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lol unreal, she's actually charging higher price than the new one. Did you see some of her recently sold stuff, she had plates cath kidston set of 8 for 65 quid, put the condition as excellent, even I could see there was fading of the gold trim, they were not in excellent condition. They sold to private auction, probably one of her viewers who she suckers in to every online scrounge story she can make up. She's got absolute trash listed for tons. Can't stand rip off sellers like her.
Watch out folks, she's making more of those protein crap on her instagram, the protein "ambassador" will be making another crappy pretence at weight loss "cooking" ie shoving a packet mix into a microwave, stirring it and then shoving it in her big fat greedy gob.
She’s selling a used one which is an old design and that site that I screenshoot charges the same amount for postage!

I don’t begrudge her for making money how she does - but when she’s selling something for more than what it costs new! That’s taking the piss.

I also don’t like the woe is me/pity party for one videos, when she needed to get her car fixed after going on a cruise and subs falling for doe eye Beggy Mitchell videos that frustrate me.
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Carla is so worried about the bread she is eating which didn't look much when she went through her weekly food, If I was her i would be more worried about all the pre-package crap she eats. One day I think she had two of those skinny bars, a protein bar, a couple of bags crisps and a chocolate or sweet plus lots extra. It would of been healthier if she did have a slice or two of seeded bread.
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lol don't get me started on her daughters teeth. I'd have dragged her to the dentist by now. It's absolutely insane just to leave them to get worse until she's gonna need false teeth or a bridge. Seriously over 4 years they needed fixing. carla smiles like an ass drinking her pepsi max and making sarcy comments about her daughters fruit winder habit,....she got it all from you darlin, take a look in the mirror. They can't even drink a bottle of pure water, they have to add concentrates of squash full of citric acid which just ruins the teeth regardless of it having no sugar, its like pepsi max, that ruins the teeth too. Pure water is what your kidneys ask for so it has no crap to filter out. Why don't people do their research.
Tbf Nat is a grown woman she should sort her own teeth out, unless mummy will be starting a GFM to cover the cost 😂
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She did manage to say she was just very excited a total of 7 times throughout the video, won't be so excited when she's got constipation or the shits from all the sweeteners and high protein hits she will be having daily. If these are to replace her normal sugar hits, she will be having them for breakfast and the mug cakes all throughout the day. At one point in the video she did say "I do beg your pardon" I honestly thought i was watching mrs m. As for her "cracker" of a discount, just been on website its now saying 50% off everything. I can't stand companies like these they pray on food and sugar addicts, I mean who in gods name eats chocolate porrigde except for kids. It's all cakes and waffles. It will teach her nothing she will still crave the sugary foods, in fact more so, this is the downside to sweeteners, look it up. She will probably put on more weight. As for her nutty squirel viewers if they want to buy it, cause they all obviously desperate to lose weight, all following carlas diet tips lol, more fool them.
Molly the dogs face, vain hope of you getting any dog, you got your cheap tinned crap from costco.
Is carla morphing into mrs m......
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Just watched the latest advent opening vlog and she has received a face cream from sad Sharon which I checked price for on the internet. Coming up at £35!!!
yeh prai is popular on QVC. I'd be embarassed to accept these gifts from someone i hardly knew. It will probably be left open and unwanted or sold on her ebay. Total waste of packaging all of it, a kiddy craft calendar, ten pence of chocolate packaged in tons of cardboard and costing several pounds. Absolute waste.
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I don't know.. I thought there was something just a little different about her today. As if she'd realised that she had been struggling and that this was a turning point that she had to make now. Only time will tell. Going on an all inclusive cruise with unlimited supply of good (good as in tasty and not necessarily heathly, although I should imagine there will also be plenty of healthy) food, is something that is going to be hard for her. By booking a cruise she has put temptation on her path and I think she even knows that she's not strong enough to resist it.
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Oh Caroline and Carla....when oh when will you two learn never to refer to the Tattlers? You two are the perfect fodder for us, you mention us, you tell us not to watch, you think it'll make a jot of difference, well girls dream on, we're here to stay and if YOU don't like it, don't read it...move on, be an adult and forget everything we say. Simple really! But really, you can't because you keep putting your little lives out on YouTube for THE MONEY and because it's A JOB, well there's the crux of it, we can do without you, but you can't do without the dosh! So moan, rant and sob all you want but while £ means more to you than your own privacy - pot - kettle - black😂😂😂😂 copied to both your very growing and popular threads!
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She could move her business into the shed.. With the amount of money she squanders, she could buy another shed.. one to work from, one for storage.. as well as her loft.
Have you seen her loft? It’s full to bursting with mugs and crap.
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Thank you! Is that the friend she went on the cruise with?
No this is Mrs M aka Legohead / Mrs Bouquet 😄 I can’t imagine Carla and Mrs M ever going on holiday together they have very different budgets (this is a very diplomatic answer from me!)
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Does this sound normal for ONE lunch? Double meat salad box (which looked massive to me!), x3 Go Ahead biscuits, partial bag of Bikers, Pkt Dolly Mixtures, 2 Tuna sandwiches, pkt Skittles, a Freddo bar, a wafer biscuits and chocolate bar! Phew, sounds like the table at a kid's party. This is abnormal behaviour, get yourself to a therapist ASAP, 11 items in one meal, that maintain was an absolute fluke! Then she wonders why she feels ill- duh!
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Anyone else get a bit nauseous at the tasting of the airfryer food? Check out the vid at 14.14min and I swear she's like the wee lizard from Mulan (the tongue stuff bit!) Eeewh! That company never contacted her, SHE contacted them! Out of the myriad of YouTuber influencers, who'd pick Carla for a freebie - really? The voiceover sounds like Minnie Mouse and how many flies are in her house that she has to immediately cover the food? The holiday looms, any guesses about food choices?
I could hear the part where dogs paws came hopping into the kitchen holding a menu for macdonalds for her in case the air fryer blew up. Yeh she's definately reptilian lol, she only uses that part of her brain thats for sure.
Is she like taking the piss out of her viewers, this mini cook with carla session after the mountains of takeaways, meals outs and fullfill bars. oohh ohhh i can taste the crispiness, I can taste the honey, the inside is soft, then she looks up extremely pissed off as subconsciously she says but i had to fucking get out of a chair and cook this, hell no, click my link, i aint cooking again EVER!
Hold on, lets go see what her squirrel nutty viewers have said, they are funnier than her!


