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Why the hell would anyone want to spend money on that shit? Bet they taste of nothing. And slender porridge? Ordinary oats are just as healthy and cheaper and tastier. Money grabbing fat lump.
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Can someone give me the details about her family as I’m a new viewer. Am I right that she has a couple of adult children living at home? Can’t believe the mess/clutter 🤢
Her son lives outside the house in his van and her daughter lives upstairs in a bedroom that resembles a landfill site.
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How could somebody being truthful about their situation piss her off? What's wrong with her showing a bit of empathy to one of her followers.
I go through phases of feeling sorry for her, not in a pitiful way but in a compassionate way - but then she does something like this and tries to con money out of people....
Because she’s now like her “friend” lumpy Bucket who also cannot bear the slightest hint of criticism. They only respond to sycophantic comments from their arse licking subscribers.
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well i popped her new vid on, oooh living room reset, shes been researching youtube titles, reset, refresh and cosy being the in word. Looked interesting, always nice to see a new vacuum and then she did it, we all know she had to. "sorry this video is late, I've had quite a lot going on over past couple of months". YAWNNNNN, how many of you guys have had a lot going on over last couple of months, covid, lock downs, gas and electric, huge supermarket bills, the list is endless, but here she is poor skunk head. It was her mum who had the operation, not her. Sorry guys this pity party of hers is sickening. Just going to try and ignore it from now on. All the people that are really suffering, ukraine, children with terrible diseases, homeless people...families working every hour and still struggling to feed their kids, my heart goes out to those people.
Shes gifted an expensive vacuum but still finds the need to be an ungrateful witch. This has made my morning negative, from now on every time she complains and scrounges I am just going to click it off. Part of me wants her to change, you know, just stop being so ungrateful and using others goodwill, it's pretty clear she never will.

By the way, just been through five reset refresh videos of people tidying up, hoovering, etc and not one put the camera where it gets a shot of their arse bending over, and ones that did, it was edited out to next shot. Ill go through a few more later, have to go out...I can almost guarantee there will be none like hers where she deliberately fixes camera on her huge arse bending over.

No New Year resolution about bending over ?!!
We got to the 7th day of a New Year and behold the full moon in the afternoon has arrived - ONLY FANS CONTENT - weirdos incoming. Carla love - don't mean to be rude but do you have NO SHAME? Yuck

If you also think that we are daft enough to believe that the carpet had only been left untouched for a few days - yeah right!! Absolutely rotten ...full of hair and probably mites ... I would a meal in this house ...NEVER! If this was anyone else's house - Little Miss and her reselling cronies would be the first to shout it out. No wonder old Mrs M never goes in there - sits outside in the car !

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She obviously thinks the roses are shit otherwise she wouldn’t be giving them away. Instead of waffling on and on about her woes she should have just said I’ve got masses of expense on just send money please.
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Chop chop viewers, quit giving me sympathy over me weight loss and get your purses out for a bloody miserable 10% off code, meanwhile I got all mine free. It's sustainableeeeeeeeeeee unlike me diettttttttttt.

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Well that’s far too delicate for her massive wrist. Looks like it would snap any minute. And will we see it again ? No!
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She said she had a fall and dismissed it as normal as you get older . She's only young , 40 s isn't she ?
I think she's almost 50. She was planning to save up for a cruise to celebrate the big birthday from a vlog that was a couple of years ago.
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One word for today's birthday video .... awkward !

Why is it when Little Miss is with her 'friends' - they always look, act and sound very, very awkward? Why is that?

Sitting in the living room - awkward
Standing in the kitchen - awkward
Going to the charity shops - the A word
At the barbecue - you guessed it!
Lexx opening her presents and sounding like a 5 year old (sorry Nat you were blown out of the water with her 'little girl' act last weekend!) - AWKWARD
Josh at the breakfast - just don't point the video at him Carla - don't you get it? He is embarrassed.

