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Christ any wonder they’re both toothless Megs and like the side of a house, Nat has packed on the timber from the last I saw her , Ash vs the evil dead comes to mind 😬
lol don't get me started on her daughters teeth. I'd have dragged her to the dentist by now. It's absolutely insane just to leave them to get worse until she's gonna need false teeth or a bridge. Seriously over 4 years they needed fixing. carla smiles like an ass drinking her pepsi max and making sarcy comments about her daughters fruit winder habit,....she got it all from you darlin, take a look in the mirror. They can't even drink a bottle of pure water, they have to add concentrates of squash full of citric acid which just ruins the teeth regardless of it having no sugar, its like pepsi max, that ruins the teeth too. Pure water is what your kidneys ask for so it has no crap to filter out. Why don't people do their research.
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I’ve not watched the latest vlog about the car, but you’d think she’d have an emergency fund to cover car issues. I know someone wasn’t happy (she’s since deleted her Tattle account) when I asked how much income does the eBaying bring in.

I managed to watch some of the cruise vlog (which I think she’s going to spread out over how many vids?!) She really irritated me when they went shopping, she kept on asking her friend “how much is that?” “How much?” I was shouting at my screen “For fucks sake you aren’t at a car boot or charity shop, calm ya tits will ya!!!”

I don’t know any one that takes a 24 pack of Pepsi Max with them on their holidays - that’s a serious addiction that IMO needs addressing. I used to be addicted to the fizzy drinks and would drink a couple of cans a day, if not more - it’s not easy giving up them up but it can be done.
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I don't know, he was in a little van and then someone asked her recently if he was still in it and she said no. A few people on here have seen curtains on the shed. A they need planning permission to live in a shed, B it needs to meet all legal requirements and standards and C it's disgusting in my view when they have a perfecly adequate home and her business could be run somewhere else like a lot of resellers.
She probably doesn’t want the overheads of moving her business elsewhere it would eat into her profits, why doesn’t he get his own place he’s a grown man isn’t he?
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Just watched the latest advent opening vlog and she has received a face cream from sad Sharon which I checked price for on the internet. Coming up at £35!!!
  • Wow
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Reactions: 7 - would I EVER show the state of my under sink cupboard to the world for any amount of £££ ? Answer - No ..... no shame!

((((((( W A R N I N G ..... ONLY FANS CONTENT INCOMING))))))) All those weirdos of a certain age have one again been treated to this almost 50 year old's butt in the air - (MMMMMmmm.... still 19 stone?)
which is now a weekly thing (BECAUSE LITTLE MISS READS TATTLE ...DON'T YOU DEAR??)


If I hear the words llama leggings one more time - I will declutter and put my own butt in the air in protest !! #IDONOTWANTLLAMALEGGINGS
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Ah well that makes sense! I did look at Lexx’s channel to see if she was still on the Keto and I was very disappointed to see in her shopping ‘haul’ she had eggs from caged hens. That’s me out!
Didn't lex tell everyone she made 85 k last year on ebay and she buys caged hen eggs, lol. Here's another earth angel carla, being so awfully sad over a birds egg falling from a tree and breaking. Both her and lexx eat endless dead animals, processed shit. Lexx eats those pork scratchings, pigs are bred living in filth, they are full of bacteria and worms. Chomp chomp someone pass carla a chickens wings to scoff. Now I know why I don't eat bits of dead animals, the hypocrisy of this worlds just blows my mind.
Let me tell you about vitamin B12 which all meat eaters use as their argument as to why they cannot stop eating meat. B!2 is a microbacteria and found in manure, some mushrooms and unsanitized water. No animal actually produces it, it's found on bacteria, so they feed the animals a supplement or they feed them manure and chicken shit and thats why the animal has an abundance of B12. It's a myth you can't live without meat, perpetuated by the farming industry. Animals suffer insane cruelty so people can live happily, so why buy caged hen eggs???

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Calorie crush live today. Well what a surprise, another gain. Oh the fake laughing and forced jollity and pretending she’s the least bit interested in whichever saddo has joined the chat whilst glugging down the teeth rotting cola. Nat made an appearance and Jesus she’s nearly as big as Carla! No new tooth yet, perhaps Santa will bring her one.
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So during 2022 she lost about 2 stone and then put it back on again. I hope she can sort her head out and get back onto it again this year. As much as she drives me nuts, I don't like to see anyone fail, but I do feel that she massively has to sort her mental health out with regards to her eating.
Unfortunately people her size find it practically impossible to shift all that weight. Invariably they end up with a gastric bypass. She’d never consider that though because of her total addiction to food. We will wait and see.
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Hello! Let me introduce myself ... I'm little miss carla's scales. I try my hardest to tell the truth ... that's my job (full time and believe me I'm exhausted!). I don't like being adjusted to make it seem like people are losing weight ...I've joined a local group and I have had a lot of support from other scales in my area. I also know that it's not Mary Berry's fault (ever!).

Also when the baked potato came out with A LOT OF CORONATION CHICKEN ... of course you ate it and then complained about the - here's a novel idea ....

Do not eat it all

...see? simple!