Hey Carla, really enjoyed this video, i have an air fryer in the cupboard…. Thank you for the inspiration to get it out and start using it again . Great recipes thank you for sharing xx


NUTJOB says:
Amazing recipes and an even more amazing chef! (Your hair looks great btw x)


Ths shot is especially nice, really inspired me to click the link and BLOCK IT.
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I'm tempted to post something on her youtube channel but her minions will go into a flap lol. She says she has psychological issues when dieting, thats because deep down she is actually self medicating like her pal kazza. They both have mental health issues, it's not about greediness. To cope with their day they both use food to release all the feel good hormones, like dopamine, seratonins etc. She's constantly tired cause food is like a soporific drug.
I give carla her due, she has tried to address issues, ie with her childhood, but there are current issues too. Looking back at her videos, it's almost 4 years at least since her daughter first appeared on her vlogs. Her tooth needed fixing then, how many more years, holidays, money, meals out and spending etc does it take to finally talk this out with her daughter and pay for a dentist. Natalie, who clearly has some issues, will spend her wages in one go but won't fix her teeth and clearly it does bother her, she will hardly open her mouth.
Carla runs off to her minions on youtube for the much needed approval she seeks that she is this marvellous person, in return they get shitty advert laden lazy content videos. The weight loss is a ruse, it should be titled, I eat when I like, as much as I like and as many calories as I like and sometimes I lose the odd pound. The hero worship those idiots bestow on her is pathetic at best, they really do think she is their friend.
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An air purifier at almost £300 and all the extra electricity costs of letting it run overnight? I have an easier solution, don't let a dog sleep in your bed! Seriously mad Molly should be down with the rest of the smelly mutts! Who would shake a dogs blanket all in over their bedroom? SHE has contacted the company (so will I to be putting them right about a few things!) There is no way a company goes, 'oh, there's this big reseller in Bristol who's the perfect recipient for one of our air purifiers!' And old liar extraordinaire did NOT go researching before she said yes to the so called offer, it will be on ebay within six weeks. She is getting worse I tell you, half truths, money grabbing from subs, pretend jobs, complaining about charity shop prices, the list goes on! Her bar is set so low you couldn't even push a set of new dentures under it! 😬
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F*ck off carla, your new cosori frier, you told everyone quite clearly, you do not like to cook,ever and prefer all your meals to be served to you from a menu. Feel like telling this company that his woman is full of shit and would never encourage me to buy anything from your brand. aww suits her to cook when she gets freebies and is squeezing some more cash out of her viewers to pay for her meals out on holiday, complete lie from start to finish.
Apparently shes going to put some honey glazed baby carrots in the frier next time she cooks........hilaious.