Why does she insist on trying to be edgy funny - trying the old 'Oh Matron' jokes? One mention of a sausage and she is off with the swingers jokes - honestly - this woman is almost 50 years old!

Of course - we also had the lazy content with the feral pack in the park and the rubbish song over the driving footage ...l.a.z.y. content. We also had about 48 ads in this particular video ...and I can see in the future the old Calorie Crush ending and this longer vlog footage taking over again - probably pays more in Ads.

Ending as we began ..........................a.w.k.w.a.r.d.
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Chatty Member
Just to add, can you imagine sitting with a friend who just talks endlessly about themselves, their problems, their worries, their life whilst you sit and nod, empathise and agree....that's not a friendship, thats being a free therapist and if you arn't doing enough already, they want you to make them some money, will they help you to make some or is it your money, your energy, your empathy and time is all they want. Oh wait, you are meant to be greatful for the wealth of knowledge they volunteer. They are all so amazing, everyone's life is so improved by these people. No wonder jennifer saunders called youtubers twats.
So true. Carla cares about Carla, that's it. She'll pretend to care for a couple of seconds, but only if you bung her some Reece's bars or pay her vets bill.

And as for the pics of her in a swimming costume, she puts those out there and she also posts vlogs where she is bending over showing her arse off or zooming in on her feet. Those aren't accidental, they are wank material for rather pathetic creatures, and she knows it.
lol bung her up some reeces, you are so funny, but its true! I agree over the picture, this shirley valentine person initially made me feel bad, calling me mean and rude, but I realised if this person was genuine and truly suffering massively over not being able to lose weight then running defending and pouring all their energy onto carla is a sorry ass waste of time, cause unless you are one of her offline real friends or carla herself, you are so wasting your time pouring empathy onto her, save it for yourself and give that weight loss what it deserves, smash it, be happy and enjoy being healthy again! I suspect its one of carlas pals, lainie?
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So she’s now starting another job, part time and it’s shift work. To me that means mornings, afternoons and possibly evenings? Did I hear her say she’s had it after 4 pm? Can’t wait to see how this job pans out then if she’s past it after 4!
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Nat is beginning to look the same size as Carla. Mind you she hasn’t got much of a role model in Carla. And how they just sit there glugging those awful drinks! But they seem to think they’re healthy because no sugar in them.
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Why do I feel the need to watch Kazz every now and then. Today she took her mum for an eye appointment, and her mum got that dye put in her eyes. When Kazza drop her back home, she never got off her fat arse to help her mum open the front door or help her inside. The poor mum was delaying Kazza from going because she kept coming back outside to talk to her and you should she see all the eye rolling and swearing under her breathe kazza was doing at her mum. I know it is hard to look after an elderly parent and they can get demanding but they still needed to be treated with respect.
I just don't get the way she talks to her mum. I know being a carer is not easy, but she keeps saying to her mum I'll take you to the vet and have you put down and smirks, she thinks it's funny, her mum just completely blanks her. Whats amusing? She's laughing at old age and medical conditions when she will soon be old herself. Her mum can quite clearly comprehend quite a lot and should be encouraged and praised not ridiculed.
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The apple-shape doesn’t fall far from the tree. What a difference two years makes.

When you struggle yourself with excess weight and health issues because of it, why would you let your daughter suffer the same way

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I’ll never understand these people
Not defending Carla but Nat is a grown woman, she could save up for dental treatment herself. She also chooses what food to buy, isn’t she always downing red bull as well? She is extremely unhealthy but only one person can change that and that’s herself 🤷‍♀️
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Bella's mummy

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She was out of order singling out one person like that. Why are you such an angry bully, Carla?

