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Active member
Wtf? This is the wankiest thing anyone has ever said.
It's honestly not even insightful? Nor relevant to her collaboration with Joanie? She's trying to be bookish and seem educated whilst failing at both. It's very 'the first line of a UCAS personal statement that your tutor instantly scribbles out.' I tried reading one of her books once but it just freaked my literature grad brain out; stuff like this makes me ask—is she almost 30, or 13?
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I think publicly calling a (not even disastrous) performance “tripe” and apologising for jt when there were other cast members on that stage is so rude. Not a good look for her or ALW (who is clearly behind all the videos being pulled down).
People care a lot more about the issues now, because of her actions, than they did when it was actually performed. But I reckon someone pointed out that being a contributor to any negative comments was unprofessional and part of the reason she tried to delete that story.
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VIP Member
The thing is, she may have gone to Disney every year but it seems to me that’s all she did. She seems to have no experience of anything else. She probably hasn’t been to Greece or Portugal or anywhere you might usually go with your family on a little week away. Has she been to Prague or Budapest or Amsterdam on a little weekend away? She seems to think Disney’s the only trip worth taking. Her view of the world is very small and it only feeds her ignorance.
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Carries "interesting" Instagram story for today is how she almost pees herself every show...
What is going through her head that made her think "yeah, this is information the public needs to know"?
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Just been to see a matinee performance of Cinderella (with Georgina), thought I’d give my thoughts, if anyone’s interested (spoilers below):

I think I’d give this show a solid 6/7 out of 10. I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. One thing I will say is that ALW is definitely aiming for a younger audience - however, I don’t think he understands the young generation as well as he thinks he does. That being said, I really enjoyed a number of songs and some of the jokes were actually pretty funny.

The Queen and the Stepmother number, for example, was hysterical. Both actresses absolutely nailed the comedic moments and really got their characters.

Tbf I thought all of the performers were incredible.

Georgina was outstanding. Gave me chills when she sang and I actually cried at “I Know I Have a Heart”. She’s a super talented actress. I really think she should be the full-time Cinderella. I know that may not be fair, as I haven’t seen Carrie’s full performance. But Georgina absolutely blew her out of the water, from the small clips of Carrie that I’ve seen.

Some people have reported that Ivano’s acting was a bit wooden, and I kinda see what they mean. I thought he was good, but he wasn’t as good on his own as he was with others. His chemistry with Georgina was electric. I also thought his dancing scene was fab! I knew people said it was good, but I’d actually watch the whole show again just for that scene!

Talking of great scenes, my favourite scene, by far, was the makeover scene with the Fairy Godmother. Gloria was insane and the song was actually catchy af and well-written.

In terms of criticisms - like I say, I don’t think ALW really understood his audience. There are some scenes that feel quite high school, and there are also a couple of dodgy moments that don’t quite land. For example, there’s a rape joke in the ballroom scene. The audience did laugh tbf but I didn’t find it funny at all. Some of the lines and rhyme choices are pretty obvious and cheap - other people on this sub have mentioned this, but there’s a line that goes something like - “Shes Cinderella, we avoid her like salmonella”...this is a professional production, lose the rhyming dictionary. I also didn’t like how much the ‘Prince Charming is gay’ reveal was played for laughs.

All this being said, I thought this show was pretty entertaining. It’s not exactly the next West Side Story, but I enjoyed it.
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Just remember she hates being called Tom from Mcflys sister but I can guarantee she will call herself this and tell everyone at every given opportunity whilst he is in strictly
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Someone needs to stop Oliver from going out to the same bar(s) every night after the show with his cast mates. I've seen him so many times there now it's getting a bit weird. Always has the weirdest vibe about him.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with West End culture but this is really common, it's basically a daily routine for actors and practically part of the workplace. I do agree that Carrie might be needing some more attention right now but generally, there's nothing wrong with him going to bars - it's not sketchy or a sign they're struggling - it's just what we do in the west end to be honest
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Chatty Member
Oh what a hard life you have, moaning that you need to record an audiobook when you’ve booked holiday for from show.
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“Omg my life is soooo difficult!!1! My live performance didn’t go well and so I had a massive tantrum and dropped out of my existing performances!1! Now people are rightfully calling me out for being an unprofessional drama queen!11!”