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Why does Nat always pull bloody stupid faces every time Carla pans the camera on her? Notice she never opens her gob now so we can’t see the broken tooth. All the stupid money she’s spent on tats when she could have had it fixed.

So she is not losing weight so she is adding over 200 calories a day extra have I got the right.

As for kazza she eats worse than Carla and that is saying something, also the way she talk to her kids and her mother and her voice no way I will be watching her again in a hurry.
I find Kazza really obnoxious. Watched one of her vlogs and that was enough.
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Has she never been on a two week holiday before? 7 pairs of “summer trousers”, 2 pairs of jeans, a dress and a jumpsuit? Is she planning on sh*tting herself daily?

...normally she just wears a tent and a pair of llama leggings.

Why on earth would you pack and drag halfway round Europe clothes you haven’t tried on?

She thinks she’s so clever taking an extension lead, little does she know some cruise ships ban you from taking / using them, as they don’t want you overloading the cabin electrics.

What millionty things does she need to plug in anyway? Phone charger & straighteners?

Did she seriously just throw all her toiletries and assorted junk into a case loose? She didn’t put them into toiletry bags or anything? Is she 12? No wonder her house is a mess.
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Those dogs do my head in, she is the worst kind of owner. No regard for other park users, can't even be there to clean up after them. How can she? They're running mad and she can hardly walk wearing second hand wellies. She wouldn't even know where they had 'gone'. May message the park council to get the local by laws. Lazy car filming with the free music which her stans will rave about. Tat incoming at the car boot or is it just Carla's roofspace. Of course Nat had to agree to food even ghough she wanted to go straight home. Walking eewh Molly licked more hand than ice cream, I almost barfed. Oh Bingo looked horrendous, like a scene from a Peter Kay sitcom. Carla that was a riveting watch, thank you from the bottom of our proteinworld porridge.
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She obviously thinks the roses are shit otherwise she wouldn’t be giving them away. Instead of waffling on and on about her woes she should have just said I’ve got masses of expense on just send money please.
yep, she thinks they are overpriced tat like we all do, it;s how she sits there in that smarmy way, like she's doing them all a favour by donating them when they were donated to her for free, sits on her arse and takes all credit, her viewers all going oh carla we are all so greatful for your giveaway, sometimes i just wonder if this shit is for real. I agree with you, why not just say it as it is, i booked a holiday i can barely afford, i can't manage my bills, now i cant afford to pay for my car, send money. She keeps telling everyone how she's raking it in on ebay, why has this woman no savings, why is she always on the edge every time a bill comes up, why cause she cant stand paying for nothing when shes dragging brainwashed nutcases around giving them her every sob story and throwing in her own mother into the mix in hopes they will pay all her bills.
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I'm not Putin

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love how she always saids the resturants never have the lower calorie option … why lie just say i wanted the burger so ate it

Shes gained 4lbs i am sorry but this whole thing is a waste of time shes not even tracked anything for days she might as well just quit instead of calling it a calorie crush when she aint crushing nothing
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Just listened to the biggest online pity party, scrounge ive heard from carla. She ends her video of subliminal e begging with a giveaway, some flowers which she never even bought or made, but she likes to get all the credit. Karma smacked her in the front teeth and she has to pay 1100 pounds to have her car fixed.
Basically she just proved everything I said, she manipulates a bunch of peoples goodwill with sob stories to obtain money and free items. Apparently, because it's the internet and not standing on a street corner asking for money, it's deemed as ok.
She's just come back from a cruise and those idiot viewers will still feel sorry for her and think she's broke, unbelievable.
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