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I'm not Putin

VIP Member
knew her calorie crushes were coming to an end are we suppose to believe she is going to carry on when before she even admitted she would not stick to it if she was not being held to account ?

another one bites the dust as they say
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It's people like her who drive up the prices on ebay and then no one buys, in the long term being s greedy effer does not work. I used to sell on ebay, I know exactly how it all works. Her descriptions of many items are utter lies, she will state they are excellent or very good condition when clearly not so. Yeh I remember the "oh no ive got a huge car bill to pay, " pity party right after a cruise. My sister will be broke both this jan and feb to pay for her cars mot and other things, she works long hours, she don't go begging on the internet cause youtube allow it. There is something called peace of mind.
Who is buying at such a high price. I go on Ebay to look for a bargain and to get things cheap. I'm surprised she sells anything.
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Taps fingers on desk, waiting for this weeks calorie bash. Will she have forgiven the hills for that hitchen hell weekend of overeating, or was it M&S's fault, cause it all went downhill after she bought those buns at the services. I personally blame the app on her phone cause she was only going to buy 6 sweet and sour balls and share them with jordan but on the app it had a better offer for 12!! Evil app!
To be fair, I can understand her frustration, she really should have refused to go, she's been to those meets before, the cafe's the pubs, the takaways, the snacks, she knew the score.
She makes a lot of excuses, but in a way, she is aware of what she is doing wrong, that at least is a small step on the ladder.
Sidenote, eff you car, the whole country has bills carla, give it a bloomin rest.
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Hold the Front Page Folks!!!
Little Miss Influencer will be making cement in a cup very soon :sick:
Honestly this human would sell her granny for a discount code.

Bad joking incoming....
A man walks into Carla Jenkin's kitchen and say's 'I'll take 2 mugs of Protein World Mug Cake Cement' for me....and one for the Road !! :)

As you were.
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Bloody hell. Another vacuum sent to her!

I’d be embarrassed to show my house looking the state that she does.
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Do you know what this update reminded me of?
You know when you've worked in offices for years and there is that certain person who rings in with a 'sick voice'...sitting on their V pillow with no make-up on... you know the type. 'Hello...(cough)..Little Miss here (sigh) ...just to say (lowers voice to a whisper) that (little sob) I won't make it into work today (tiny cough) I'm so tired very tired....Bye (sighs as she lowers the phone very very slowly for effect!). Reality .... you look on their Facebook or Instagram and they have been out partying for the weekend - big smiles, life and soul of their own party, bright eyes, full make up!

I bet your new employer will be absolutely delighted with this wonderful new employee - full of vim and vigour !! I give the new part time job two months and remember I was correct about the full time post not lasting (blowing my own tiny trumpet once again :) !)

If I had ever acted like this at work (and YouTube is an income for Little Miss and so it's her work!) ..
'Sorry I haven't typed your letters for the last three weeks - haven't felt up to it ...sorry - No - I haven't done any filing either. I know I'm getting paid for this but I'm trying my best - maybe next week will be better and I'll do my best to do the job I'm paid for!!'
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Chatty Member
I'm always shocked how much she takes to work! I do 8 hours busy shifts on a supermarket, on my feet apart from my 30 minute break, and I usually take a sandwich or meal replacement bar and I'm fine with that, I weigh 18st and trying to lose weight too, so I don't know how she can be so hungry as to eat all that lunch while sitting all day?
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Right, simply and most correctly..... Regardless of her saying she doesn't like other ppl's opinions and advice... The reality is this, Sugars and Carbohydrates spike insulin.... Regular insulin spikes causes fat and weight gain!! Do NOT eat often, try to limit to 2 meals a day and no snacks, no refined carbs or sugars.... Everything must be low carb so not to spike insulin, intermittent fasting must be regularly included... High fat, low carb works.... End of!!, Calorie counting does not work because those drinks and goods STILL include carbs and sugars so you will NOT lose weight and keep it off.... Low carb lifestyle... Simple.
Any other way does not work long term and its proven.. I know myself 👍
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(Read in a David Attenborough whispered voice)
.....there they are - you can just about see these two alpha females emerge from the aisles of the Cancer Research shop... both now sporting their summer over-sized garments. You will notice that they are carrying tripe which will see them through the summer months. Even though these two have not seen each other in three months ...they still walk in union although will not let the other speak without interrupting with meaningless chatter. And there we see them at the watering hole and who knew that the elusive Coke Zero would be so funny! They are now using their smelling instincts for these cheap candles and you will notice that they never actually use any eye contact except at all. It's amazing that these examples would never choose to be in each other's company but needs must.