She has literally been losing and gaining the same 4lbs for about 5 months ... so why is it still a weekly video ? We could just go back to Jan/Feb and see exactly the same content ...oh wait! Forgot about the payment of ads ... of course she'll still put out the same content every.single.Thursday..... y . a . w . n ..... I'm Sooooooooo exhausted (and I know you're reading this Little Miss - so will expect either a ''I can eat as many boiled eggs as I want too! or the old favourite ...'well..don't watch if you don't want to!' ... Well it's MY CHOICE and you can't stop there!!

PLEASE......for the love of all that is decent!!
(anyone care? nope ...didn't think so!)
Carla're a woman 'of a certain age' - the whole world DOES NOT NEED TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR CYCLES .... how embarrassing for your grown up 'kids' ... honestly - absolutely no filter whatsoever !! #growup #wedonotcare
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Totally agree arty123 - with all you've said! Has anyone actually heard of a luxury bag brand of Teddy Blake ...nope - neither have I. Having read some reviews it seems that this company sends their 'luxury' items to almost every YouTuber online! That speaks volumes to me - If they rely on these small channel women to do the adverts for them - then something is wrong with their sales techniques! I would want to know the ethics behind of these 'Luxury - made in Italy' bags!!

Of course - she just had to mention her see-through blouse in the same sentence as little old Joshy (s.t.r.a.n.g.e) - If I were his mum I'd ban her from approaching the house - have you ever heard of doxing someone? Definition ... search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, Little Miss - did you actually get permission to film the drive right up to the door of his home?? No - well you have done that on many occasions and it's not right -

Maybe we'll be having a Vape Review video ... watch this space!
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I've just watched one of her latest vidoes of 7 breakfasts - I nearly spat my tea out when she said "Excuse the mess, the kitchen is a bit out of control at the moment"..... how can she tell the difference??? The whole house ALWAYS looks like a bombs hit it!!
It was a case of how many smelly wet dogs can we fit in a kitchen while making sloppy breakfasts...eeeeewh 😅
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Yeh I noticed that. She's being groomed by mrs m. Which brings me to mrs m's little intimate chat video she posted this morning. Cosy little chats, all purely to up the viewings and drag out some empathy out of them cause they spending too much empathy on the queen right now, mrs m feels a little bit left out. You have to feed the little subs once in a while don't you.
Who books an holiday knowing they will miss their very ill fathers birthday? She posted a picture of him and giggled like a schoolgirl that she made the effort to go on zoom at the party. So beware, next time you see carla in her car, she wants a cosy little chat with
you all cause were all just one big family....vomits!
Seriously though, give these youtubers an oscar, I have seen it all, crying on camera, intimate little chats, telling their viewers they are loved, anything for money.
I know I should be on Mrs M's tattle ref this but the pair are becoming so similar anyway. Yes I thought it was off that she chose what very well could be her father's last birthday to jet off. Then she wants to curry sympathy by saying it's a yr since he went in to the home and the Queen dying has brought this in to sharp focus for her. Then at the very end she advertises her patron thing 😡😡. I don't very often watch her videos now, but I admit I was drawn in by the clickbait title. I have now reminded myself why I don't watch her videos much!
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she can't trust the scales at boots but uses the one at home that said she lost 30 pounds lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
she's so full of shit. She's not brave enough to go to boots as it will show the truth. She actually said she allegedly gained 2 pounds of water weight, this is really sad, she's completely in denial. Forever the joker on camera though, like it don't matter.
You can tell she's in denial, amberlynn weighs herself nude, like some clothes will make much of a difference. If she went to boots and weighed herself like a normal person wth her clothes on she could just keep the weight amount as it was or take off 1 pound or two, but does it really matter.
lol at the end, after several subliminal e begs she mentions, the cost of car fixed, her mums op, her eye complaint, her ancient dog buddy and lastly mentions friend mail...lmaooooooooooooooooooooo she's the biggest scrounger going. Just be done with it, print of a list of things you want paying and roll it out on camera live.
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............ after several subliminal e begs she mentions, the cost of car fixed, her mums op, her eye complaint, her ancient dog buddy and lastly mentions friend mail...lmaooooooooooooooooooooo she's the biggest scrounger going.
Unbelievable !!!!

First live she said in a year . Hmmm . How many days left to Christmas ? Hmmm.

Her mum cries when she has to wear a blood pressure cuff (?) KERCHING

Natalie picks up buddy , at least twice, and holds him to the camera to show it to those nice , generous subscribers KERCHING
(I couldn't stomach all the ebegging greed by making it end so might be more times).

She has No Pride , or Integrity what so ever . I couldn't , just couldn't behave that way . It's a shame youtube doesn't clamp down on these types once and for all ! It is all so transparent , except to those Vulnerable subs who part with their money so readily . Sickening preying on Vulnerable .

