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This woman is absolutely disgusting! It’s even worse that people are encouraging her by giving her money!
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Todays vlog, she's travelling milions of miles to find the cheapest dog food because prices have gone up.Whinges and whines about the cost. Tinned dog food, with meat not suitable for human consumption, but yeh give it to your dogs, they are the lowest life form after all. Pay 23 for some protein waffle mix but complain about the price of canned shit dog food. This is why they don't evolve, prehistoric man used to eat raw meat and gross bits of a dead animal, they died at like 23 years, dogs live a paltry 12 years, why cause they are fed shit. aww but we are a nation of animal lovers lol.
Right at the end she asks her viewers to watch out for a fund raiser to pay for her friends dogs vet fees!! YET AGAIN asking her viewers to help out HER friends. Don't those viewers do enough, take the money out of your youtube earnings and buy me a coffee scrounger page. She has them pouring out empathy for her week in week out, buying her tat she can't sell on ebay, going to her ebay and buying the slightly more sellable tat, click baiting them to up her views and now it's time to pay her pals vet fees. Does she do anything for them? Oh yeh wait, she bends over and shows her big fat arse in a pretend declutter video, you lucky people you..wait, she gives you tremendously healthy weight loss tips as she slaps in another chocolate slab into it's tray and her vlogs with lego head sniffing some more candles in B&M again is stupendously entertaining!
Youtubers, god love em, narcissists to the end.

I know exactly what you mean. There is a council estate not far from me and although a lot of the properties are well kept, many look they they live in a third world country! Absolutely filthy.
It's a shame people mistreat a property, council or otherwise. carla only really tidied up hers cause she was on youtube and lego heads tidy office block home shamed her. She was 27 stone, did absolutely zero. Sat on her fat arse drinking pepsi, eating crap and pretending she was mother of the year. We are onto I think year five of seeing natalies horrific front teeth and still no dentist, holidays booked, bragging about how much she made on ebay, but will she book a private dentist and help her daughter before her front tooth actually falls out, hell no, but lets all help her pal pay her vet fees! Insane woman!
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Well Said !

little miss there '' ever so slightly passive aggressive'' Trying a different angle .
Thank you. I know I can be blunt, but sorry, youtubers create these websites because they block anyone with an opinion they do not like. It's like for instance todays mrs m's vlog with the words "good days and bad days". Oh poor your mrs m, poor suffering you. Another dreadful holiday booked whilst your dad sits in his room wondering who he is. Oh I went to see my dad she throws in, trying to show the viewers she has some compassion. Left her tortoise to rot in her garden for over half a year, she could not care less.
This is what youtubers do build up a one sided relationship with their viewers creating empathy, pity me, oh lifes tough, I'm broke, cant pay me vet fees. The viewers, quite a lot of them really suffering, poverty, lonliness, loss of partner, serious illness, cancer are being used for their empathy, it's called transference. They see themselves in the youtuber and then bam, they get hit with adverts and links galore. They send gifts, money better spent on themselves or their families. Of course youtubers say why not, it's nice to give to someone, yeh sure it is, I agree, TO THEIR REAL FRIENDS, FAMILY, not you and your online pity parties.
Poor suffering carla, says newcomer to tattle "shirley valentine 59", poor suffering YOU. Quit worrying about her, you are the important one, do you think carla is going to waste a single days energy on you?? You get two minutes a day ok diet wise, her calorie counting vids. and top tips on how to maintain your weight lol. Thats her gift to you, the world, is it helpful?
It's a ton of repeat crap, void of a single ounce of nutritional advice but here you come, to save poor carla.
Save yourself, the most important person in the world is you, because anyone who loves you wants you to be happy.
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Thank you Arty. She really would have only edited that bit out cause she did not want to lose face in front of the company who sent her free item. Could not care less about her viewers or that child they babysit, thats what really shows, quick edit and pretend it never happened, thats her to a T and the other one, lego head.
Just listening to carla droning on and on using her viewers as free therapists cause she cant lose weight and put on 3 and half pounds. What does she expect, she won't address any real issues, sticks her head in the sand and makes a video all about I want I want I want all the food. Why not make one saying how thankful and grateful she is that she is not homeless or starving and how much she really does have instead of one complaining she cant shovel all the food in her kitchen in her whinging gob. So sick of hearing youtubers using their viewers as free therapists, offloading all their thoughts onto the cam, she has it right in her face, shes about an inch from the cam or has it zoomed in so no one has a choice they have to focus on her. Get off your chair, clean the house, burn some calories any way you can, then you can eat more, its not that difficult an equation. If she moved around as much as she just moved her gob whining she'd be ten stone. BE THANKFUL, not forever waiting for more.
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'Let's have a look in me drawers' .... so very classy Little Miss!
Hi - Carla's scales here - I know I am redundant now as my owner never looks at me and I was a bit annoyed by all the twiddling that was going on before she videoed me every week. (If she can have an 'Ohhh Matron' comment so can I!)

