with her talent (or lack of thereof) and absolute disintetest in training and getting better is allowed being where she is and given the opportunities she's given just because of her social media following.
Exactly. She can’t read music, doesn’t have basic dance skills, and can’t act. She really should’ve gone into vocal performance rather than MT. What makes me so mad is her unwillingness to get better at her craft. She claims that learning to read music was a sign of privilege and basically said since poor people can’t learn it, neither will I. Despite there being loads of YouTube videos explaining how to do it. Then there’s her lack of dance training which really limits her rolls. She doesn’t truly love her craft and it shows when she refuses to get better at it.
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How’s Oliver? I’ve heard mixed reviews about his performance and accent.
I would say he’s good. I think this issue with his accent is they’re all doing American accents in a way but he’s the only one very obviously doing a strong to cartoonish American accent, now that I’ve seen Book of Mormon live I’m 90% sure he’s just doing his Elder Price American accent (I hope that makes sense to anyone who’s seen the show) so it does sound quite odd next to Sam and Steph’s far more subtle accents - in terms of performance again I’d put him in the good category especially for dorky Hans, but the accent and some questionable extreme facial expressions does made the twist a little less dramatic than I think it’s meant to be really, so while o would say he’s overshadowed he certainly doesn’t make anything worse if that makes sense? I did actually really like his dorky Hans though like in Love is an Open Door and he’s certainly got a really good voice and his dancing is really good for that number
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