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She also showed her cooking the 'chicken pie' he had requested and he'd phoned her and said that he'd be another hour before coming home and so she was going to walk the dogs. And with her not giving any more details like 'he's moved in with a friend/girlfriend etc.. then i think it's sounding more and more like the shed.. 😂

I had to go back and find the video where I'd seen curtains... not only curtains in the shed.. a whole new door and window... this is from 3 months ago.

In actual fact, I think it's a whole new shed.. this is from last summer.. the jubilee vlog.
Well done polarbabe! omg her son living in a shed. OK had to rewrite this, I see that the old shed has been replaced with something that does seem to have bricks. I have deleted my last post, I love watching tiny homes, where people convert small spaces, but i thought it was that dreadful shed, I see that it has been updated. If it's perfectly legal and has everything he needs I guess its his life, I can see why hes done it, he may want to save a lot of money, thats what people do, they live in camper vans or small spaces and save a ton on no mortgage or rent. That said, it looks very small. Thanks for the research polar babe. Is there proper ventilation for a wood burning stove and you can only burn so much now, there are new laws.
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I had her lastest upload on in background and honestly All I heard her say was '' I Want I Want I Want '' I dont know how many times she said this .

Yes Love , '' WE '' All Know ''YOU WANT'' .

Trouble IS : You WANT the ££££££ And YOU WANT practically Everything & anything that will fit in your Gob All of the Time .

She should just Stop with the Gazzilion Excuses and admit that she's a GREEDY Cow & be done .
I know, all about her. The way she scrounges off her viewers good will too, On her clearly not a car boot haul but her lets see what crap that I won't be able to sell on ebay I can shunt on to my loyal viewers for a few quid..."don't wait months to buy my tat I bought for 50 pence" like it's something amazing.
mrs m's giant "declutter" pile all to be put on ebay, a few paltry ugly worn out items went to charity shop and they actually film themselves being this utterly selfish and greedy cause the morons who watch it pat them on the back. I can hear mrs m, well ive made the charity shops lots of money over the years,,,,,,,err everyone has, I have shopped in charity shops since my sons were little. So above themselves pair of them, utter arrogance and greed.
carla's realised her weight loss money making scam, needs to be dug up, along with kazzas crock of shit weight loss, she weighs herself in boots then gets pissed off cause it says she has put on a pound, she's no intention of eating healthy, her entre mind is filled with baking cakes, desserts and buns, she's totally obsessed with the highest carb, sugar and saturated fat foods. I hope their viewers all wake up and walk away and use their empathy for people that arnt here to scam them of every penny.
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But where was Hyacinth at her birthday celebrations? Thought her and Carla were such bezzy mates. Mind you, nobody would have turned up if they knew she was coming.
Can you imagine her in carlas house she would wear white gloves so she didn't have to touch anything and have a permanently disgusted look of her face 😆
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Don’t you just love Carla after her weigh ins. She always feigns interest in her subs weight loss journeys but in actual fact she couldn’t give a toss. The poor sods really think she cares. That cruise will completely sabotage her diet. We all know she’ll be eating non stop for two weeks. No calorie crush after that for at least a month 😂
The sly witch will film her pre cruise weight and then use it and say she dropped 12 pounds in a week.
She will be over 22 stone, you betcha.
Have not watched her latest video yet, yes she does make a transparent attempt at caring about her viewers, all for show. Those poor sods fall for it all, oh i do beg your pardon, oh one apologises for a the sun in my glasses oh I am so very very very excited to try these mug cakes, im posh don't you know.
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Carla in a huff and wanting to bin her meal prep king book after his sexist rant against women....I notice her jimmy saville bauble did not make the top fifty declutter list.
omg if you are quick, I am going to mention that jimmy saville bauble on her youtube, but she will probably delete it.

I deleted my comment, she did look exhausted and she has done really well. She's obviously a hoarder and it is linked to mental health issues. Just hope she don't keep picking up tons and tons more tat for ebay that she either never lists or never sells.
Shame she never binned that bauble though lol...on principle.
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Agrees, bit like mrs m using the words dying twice on her click bait vlog title.

