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VIP Member
Even though I’ve given you the impression that I would be an ally I’m really not and when you confide in me with your trauma you should really be more considerate of my feelings and be mindful that you’re impacting me in really negative way and you make me feel like shit.

What a fucking piece of work.

How about: “I’m touched that you feel safe enough to share your traumatic experiences with me. I feel badly that you’ve experienced these things and would love to be more supportive I just fear that I’m a bit out of my depth to offer any constructive advice. I hope you can contact a mental health professional to help you through these really awful experiences.” And Carly, how about having that conversation in private and not putting the poor soul who is already suffering on blast making her feel more shame than she already does? Ya nasty cunt.


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VIP Member
Why is this snowflake so offended by people having their pro nouns in their bios? Not trying to limit their free speech are you Carlz?
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VIP Member
So, Malvina is the Founder, it's really her studio and SodaCan is co-owner hmmmmm. It would be interesting to see what $$ she invested into Malvinas Studio, and I wonder if she realises she is now in bed with a conniving scamming she-devil!
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VIP Member
It’s such a rookie move, all the HArd WOrK and CoNTeNt she made out of setting up the studio, how amazing it was, the place to be.

Nek minit ACTUALLY this other place is the place to book! Without even addressing it. Not that she had any credibility to begin with but she just seems like she’s following the money. In her case probably she’s just landing with whoever can put up with her.
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lol and this tv program she is acting like is going to vindicate her so much is just a q and a panel where people are going to give their opinions 😂 She really grabs on to every little thing she can because she’s a professional victim still living 4 years in the past
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Well-known member
She's dyyyyyyyying for attention

DO you have something valuable to say here??? I got through the whole video and I didn't hear it. I heard a desperate pick me tiptoeing around in circles lest she offend any men


Desperate for engagement

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VIP Member
Did Adrian Portelli ask you for a “brand audit” you deranged psycho? Of course not. He’s not going to pick you babe, or even acknowledge your “work” in any way.
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Active member
Haven’t been on this thread for a bit, anyone know what’s happened to midtown studio yet? I see today she’s posting about a new studio her friends are helping her get done?!


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Well-known member
As delusional as ever. Ragey McRagerson has been completely vindicated!
(No, no dumbass, you have not. Not in the least.)
But she forgives all of her haterz.
Fuuuuck off, you Grade A cunt. You're still a pariah and you deserve to be.

P.S. You deserve every bit of that PTSD, you fucking thief!
I can’t watch this bitch. She fills me with irrational rage 😡
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VIP Member
There isn't a day where she isn't complaining about something or someone. Sodacan is a truly painful person. You can see why these people don't last long in business with her. I can't see this co ownership lasting long.
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VIP Member
So, lecturing people to just slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life in the now and not argue with people on the internet whilst still arguing with people on the internet about cov1d restrictions and police handling of protestors from over 4 years ago.
Don’t argue with strangers on the internet = you’d better fucking not even hint that you disagree with me in the comments motherfucker or I will create multiple stories about this.
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VIP Member
Not Carlz having an angry rant, that’s so out of character. If you’ve only got 10 minutes to reset maybe hop to it instead of ranting on stories.
“I’m not complaining” she’s posted 5 stories about it 😂
She’s such a punish. That’s your job mate, as owner or whatever the hell you are at this particular point in time. If they reset everything back to the way they found it, that’s amazing and a bonus. Maybe don’t ’just Pop in just in case’ but do your job.
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New member
What the hell is with that video about her ‘hard’ journey? The throwing of a few hundred bucks is so embarrassing 🙃
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VIP Member
Sodacan, you owe/ed people money which we all guess you never paid a dime back. That doesn't include the gfm you used to pay back that woman. You owe back taxes and debts for goods and services. You are the lowest of low in my eyes. Remember the time you cried like a banshee on national TV, we won't forget that. Fun times !! You really need to have a good long look at yourself and get therapy. P.S. no one listened to you then and no one will listen to you now.
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VIP Member
Of course, sodacan will hate Taylors new album especially anything Taylor does with Post.. You can tell when she's jealous and salty because she doesn't like it or it's not something she would do blah blah. hahahahaa
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VIP Member
This is so bizarre. Midtown’s announcement post is full of people confused about what’s going on but if you jump over to Carly’s posts from that time, and in the 3 weeks since (where you imagine all of those confused people would have gone to get answers), there’s nothing. Not only did Carly not make any posts regarding the split but there are no random comments on any of her posts asking her questions about it either. All I can imagine is that she is steady deleting any comments she gets about Midtown.

The question is why is she not wanting to address it at all? Or has she talked about it, cryptical or directly, and I missed it? (I’ve stayed away from her account the last few weeks.)

Is it because she never had any ownership and she doesn’t want to acknowledge that she misled folks about it?
Has Midtown slapped some sort of cease and desist order on her and she can’t comment?
Something super sketchy is going on it feels like.
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