Onto other things! Anyone notice how Little Miss loves to suggest that she is naked. She is obviously wearing a charity shop boob-tube dress but thinks it's very suggestive to angle the camera above this and remark about her shoulders being on show. She used to do this quite regularly when she came out of the shower or was colouring her hair. are a tease!

MMMMmmmmm....perhaps instead of the mummy/daughter watching Willy Wonka on the bed scenario could order some storage boxes to sort this out !!:oops:

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Bathroom declutter.... empty bottles... that's not decluttering, that everyday cleaning to most of us.
Her declutter has been a joke, so much crap, why didn't she do it properly and sort everything out as she went along instead of just scavaging around for 10 things to get rid of. Her house looks no different.. and why didn't she have a damn good clean at the same time. Now I'm not really houseproud, but come on love, that just lazy.
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Chatty Member
Oh the Two Ronnie's are back! Talking over each other as per usual with Lego trying to look interested and Carla looking embarrassed 😳 They haven't been on holiday together because they're only online buddies if it increases views. Carla picks at her eye and talks about the Maldives and Lego laughing at jokes about cocaine, oh how we laughed, almost as much as that Christmas decoration...
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Latest video, carla and nat have been to home bargains. nat buys fruit winders, haribo's sweets, chocolate and red bull. carla opens and sniffs everything, even the cheese spread, bizarre. She says anthonys moved out of the van and has bought a wood burning stove, so she bought him a pack of wood. She is still doing his laundry, does he not have a washing machine or is he in that shed. Somethings going on as she deliberately never mentioned his "new place". nat bought a water bottle to drink plenty of water, which will go nice with the endless haribos, choc and fruit winder sweets....seriously whats the point when it's their sugar addiction they need to cut down.

By the way found this online "Wood stoves do not require a source of electricity in order to operate."
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I haven’t watch Carla (or Caroline) for quite some time (been enjoying summer!) but dipped into Carla’s Devon vlog this morning and see nothing has changed.

Why does she persist in recording EVERY.SINGLE.ROAD she drives down? It is the most lazy and boring content. It’s boring enough being a passenger when you’re going somewhere yourself without watching someone else being a passenger.

Still fat. Still Lazy.
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Chatty Member
''Influencer marketing is insidious; it revolves around people that occupy the space between celebrity and friend to stealthy sell. When in reality it’s a parasocial relationship. Studies have shown peoples brains find it hard to place social media influencers. They share the most intimate and emotional parts of their life; making themselves seem accessible so many believe they’re a close friend. Influencers actively encourage followers to feel like a friend and part of their family as it’s more powerful to sell to. In reality social media influencers have a one way relationship.

When an influencer posts “any suggestions where to stay in Paris” they do so hoodwink followers into thinking they care what they have to say to foster the faux friend relationship and the main reason is to get brands to reach out to offer cash and freebies to advertise. Can you really trust social media influencers to give impartial and honest opinions once money is involved?

Influencers are said to affect peoples body and mind far more than celebrities and friends because they spend their whole lives posting what may a glance look like authentic content, when it’s nothing of the sort. Beauty magazines have in the past been blamed for their toxic effects on people. The effect of influencers is far deeper and more extreme but any negative opinions on them is routinely deemed unacceptable as it’s a real person who has burled the lines between a business and private life. Influencers will go on endlessly about their own mental health, but there’s precious little these days looking out for the mental health of members of the public. Influencers know they don’t have to follow the advertising rules because the chance of them getting any repercussions is close to zero because the regulators don’t have the capability to regulate social media adverts.

It’s an important part of a healthy, free and fair society for members of the public to have an opinion on those in a position of power and influence; that is why tattle exists. We allow people to express their views on businesses away from an influencers feed on a site where they would have to go out of their way to read, this is not trolling.''
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
ok, this is second time I'm going to call her out for lying. She was worried at work cause she said she is a grazer, not seen evidence of this in her food diaries. As i said before, she's clearly eating more and not adding it to what she eats in a day. If she had said im worried abut missing my giant restaurant lunches, then fine, but no definately implied she grazes all day. clearly don't give a shit if she loses half a pound a week, we got the truth there, cause viewers, you are nothing but money...noticed a nice little easy earner in the what i eat for a day hasnt she and if those viewers dont realise it by now they are stupid. Thanks for heads up though carla, wont be watching as much and will use the invidius site where she cant profit from ads.

