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I honestly don't know how she's getting away with badmouthing (or showing support for badmouthers of) her very high-profile employer, in an extremely obvious and public way. Does anyone know how long her Cinderella contract was initially for?

I hate ALW, I think he's a rancid pompous Tory bellend, but Carrie's being wildly unprofessional here. I think ALW's original point has been blown out of proportion a bit with a clickbait headline about the service industry that will rile up the luvvies - his point about nobody having a right to be on stage is pretty spot on, actually. Maybe it hit a bit too close to home for Carrie, who seems to believe she does have divine right to be up there.

Also, very strange that he doesn't seem to realise that this is yet more bad publicity for his failing show. You'd think he'd be able to keep his trap shut for just a few weeks and let the gala take some positive attention.
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Really can't understand going to musicals if you're that homophobic, it's hardly a safe space for you. Feel really sad for the performer, they're not robots up there, can imagine it's not nice.

When I've been it's always got a huge cheer so I hope they know it's the minority.
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I can understand where she is coming from but isn’t that exactly what she didn’t do in Heathers? She was clearly very ill and (whether it was her decision or not) carried on performing
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Briar Rose

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He really looked disappointed with their comments.
I've never seen anyone as bad at handling constructive criticism as the Fletchers and it seems to begin with their mum, who will rush to shoot down anyone who dares say anything even slightly critical of her darlings. It's sad.
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They clearly see themselves as better than the service industry. As many have said - most jobs are providing a service now. There’s no shame in it but clearly these actors think there is. I wonder if they consider themselves better than the front of house staff who are more obviously providing a service.
It's actually quite astonishing the contempt they are showing many of their audience. They are living up to every luvvie stereotype. The PR disasters continue.
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Longtime lurker here. ALW is her employer. No matter what he says/does - unless you are happy to leave your job right now, you don't post against him online (even by liking other's posts) and still expect to be in your job tomorrow. If you want to quit, then quit. The rest of the cast, who need their jobs, I doubt are even hinting in public about how they feel about his remarks. She is playing a very dangerous game.
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Well that performance started off well and then... deteriorated. I guess we must make allowances though as she can only sing in her theatre.
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Isn't On My Own a bit slow for dancing to as a couple? What are they going to do, crawl?
I'm envisioning lots of standing still and slowly waving their upper bodies and outstretched arms about like trees in the wind.
WIth her barefoot and occasionally breaking into a run for seven steps around him, then wind blown tree again.

Absolutely bizarre choice, almost certainly to desperately shoehorn CHF into the VT ... small chance of it being very very good but far greater chance of just being dull and forgettable.

I'm secretly hoping that Susan Boyle is free on Saturday and they get her instead of Carrie.
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Rumour has ot they have all been instructed to get approval before they post about Cinderella. Finally, the professionals have stepped in. It's not Carrie's show to make comment at, or to swipe at audience members. I think we will find posts are much more muted and not confrontational. Cinderella 2.0 is also about improving the shows public image, which isn't great, and it started with last night.
If they’ve been told they can only post about Cinderella if it’s been approved, that MUST be because of Carrie’s unprofessionalism. She’s the only one who has been dragging it down on social media with her arguing with paying customers.
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This topic of reading music was kicked off when an unknowing student from GSA tweeted that it would be so much easier if MT students could read music. Cue a particularly nasty pile on which featured CHF and some other fairly prominent names in MT.
They accused the student of being entitled and privileged. It all got quite nasty really and C waded right in.
What she and the others did not even consider was that the student in question came from a very humble background and had struggled to support himself throughput his training.
A friend of my son who was studying at GSA at the time knew the student in question.
Thevstudent was basically bullied, and it was a very unpleasant episode.
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I haven’t watched this season of drag race uk so someone *please* tell me that this basis was the queen’s intention and not Carrie literally shoe horning herself into something again, but if she has this just kinda really doesn’t sit well with me
Shoe horned. Kitty made absolutely no reference to Carrie or Cinderella.
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It’s shit like this which actively harms the LGBT+ community. Inserting herself somewhere else where she doesn’t belong. You don’t have to give yourself a dumb label to to try and get attention Carrie. You could use your platform to be a good ally and support the movement without the focus being on you.
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VIP Member
Longtime lurker here. ALW is her employer. No matter what he says/does - unless you are happy to leave your job right now, you don't post against him online (even by liking other's posts) and still expect to be in your job tomorrow. If you want to quit, then quit. The rest of the cast, who need their jobs, I doubt are even hinting in public about how they feel about his remarks. She is playing a very dangerous game.
This. Honestly, I kind of like that she goes against him but she is severely overestimating her own power here. If he fires her now, he and his media team will make sure to paint HER in a negative way.
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