Wah, wah, wah. How she hasn’t lost her following is beyond me. Complete lack of self awareness. You’re not having a breakdown Carrie, you had a slightly shaky performance, and then made everything worse with your foul attitude. Move on.
I wouldn’t have even noticed it was slightly bad until it was mentioned on here and by her. WEL is a free event and people just lap up the atmosphere regardless. It’s not the same as paying for a ticket for an actual show and people know that, enjoy it and it’s just a snippet

she’s drawn the attention to herself wanting sympathy and it’s backfired
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New member
I feel like all of this drama of deleting the video, not doing the show and overexplaining on Instagram has drawn even more attention to the video. Had it just been left alone everyone would probably have moved on!
That is exactly what has happened, that's literally why I'm here! I left a comment on the WEL video, had a notification that someone had replied, but discovered that I couldn't read it because the video was down. In looking for a reason why the video was removed I have stumbled upon this thread. The best part? I'm a regular theatre fan with limited pre-existing knowledge on CHF (I wrote a comment that I thought she performed well considering but that the show itself doesn't seem all that great ) but the missing video has made me aware of this larger situation and coloured my forming opinion of her.
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Bloody hell, working 10-5 and then doing an hours exercise?! How on earth does she manage it all?
Jesus, she hasn’t got a clue has she

I assumed that ‘veg’ was a typo and she meant ‘bed’ because ‘veg’ is an INCREDIBLY ableist term. Shame on her.
Also finding her current whingeing-about-summer-because-she’s-not-a-summer-girl-like-everyone-else-she’s-a-quirky-autumn-girl phase really fucking annoying.
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The caption. 🤦‍♀️ The desperation is POTENT. She’s so embarrassing, she needs to get off social media.

If she’s got enough money to live through a pandemic without having to get a ‘normal’ job, and she’s got enough money to go to Disneyland all the bloody time, she should NOT keep trying to grab for freebies. It’s actually painful to watch.


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Chatty Member
I've commented several times on this saga......the bottom line, to me at least, is this...not only did she make her own production just about her, discounting the efforts of the ensemble, but she made WEL about her. Carrie, go away and learn your craft. You don't understand what it means to be a lead. The best lead in the house takes the rear most seat. Learn from Elena Roger, Anna Jane Casy, Josefina Gabrielle, Maz Murray......the greats. And then come back. Until then......stop doing what your doing. You are hurting theatre.
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but excluding six, I always assume the actors were bowing as them, not their character, so I don’t understand why Carrie is bowing as Cinderella?
She continues to prove she knows nothing about theatre and actually just loves being the centre of attention. A bow at the end of the show is not for the actor to receive applause, it's for the actor to thank the audience. She's doing mental gymnastics to prove that she doesn't love the attention she gets during her bow - but by ignoring the audience and "performing" she's proving how little she knows about the tradition AND how much she loves the attention. Daft woman. Makes me rage.
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Well-known member
Taking down the videos is incredibly petty and sad. It’s like they’re trying to trick people into going to see the show, not realising that Carrie is, these days, a bad performer. It’s very unfair because people should be given the informed choice of whether to book when someone else is performing.

My theory is she was good as Eponine because she was obsessed with the role and studied it for years, saw many versions of it, and basically emulated how she’d seen it done by many others. Similar to how someone can, for example, make a cracking bolognese sauce if that’s the one thing they’ve practiced a lot but not necessarily a good cook in other areas. Or if you painted the same scene every day for years, you might be able to paint a great picture of that one scene, but be distinctly average if you try anything else. Same with Carrie and her roles.
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