Just be done with it, print of a list of things you want paying and roll it out on camera live.
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Just a word of advice little miss carla new job... I would suggest for privacy sake... to move your telephone messages at work away from your videoing of your smelly eggs - can read names and 90% of a mobile number! Sooooo professional. Also...imagine eating your meal after work upstairs at a desk ....s.t.r.a.n.g.e. The baby cake she has to eat as dessert is about £2.50 each and I'm wondering how many are in a box?! Old weight loss twin Kazza was on this video and how awful for Carla (Mommy Dearest) to call other children... and so the terrible ! Also ...why does Carla look 8 ft 2 inches tall compared to her (let's laughingly call her friend!) Kazza? How she knows she ate 42g of Kazza's popcorn is anyone's guess!

N E W S F L A S H !!! she is STOPPING... repeat ..STOPPING the daily What I Swallow Whole daily videos (mmmmm..... I wonder if we were to blame?). She just (expressive voice) doesn't have the time folks!! She did say she was probably boring people to tears with it .....ahhhhhhhh....YEP! So if anyone needs support or help with that ground breaking news ... get in touch :) !!
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Not defending Carla but Nat is a grown woman, she could save up for dental treatment herself. She also chooses what food to buy, isn’t she always downing red bull as well? She is extremely unhealthy but only one person can change that and that’s herself 🤷‍♀️
They both maxed out on caffeine, both 2 peas in a pod. I give up over the dentist, carla could have offered her help but she may have refused. How can natalie be comfortable in those massively tight jeans she wears, she completely ignores her teeth, her bedrooms a state, she has no self awareness at all. Meanwhile carlas on youtube apologising to her viewers for sunlight glinting in her glasses, apologising for the neighbours dog barking and fluffing her fringe like the princess she thinks she is. It's total bullshit all this niceness for the viewers. Yes she does not have to tell everyone whats really going on, dysfunction only gains trolls not bums on seats willing to click on every ad.
I do agree, only natalie can change natalie, same goes with carla, who seems to be making some changes with the weight loss and decluttering, still not quite convinced it's just for show and view count, people seem to love weight loss and decluttering and the word cosy lol. Seriously type in the word "cosy" on youtube, it's everywhere. They all watch each other like vultures to see what will earn them most money, ha ha.
I also agree that her daughter has some quite severe mental health issues and as her mother, carla needs to step up some more, but in a way, I am a big believer in feng shui, our surroundings are very important, cluttered home, cluttered mind.
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She hates any criticism just like her friend Hyacinth. Can only relate to the sad subscribers who grovel and fawn to her. Well I predict a two stone weight gain after she gorges on everything in sight. Bet those protein foods she was advertising have all gone in the bin.
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Has anyone really listened to the tone of mrs ms voice when she refers to tattle and tells people to put their real name and picture up, but we won't cause it's our dirty little secret....probably on several gossip forums herself. She says hurtful comments make her very angry, yep can hear the threatening tone in her voice. Can't stand that someone assessed her, narcissists hate the truth. In her eyes with that tilted camera to make her look younger and slimmer, her face slathered in make up, she's the bomb.

Absolutely spot on Arty123 ... fantastic summing up of these two saddos ... I want to also see Carla wear one of Caroline's Baby Jane dresses in the future!!

On to 'what I eat whole in a day' video for today ...
Now - firstly please do tell what front of house employee (at her reception desk) eats a huge Greggs sausage and egg bap dripping with ketchup and looking cold and disgusting? (I don't care that it's a 'work's Friday breakfast thing!' )... this again sums up what everyone thinks ... a small family run operation and not really a high powered full time post! The reception area must smell of food must! So professional

So...let's work for a couple of hours and after 391 calories at breakfast ...she products a weird combo fit for a teen who doesn't enjoy fresh product ..
Aldi thin chicken and mayo
Transformer snack pack (what??)
Fulfil bar (she's definitely looking for a paid ad!!)
Aldi Protein pudding
Chicken Satay skewers
..... really little miss were sooooo hungry you needed all of that?

Then OF COURSE she didn't ask for chips with her KFC- she NEVER asks for chips but these silly people keep giving her chips - they never give her rice or couscous by mistake....even on holiday people gave her chips - it's not her fault she eats them...honestly these people!! Quote ...I didn't intend to eat any KFC chips' ...(yeah right !!)

I had to wait a week ...but here comes the sob, sob story of working .... quote 'I'm SO TIRED... I am a walking Zombie' and 'that's another day done ...I AM SOOOOO TIRED! Well ...little miss carla ...welcome to the real world. #shehasnotworkedafullweekyet

lol yeh the chips... they just keep accidentally giving her chips, but she never ate them, gave em all to charity lol.
She says "im so tireddddd" ....yes your tired cause basically 7 months ago you were 280 pounds on your calorie crush and this week you were 277 pounds a total loss of 3 pounds in over 7 months cause you're always right lol.
Here let me do carla. style's your weight from 7 months ago up here and todays total up here ...which is three effin pounds lol...
She's tired cause she's still carrying around tons of weight, but again, shes like mrs m,,,,,or 99 percent of youtubers, really she is 8 stone and 20 years old......tilt that camera, pull at that fringe put on some winged eyeliner and you are the bomb....narcissists, gotta love em or hate em.

Just a sidenote, wonder what comment irked mrs m, she's really blowing her top lol
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