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It seems like Carrie was more hyped for the gifted hotel stay than she was Oliver’s big night. She’s so unbelievably selfish and materialistic. Her life literally revolves around herself and her gifted shit, it’s quite sad.

It’s literally one of those things where Ollie could do soooo much better than her, literally it’s his biggest role on the west end to date and she’s more bothered about the hotel she’s staying in, not even a well done post she pays more attention than to edger than she does to Ollie I feel for the guy but then again I don’t🤷🏻‍♀️

Also in her recent video she said the clothing line with joanie is all affordable, I’m sorry but I’ve just had a look and personally I don’t think £50 for a jumpsuit or £48 for a dress counts as affordable, does she even know how hard some people have to work to even get £50 leftover after paying for the bills and everything else?!?

She lives in her own bloody world and it shows
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I’m sorry but the anxiety card won’t wash with me in this situation. Having suffered with it myself I know it can be awful but you cannot behave the way she has and expect to be taken seriously in the industry. This is professional theatre - the West End no less - not am dram Carrie 🙄
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Chatty Member
Carrie speaking out against transphobia and for trans actors in West End roles is one of the few things I give her props for. Come on, whoever made that comment on TikTok: she's enough of a nob, you don't need to lie about it.
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Exactly this. I feel for the ensemble and sound crew. It's not fair.

WEL unfortunately ALWAYS seems to have issues with sound so the organisers should be addressing this. But deliberating targeting the sound crew is just a dick move all around
It's a two day event with 20-25 totally different acts each in 10-15 minute slots through each day, with numerous performers all needing micing up for each slot. Then there's 25 click tracks and 25 backdrop video files to juggle to put the right ones on for each act, and little or no room for any sort of rehearsal between the show casts and the WEL tech crew, I mean maybe some of them get a chance on the Friday if that's when it sets up or maybe the key techs come to speak to them at their theatres in the weeks beforehand, don't know. All on a relatively low budget looking at the basic stage kit they use for it. I don't think they do too badly all things considered. There's always going to be the odd tech glitch somewhere in the day with this sort of "turn up - do your 10 minute thing - feck off out of the way of the next lot" production line kind of day. It's never going to be a perfectly polished day and isn't supposed to be - she needs to understand this and be able to lead her cast bearing this in mind, just like the other shows manage to do.

Anyway I've just had an email from Official London Theatre telling me "EXTRA TICKETS JUST RELEASED" for Cinders, not sure why they are bothering, it's not like there's a single date I can't already get as many tickets as I want for. I guess this tactic works on some of the more gullible people "QUICK JUDITH WE MUST BOOK CINDERMEHLA NOW, it must be selling out, they've just released some extra last minute seats"
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I just remembered a quote from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione says to Malfoy, "at least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent". Reminds me of Carrie.
New thread title- The #gifted Carrie Hope Fletcher; how to piggyback your way to stardom in ten easy steps... ooh new idea for a book title!
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I've just got back from West end live. So many musicals were incredible. Hamilton especially, who just wore Hamilton t-shirts- it was great! Cinderella came on however and it just fell apart. She missed the first two words of Bad Cinderella and was either entirely in the wrong key or out of tune for the entirety of the song. It was really really uncomfortable. The whole audience just stood there like 😬 as she was dragged around the stage. They abruptly finished and headed off, then Ruthie called her back on to exclaim Carrie is rare because she's famous from being in musical theatre. Ruthie then asked her about her brother, sister in law and her books. It was absolutely awful
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She 100% moaned on her stories about WEL so that her Knobfuls would go and leave supportive comments and drown out the negative ones
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I haven’t seen the performance yet (waiting to watch them all tonight) but I heard that JVJ’s mic went out at the beginning of Bring Him Home (as they did for many people) and this was the only tweet Jon Robyns did to address it, he’s truly handled this like a pro, well like literally anyone other than Carrie would

Same for the cast of &Juliet, due to the sound issues in their performance they were literally being slated with people questioning if they were still going to see the show because WEL didn’t really do it a good service, but you see literally none of them ranting about it on instragram (in stories that will conveniently disappear way before next year’s weekend comes around) and vague posting about it literally days later 🙄
2 years ago, David Hunter’s mic packed in right at the start of Bad Idea with Lucie Jones and they ended up sharing hers but he constantly jokes about it now.

She’s put too much pressure on herself and taken it completely out of context. Yeah the performance wasn’t the best but it certainly wasn’t as dreadful as she’s saying.
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Interesting how earlier in the day she posted a story about 'losing the track' and how she was 'sorry gang'. Seemingly lighthearted (as in she didn't care that much that it was a bad performance and knew her loyal fans wouldn't either), trying to brush it off and get ahead of the narrative.

However, as the day rolled on and the negative YouTube comments came in, her story on Instagram was a very short and stroppy 'it's been a bad day' message. As if she lost control of that narrative and realised people weren't laughing along with her 'oops silly technical issue, trust me though I'm still great' line.

Together it feels like she's so used to being told she's fantastic that she's never needed to refine her performance or even try that hard. She can put in a bad day at the office and still be adored. Well now I think she's seeing the backlash of that mentality. Brushing off a bad day at the office next to hardworking and talented performers at WEL just won't cut it.

What's really sad and frustrating is exactly that. She can be a leading lady, with a poor work ethic and attitude and mediocre talent, in comparison to others who performed on that stage yesterday. It just doesn't seem fair.
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Honestly I get the impression that the hardest part of the pandemic for her was missing out on her precious gifted Disney trips, the poor little lamb. I’ve seen loads of idiots on social media thinking they’re hard done by because they’ve missed their regular holidays. Seriously, she’s not vulnerable, she’s lived with her partner and cat so she’s probably not been lonely, she’s not worked her fingers to the bone as a key worker and she’s certainly not suffered financially throughout all this. Then look at how the Fletchers took advantage of the furlough scheme. They’re absolutely deluded and I’ll be totally disgusted if Disney gifts them a trip (though I will be amused if The Fletchers go on a trip without her whilst she’s in Cinderella and she can’t get time off) I was hoping Covid would put an end to influencers being gifted things but I sadly doubt it.
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This must kill Carrie, listen to the audience go absolutely nuts over heathers!! Yeah they had some mic issues but the powered on didn't stomp their feet and have a twitter tantrum.
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It is, especially and if she didnt bring it up noone would of noticed unlike the poor guy from les mis whos mic completely went but he carried on and noone has really said anything about it 🤷🏻‍♀️
This is the thing! WEL isn’t going to be the performance of their lives but to make such a huge deal out of mistakes and when all the professionals are keeping their cool, it really highlights the lack of professionalism, inability to handle criticism and ego at play. When you haven’t had everything handed to you on a plate you learn to handle rejection, mistakes, and can accept constructive criticism. Cultivating an echo chamber of praise is only going to hurt in the long run,
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As some one who originally followed her, for me it was her cover of Defying Gravity that I like (I was a big Wicked fan at that time!🙈) . Something happened though after her first time in Les Mis which made her really unlikable

For me it was after she met Oliver and doing Addams is where I first noticed her personality shift. I used to watch her stuff religiously until Heathers, but then couldn't stand her anymore.
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