Anyway, her mate Stall is covering her back fat by responding to some of her comments today.
This is what infuriates me about You Tubers, they can dish out the hate but can't take it. They need to remember that biggest part of them are talentless nobody's earning money the easy way instead of going out and working for a living.
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Oh Caroline and Carla....when oh when will you two learn never to refer to the Tattlers? You two are the perfect fodder for us, you mention us, you tell us not to watch, you think it'll make a jot of difference, well girls dream on, we're here to stay and if YOU don't like it, don't read it...move on, be an adult and forget everything we say. Simple really! But really, you can't because you keep putting your little lives out on YouTube for THE MONEY and because it's A JOB, well there's the crux of it, we can do without you, but you can't do without the dosh! So moan, rant and sob all you want but while £ means more to you than your own privacy - pot - kettle - black😂😂😂😂 copied to both your very growing and popular threads!
Great post Arty. You know I never thought about it like that, mrs m really does need her little youtube doesn't she and not just for the money, she loves her little fan club she got going on. Sits her big arse on her chair, "good morning" like she's on tv lmao....telling them what make up to buy, tells them how she loves her "sustainable" jewellery lol, like she is the font of knowledge. Has she ever looked at the ingredients on that crap she slathers on her wrinkled face, does she even know any actual science about how the skin works?
She knows the same generic shit the idiot in boots knows, "oooh thats a pretty coloured container, ill buy that one!" She offers up this crap information and expects to be hero worshipped. "Don't come to my youtube page and judge me" she snarls.
As long as people like her push this corporate consumerism onto an almost dying planet, and literally forcing viewers to click their link out of sheer loyalty, then I will be here to have my freedom of speech. Pandemics rise when the planet has more pollution, the great barrier reef bleached within an inch of it's life. Australia forest fires. Around 50 years of fossil fuels left on the planet, at the current rate we are using it....could last much longer if we just STOPPED. NO I don't want to run out and buy your 200 quids worth of advent calendars, NO I don't want to shop at effing cherryz, where 3/4s of their stock is made in countries so poor they are paid a pittance. Get the message loud and clear, CONSUMERISM is killing the planet. Teach the world something real for once in your stupid dull lives.
As for carla, I just worked out you spent the last 7 months arguing back and forth with your viewers, cause you are always so right, that you basically lost 3 pounds in seven months because you flat out refused to lower your calories and now you are finally realising you need to. You still wont give up the carbs and those endless chocolate bars, all at your own expense, money wise and none weight loss wise cause you cannot listen to anyone, unless they are clicking on your links and opening their purses. Usage, thats all viewers are on youtube.
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It's quite sad to see her 'hard' work unraveling before our very eyes...oh well, as she's said many times, she's gonna do what she wants. Hold on to your hats for the holiday vlogging, there'll be no stopping her now! Is she ever going to work a full week, deffo knows her employer 😉
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WATCH the moment at 3.30 in the live when Carla picked her ear and examined the contents. They all look like it's weeks since any of them has seen a shower. That house must reek of dirty dogs eeeeewh forgot how annoying they are together, they honestly think they're funny, no really they do. After the live they probably worshipped in front of THAT decoration on her tree. Now making jokes about when they gave up crack and heroin. These two sick cats need help.
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Chatty Member
Well I watched mrs m's what i eat video, it was basically one long advert for hello fresh. Shes jumped on the bandwagon where she gets free hello fresh if she gets enough people subscribing. Dinner is solved says hello fresh, like they are helping you. You basically get a limited choice of meal ideas, theirs! You could just go to the supermarket and have an entire shops worth of meal choices to make, wait hold on, it saves you a few minutes thinking! Complete load of bs from start to finish. Overpriced shit thus why youtubers refuse to subscribe unless they can get their viewers to get it them for free, which just pisses me off cause she acts like she would subscribe, nah e begging to get it free as per usual.
Probably the worst #ad ever, old Caroline cooks the meal and forgets to show the end result and what it tasted like, until she remembered the following morning when it was too late, hilarious. Might just contact Hello Fresh to alert them to possibly try and choose an influencer who actually knows what they're doing! That rules out Carla then...She only knows how to tell people not to subscribe 😂😂
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