In between 48 adverts - her laughingly called decluttering video proved once again to pander to her Only Fans weirdo content but bending over so that they all get the 'full moon in the afternoon' that they are looking for (can't really miss it). She obviously reads the Tattle about this constant exhibitionist pose and loves every minute. Those strange folk who get a kick out of his almost 50 year old bending over will be sooooo pleased this week!
308219966_1310394286432305_4948116669977073881_n (1).jpg

At least try to make your Only Fans content a little bit less in your face!!

I noticed when she 'clears the clutter' she doesn't even vacuum the area in question - yucky. Dog hairs galore .. imagine being given fabric which has been lying on that carpet .... eeeek!


Roll on the coming cruise for lots of sparkly black tops, flat shoes and floor length skirts for the Captains dinner !! I don't think I will be weighing my mistress any time soon - maybe I should give her good 'friend' Little Miss Grumpy a call and she is she can use me!!
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Carla is so full of shit, bitching about a viewer who mentioned how high calorific the chocolate honeycomb slab was and sarcastically said of course you wont eat it all yourself youll give it to the neighbours....carla blocked her. Carla then says angrily, of course I never ate it all myself it was incredibly rich and sickly. She then states how she loves baking, lmao all last years, "i hate cooking" thats why I eat out was apparently a lie, so now she's turned into kazza and loves to bake.
Do yo know what carla does when shes angry, actually states the truth, said dessert was incredibly rich and sickly.......why bake it then?? It's content to deliberately piss viewers off.
I can eat what I like and still lose weight content, I'm right youre wrong content. If kazza wants to put a million weightloss hashtags on her videos click baiting people to watch as she eats what she likes, raises her blood sugar to the max with over 1500 calories of sweets, then she will, it's her channel. If her and carla want to continue until their morbidly obese bodies have had enough, they can write on their tombstone,,,, "I'm always right".
Her viewers all enable her, aww well done carla, shove another chocolate slab in your fat gob, you deserve the odd treat, same viewers who were sending her tons of cakes, peanut reeses when she was over 27 stone.
Keep shoveling in that sugar until your pancreas has had enough, type 2 diabetes is progressive, it will eventually go into type 1 where you will have to inject with insulin if you don't stop with the constant sugar.
Why don't they just rename their vlogs, carla, kazza & our enablers show.

Carla mad as hell at a viewer who hit her with the truth.

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Jesus christ! The sight of her in a towel first thing in the morning!
Wonder if she took a can of pepxi max with her in her purse to the special dressy evening meal.
It was all going ok then I realised we were meant to buy some cheap ass chinese jewellery:rolleyes:
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That veg prep video was nauseating, old feral Mollie in the background trying to reach the uneaten food behind the sofa and proceeding to shake it's hair all over the food, OMG I wouldn't eat in that house if it were the last place on earth. Pretty sure I spotted THAT Christmas decoration on the bottom right hand of the tree, same size, colour and shape but placed down low so that it is not so noticeable. Lexx WILL be happy. I think the worst part of the whole rant was the fact that she blames her mum on everything, how dare she have to ring every night, how she won't eat her fresh food, how she expects to be seen every Sunday AND the fact that she now only sees her mid week 'if her schedule allows'. What a dive of a daughter she is, she'd rather do her Ebay, work her imaginary job in the bookies, hide sprouts from her adult children, invite neighbours in for a Baileys, go for breakfast with Joshy, fill her house with rubbish, be the poster girl for wierd Chinese companies who don't know who Saville is - ANYTHING but visit her lovely mum more than once a week. Oh Carla, you are a one, so funny, so relateable, so down to earth - NOT....
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Was watching the latest #igotafreehoover vlog and thought there was a total eclipse, discovered it was only Carla recreating her usual 'bend over as far as I can' stance for her Friends Only lurkers. What does she think that view adds to her content? So, moving on, to save you ten minutes of your life tomorrow Carla sent me the calorie crush script ahead of time. Here goes, Welcome to week 867, yes I know I've only lost a pound in a year but that's my wagon to burn...I'm so tired...I work ten jobs you know...I like cake...I have a toddler brain that believes I am not rude to others... Everyone is rude to me...I'm so tired...hand me that hoover...hold on until I boil a few eggs for lunch at my full time job...I have to eat it all cycle is as regular as the Tour De France.. Yawn...step on scale, edit footage...yawn...lost 2lb which I'll track as 5lb thinking no one will so tired...zzzzz. You're welcome.
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One pound off. As Peter Kaye once said “I could shit a pound” 😂. Honestly her diet is a joke! I remember going to Slimming World and there were several people her size and they were losing up to 6 pounds a week sticking to the diet. Admit it Carla you ain’t dieting. I love how she said if I lost two and a half pounds a month that would be a loss of two stone in a year. You can tell she’s not the slightest bit motivated. Just give it up and stop making yourself look a prat.
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Bella's mummy

