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VIP Member
She popped quite a long set of stories on last night; and I actually watched them all as it was a rare moment of self-reflection and self-awareness (to a point) for our mate Carlz.

She mentioned Midtown, said the guy who owns it is a lawyer and she chose to leave after (or before- he might have done after she left?) he put some stupid pics up on Instagram. So no real explanation but obviously another falling out.

So her going through a rough patch explains her aggressive behaviour online against her followers, but she hasn’t quite joined those dots. Like maybe when you’re struggling don’t lash out? Like maybe that’s a really valuable life lesson for you and will make things a bit easier 🤔

Also she admits she rarely leaves her immediate area and I find that wild as a creative person to not explore more. Not just trips overseas but people, nature, communities. How much inspiration could you get from your lounge room and a bare studio you’re setting up?
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She was back peddling I think a bit as she got some push back on her previous rant which was just about how expensive they are. Push back is NOT ALLOWED on her page, as we know. So now she’s tying herself in knots to try not to seem like a tight ass I guess, given she’s a 6 FIguRE CreATivE and star studded acclaimed photographer it’s all a bit confusing really.
People who don't like her are just "triggered" and "not cool" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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So Sally seems to still be her bestie, and the whole Gordon Ramsey shoot seems to revolve around Sally and her work. She even has her name on her shirt.
I would say, Carlz was just there as a tag along assistant.

Has Sally moved out of Midtown as well? So many questions!!
Also, Carlz has claimed many a time that she doesn’t eat sweet, processed foods.

Must be sugar free nestle chocolate she’s eating in her stories.
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Is sodacan bipolar. She is all over the place like a dogs' hind leg. Shes so unhinged, I see why Midtown did a runner.
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New member
I can’t find that viral video with the negative comments? Only one with 5k view and 9 comments 🙃
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What a sad state of affairs when you are reduced to sitting alone in your car, popping a vein over a rental that you’ll only be driving for a few days. And then not even having enough awareness to be embarrassed by your childish meltdown and how pathetic it comes across so you then post it to thousands of strangers to watch. Yikes!

Being able to see her reflection of her videoing herself in her sunglasses just made it extra pitiful - meta narcissism.

“I’m not complaining but I HATE …!”


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She’s totally catfishing potential clients with those mood boards.
And also..:
The pronouns thing is so necessary. I agree with her about a lot of what she’s saying about the Victorian government. They are terrible with budgeting and this stage is in all sorts of trouble because of it. But to then say the cause is people being overly worried about things like pronouns just shows her lack of critical thinking.
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I hate to tell her but her new, plastic wrapped look at me look at me Merc will beep at her too. All new cars do. She’s also not too bright if she can’t figure out how to turn it off or change the setting. Although what else do you spend your money on to feel special when you are a lonely, middle aged wannabe who has no partner, and no children and appears to be estranged from her parents and extended family?
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She did post this, probs if she put less money and time into VirAL ads and more into paying people and learning how to run a business, there would be a lot fewer people financially worse off as a result of the venture


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I find all this very strange and dang I want the tea so bad! If you read the Google reviews for Midtown they all talk about Carlz and how wonderful it was for her to build this studio... So STRANGE!
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I just can’t with her. Absolutely a ViCTim of Covid. Stalked attacked, doxed, all because she simply recorded a video that just happened to go viral. Some stupid idiot started a GFM and it’s his fault she was in this mess. Him and Covid. Except for the handy $10k she quietly and quickly withdrew from the GFM to get her friend off her back. Apart from THAT it was completely one sided!
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This particular rant is truly hilarious. She’s suggested that the cover was thrown together by an intern or a “wanker with no real talent”. Just say you’re an unexposed rube who has no idea who Jeurgen Teller is. 😳

It clearly says, right there above her own captions, that this was shot by Juergen Teller. He’s a world renown photographer with a 4 decade career. I’m not a professional photographer, like she claims to be, and even I know know of him. This is literally his signature style. Fucking LOL.

Like the style or not, the imagery was an obvious intentional artistic decision, not the result if an incompetent. But Miss Blowhard needed something to bitch about, while simultaneously tooting her own horn, as per usual. Even made it into a long form YT video. God how embarrassing for her. Here you go, dickhead, I’ve linked some study material for you 😂

"Teller treats all of his subjects — family members, celebrities, and himself with a uniform style of grit, raw emotion and humour that has become his iconic and recognizable aesthetic"

"Teller subjects his models to unflattering angles, uses a bright, harsh flash, and never retouches his photographs, exposing the myth of idealized beauty that airbrushed fashion images offer. Teller’s work is characterized by a spontaneity and genuineness that he believes better evoke authentic desire in comparison to the artificial sensuality often found in commercial photography"

She’s an embarrassment
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Why does sodacan feel she deserves an apology she is the one who should be apologising to everyone. Shes a fraud a lier and a cheat. I bet she hasn't paid back half of what she owes. Shes a narcissistic self absorbed delusional bitch.
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Yeah she’s PiVoTeD into weird psychedelic stuff. She really needs to take her own advice and find her niche.
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Why doesn’t anyone ever address videos to the “good women” ah cause it’s just expected that women in general conduct themselves with common decency, why don’t we start expecting that from men in general Carlz. I haven’t listened to the video because the worlds biggest pick me is the last person I’m going to listen to discuss gender issues
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I’m confused as to what she’s actually selling. Like a self help course that also teaches graphic design?

It’s so blatantly an ‘angle’ shes trying to desperately grow her business. Like her mate Anna, exploit people’s vulnerabilities then scam them for cash. Except Jesus I cannot think of a person less suitable (non existent quals aside) to do anything in the self help arena.
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I think it’s not that unexpected, she’s a very very unlikeable person so absolutely no surprises they’ve cut ties. The lying, well that’s why we’re talking about her, she’s very comfortable with it. Very on brand for CarlsJSoda.
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Postie ‘featuring’ on a TayTay song…the song’s shit.


Postie’s song actually very musically and lyrically similar to TayTay…could be sung by either artist but ok Carlz.
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