Well she's noticed it's a nice little earner for carla and she can just lie her head off too. Carla clearly has no intention of losing much more weight or she will lose it when she decides to, not when her viewers say. I can imagine the conversation between them about how easy it is to fool your viewers for more views.
The thing is some way all another all these You Tubers get caught out and when they do they start either whinging or adopting this 'I don't give a shit what you think' attitude. They got that many comments from their subscribers saying how wonderful they are that they get delusions of granular and think they someone special. She really slipped up about the grazing. Also what's the point of eating those cereal bars etc they're just full of sugar. Eat more fruit or go to Costco and buy a shit load of mini carrots again.
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She got what she deserved as far as I’m concerned, been a long time coming. Her and the old bag with the dodgy hair Caroline Bouquet really think they are above everyone. Let’s face it they both rip people off on ebay to make money, so never mind necking food down her gullet, I’m pleased she has wound her neck in for a while at least on those Calorie crush video’s. No more dirty feet and toenails when she weighs herself, can eat my breakfast without gagging at the thought of those trotters !

What actually was the comment that someone made she took offence to? I've watched the calorie crush from the day before and still none the wiser?
I can tell you, said person mentioned to her that she was probably stalling as she was “necking” the extra calorie allowance that she had given herself. She took offence to the word necking ! Where this person comes from necking is a common word for eating and doesn’t matter what size or shape you are Wasn’t meant offensively but that trout who has now admitted that she is being overly sensitive as she is struggling, made more out of it. That’s fine as said person told her they weren’t apologising as it wasn’t offensive and she’s obviously sat and thought about it when she’s been on the bog and realised that she is an idiot as well as someone who necks down a plate of food. A couple of people have come on in the comments in support of Carla even toffee nosed Hyacinth but said person doesn’t take no shit and has sent them packing too ! And there you have it 😄
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Bella's mummy

VIP Member
Why do I feel the need to watch Kazz every now and then. Today she took her mum for an eye appointment, and her mum got that dye put in her eyes. When Kazza drop her back home, she never got off her fat arse to help her mum open the front door or help her inside. The poor mum was delaying Kazza from going because she kept coming back outside to talk to her and you should she see all the eye rolling and swearing under her breathe kazza was doing at her mum. I know it is hard to look after an elderly parent and they can get demanding but they still needed to be treated with respect.
I've said it on another thread and Im sure a few ,if not many people ,will agree with me but I feel the vast majority of You Tubers are so obsessed with themselves that they dont give a toss about anybody else. Like you say elderly people can be demanding but this woman gave birth to Kazza, fed and clothed her, and should be respected in return.
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Absolutely spot on Arty123 ... fantastic summing up of these two saddos ... I want to also see Carla wear one of Caroline's Baby Jane dresses in the future!!

On to 'what I eat whole in a day' video for today ...
Now - firstly please do tell what front of house employee (at her reception desk) eats a huge Greggs sausage and egg bap dripping with ketchup and looking cold and disgusting? (I don't care that it's a 'work's Friday breakfast thing!' )... this again sums up what everyone thinks ... a small family run operation and not really a high powered full time post! The reception area must smell of food must! So professional

So...let's work for a couple of hours and after 391 calories at breakfast ...she products a weird combo fit for a teen who doesn't enjoy fresh product ..
Aldi thin chicken and mayo
Transformer snack pack (what??)
Fulfil bar (she's definitely looking for a paid ad!!)
Aldi Protein pudding
Chicken Satay skewers
..... really little miss were sooooo hungry you needed all of that?

Then OF COURSE she didn't ask for chips with her KFC- she NEVER asks for chips but these silly people keep giving her chips - they never give her rice or couscous by mistake....even on holiday people gave her chips - it's not her fault she eats them...honestly these people!! Quote ...I didn't intend to eat any KFC chips' ...(yeah right !!)

I had to wait a week ...but here comes the sob, sob story of working .... quote 'I'm SO TIRED... I am a walking Zombie' and 'that's another day done ...I AM SOOOOO TIRED! Well ...little miss carla ...welcome to the real world. #shehasnotworkedafullweekyet

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