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If people on You Tube can't stand criticism they should go and find something else to do.
I read Tattle life because I am fed up with these mardy sods expecting everybody to kiss their feet. Its about time they accepted life is all roses and puppy dogs. If you don't like a comment let it go don't keep coming on line and bitching about it.
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Or someone very vulnerable they can take advantage of...
You nailed it in one, someone very vulnerable. Who the heck spends all that time and care on two strangers online....this is why I'm here, cause of online scrounging youtubers who fake this online relationship with their followers,showing them their life, oh poor me i can't afford the vets, oh poor me I can't lose weight. They build up this fake empathy knowing full well that they will get free stuff and what do they get in return, oh joy the pleasure of her opening crappy advents or baking a cake mix. Yeh they have a choice, they don't have to watch, but I know people with mental health issues when I see them, a lot of her viewers are lonely and have no one to talk to, youtubers take advantage cause they are all money grabbing egotistical narcissists.
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Calorie crush is coming back . Can't weight (wait!).. All over the place she is, anything for money.
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Mrs M looks bigger in Carla’s slog to me…and I wish she’d choose a different piece of music when including a time lapse of a journey/ eBay pack etc.
If I hear that song about about ‘feeling small, and a clock ticking off a wall’ one more time I’ll fking scream!! 🤯🤯🤯
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This is the best sitcom ever😂😂😂 Oh Carla you're hilarious, that chip meal alone was enough to put on two pounds. Your innards must be a layer of Fulfill bars and lies. This diet needs to be rolled out via the NHS because it is a miracle. And no Carla we will not stop watching because I'll defend to my dying day the freedom to do so while you're taking in AdSense via YouTube for lying through your very sus teeth. How do you have the actual nerve! If you subtract the 5lb you gained on holiday and conveniently forgot about you've actually pretended to lose 2lb, bye Pinocchio!! How come you believe the losses and don't believe the gains😂😂😂😂😂😂 cause this is getting ridiculous! Boy you're an angry old bird sometimes 😂
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You are right she does not walk the dogs, they just run off, whilst she sits down..yes she walks up the street and back, woopee doo. She's always tired cause she eats ten ton of carbs, whacks up her blood sugar and then it crashes, probably pre diabetic. Whomever commented on her vid, well done but don't worry, superstar carla is welcome to her enablers. Truth always hurts,carla's livid.
Mother of the year made a ton of money on ebay this week, so she says, will get her extra food on her holiday cause as she takes her daughter out for her birthday treat, her daughter names and shames her as she sits there with her front tooth half hanging out but unable to go to a dentist cause her mothers sugar addiction, smoking and endless spending on crap she don't need has passed down to her daughter, yehh you whine about a viewer carla, meanwhile whats important is ignored.
SHE put that content out there knowing full well people would go wtf how many calories and sugar and then blames the viewer?? GET LOST! You nibbled a crumb then begged the neighbours to eat the rest, yeh ok.
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We are gathered together to erect this statue made from the wood of the wagon which Carla fell off this past week - please be respectful of this saintly woman.... who is never, ever, ever rude or disrespectful to anyone ... ever! Even though her 'toddler brain' was definitely in gear ... she tells us in no uncertain terms ....mmmmmm.....really Little Miss C? really? Hand on heart ..can you say you are always constructive in what you say??? We've heard you on many, many Sundays with old Lexie Lou ...when you berate others... in lots of old weekly waffles when you go out of your way to be 'funny' at reseller events - remember the time when you shouted across a crowded room to little Joshie - 'Are you watching porn again?' ...mmm....constructive?

Yes - I would certainly agree that if someone passes wind in a room you can smell it ...even if you ignore it - I'm smelling it right now! Your voice was getting louder, higher and angrier in this lovely, encouraging video ... why do we watch? Why? Because you are worth it ... you (and as Arty123 called her) 'smocky Caroline' put.yourselves.on.a.public.platform AND get paid for these videos!! Of course - you both have said in the past that you were going on a it up for a while...blah...blah...blah ...BUT GUESS WHAT?? You are both willing to come back for the ££££££

In fact - to be honest - you absolutely loved telling your minions about ALL the amazing foods you ate this week ... you got a big kick out of it - weird but true! You loved every minute of it - in some bizzarre way!!

Just one more thing this week Little Miss - when you go for your hauls do.not.need. to tell people that you are buying Nat's 'ladies things' ....really? Is someone paying you for weird, inappropriate comments ... don't do it again #embarrassing
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In the East Midlands we often say “neck it down you” referring to having a drink. She is one touchy cow! Which surprises me because I always thought she had the hide of a rhinoceros.
Well to be fair I can understand her not liking such common working class words, llol joking.... the queen prefers to be akin to a butterfly just gently fluttering around topping up her food during the day and she most certainly never puts on any fat, it's water weight! Those giant plates of a food we used to see when she ate out were just a greek myth lol
They join youtube, the "fans" raise them up on a pedestal and bam before you know it the queen has arrived lol. Off with their heads, how dare they!
As for kazza, she comes free with a greggs pasty and she flutters around too, just like queen carla and duchess mrs m...they just gently fly around topping up on food, nibbling the edge of gingerbread men or perhaps a flake or two from the pastry on a sausage roll. None of them would ever "neck" "gorge" or overeat or go over their MASSIVE, oops recommended daily calorie allowance.
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How much do you earn a year in your job?
None of my business? thought so......
Calm your tits Carla I’m a Tattle user not one of your subscribers 😘

FYI new to this thread and was wondering what could be achieved as either a side hustle/main job - but thanks for wasting your energy on replying! 🥰
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