Crank it up, put in the adverts, it's time to show everyone the tat she bought because apparently it will enrich her nutty fans lives....she's only there to take your cash and any orders on shit she bought for 50 pence.
I will have to watch it later, I have ordered 50 greggs magic bags, I don't eat any of the items, I just nibble on the edge of one of the bags, I am calorie counting you know!!!! I got plenty of money, but I just love being able to stop a family who are struggling from haviing them so I can sit my big fat 20 stone self online like kazza and brag about it.
Wonders if the greggs staff watch her wobblings down the road dribbling as she mumbles 2 pounds 59 over and over lol
I just read the line "I have just ordered 50 Greggs magic bags" and I thought bloody hell, is this Kazza out for an afternoon snack !
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Carla's following directly in Hyacinth's footsteps again with a 'Current Favourites - All The Things I'm Loving (for money) in Aug/Sept' grift (inc #gifted item). I can't.
Yeh I noticed that. She's being groomed by mrs m. Which brings me to mrs m's little intimate chat video she posted this morning. Cosy little chats, all purely to up the viewings and drag out some empathy out of them cause they spending too much empathy on the queen right now, mrs m feels a little bit left out. You have to feed the little subs once in a while don't you.
Who books an holiday knowing they will miss their very ill fathers birthday? She posted a picture of him and giggled like a schoolgirl that she made the effort to go on zoom at the party. So beware, next time you see carla in her car, she wants a cosy little chat with
you all cause were all just one big family....vomits!
Seriously though, give these youtubers an oscar, I have seen it all, crying on camera, intimate little chats, telling their viewers they are loved, anything for money.
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Poor suffering carla, says newcomer to tattle "shirley valentine 59", poor suffering YOU. Quit worrying about her, you are the important one, do you think carla is going to waste a single days energy on you??
So true. Carla cares about Carla, that's it. She'll pretend to care for a couple of seconds, but only if you bung her some Reece's bars or pay her vets bill.

And as for the pics of her in a swimming costume, she puts those out there and she also posts vlogs where she is bending over showing her arse off or zooming in on her feet. Those aren't accidental, they are wank material for rather pathetic creatures, and she knows it.
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Chatty Member
No New Year resolution about bending over ?!!
We got to the 7th day of a New Year and behold the full moon in the afternoon has arrived - ONLY FANS CONTENT - weirdos incoming. Carla love - don't mean to be rude but do you have NO SHAME? Yuck

If you also think that we are daft enough to believe that the carpet had only been left untouched for a few days - yeah right!! Absolutely rotten ...full of hair and probably mites ... I would a meal in this house ...NEVER! If this was anyone else's house - Little Miss and her reselling cronies would be the first to shout it out. No wonder old Mrs M never goes in there - sits outside in the car !

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Absolutely shocking vlog, she is a minger. Those other resellers are equally as bad for darkening her door, not in a lifetime would I with wet mutts and wet towels everywhere 😜 The usual low bends are no surprise, no wonder she was glad of the crevice tools😅🤣😅 wonder if Proscenic know who they gift things to? Mmmm I wonder.
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I’m wondering if it’s a DLA car? If it is she’ll have free services and minimal to pay if the fault is hers , although the begging bowl will be out for public contributions🙄
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Looked like she had a work uniform on as well as that’s not the sort of thing she normally wears 😬
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carla dutifully filling out her embassadorrrrr you are spoiling us with these protein world lol...will be making her shake this morning then off to car boot for a massive fry up lol ...later of course she will be having a shake for lunch and then off for a mid afternoon snack lunch at the pub lol
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I'm confused, kazza latest videos, her tag words are weightloss calorie counting losing weight, she splatters them repeatedly over the title, then makes a video where she eats whatever she likes, not even remotely healthy, spreads biscoff spread all over her lunch makes and then eats cake for her supper. Do you think she has a right to click bait viewers into believing she wants to get healthy or is her road to weight loss eat whatever she likes and then pray for a miracle? Theres people on youtube, plant based, making green juice, all kinds of different salads, tying different healthy foods, beans, wholegrains etc and then in comes kazza with a new cake recipe, it's just a joke.
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What is it with these You Tubers and their arse licking approach to companies. They could be sent a load of shite and still make out its fantastic just to be gifted freebies.

How much oil did she use? I know its a spray oil but she was going a bit nuts with it, especially on the potatoes.
I know, it's amazing how much enthusiam they can well up for the promise of more free stuff.
I mean seriously, has she ever cooked, has this been the story of their childhood, her kids, I mean. I can't be bothered to cookkk, lets go to macdonalds. I bet she stood on and off those scales 30 times before she managed to get half a pound off.
I said before, two things will come out of this job, she's even admitted it herself, she is a grazer, moo lol. She sticks to low cals all day at work thus resulting in binge eating. Sitting in a chair all day with no exercise, again, resulting in no weight loss. I
The money she wastes is unreal, I'd say snacks included and meals out she is spending around 20 quid a day, work that out over a month. 600 quid and that's me being frugal with the numbers. She could pay for a mortgage with that amount of money. With this job she may save some money, but I can guarantee will blow half of it at weekends. She's a child. Can't figure out what to do,

Wonders if her viewers noticed when she was giving her top tips on how to cook honey glazed carrots, if she could ever QUIT eating massive calories meals out and cook at home and QUIT berating her viewers every time they bring it up. I just wondered lol
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Hanna Spanna

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Yes! It was the bowl of salad comment I was thinking of! There was a real air of sarcasm in Carla's voice! I bet the pair of them sat there mocking the poor lady that came to ask if it was okay re the salad. I don't eat meat so can't comment too much - but her steak looked fine? She seemed jealous of what Mrs M had. Maybe she ate two dinners 😹
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Don't get me wrong, I don't like the woman, BUT, her daughter is a twenty something year old woman with a full time job who is more than capable of going to get her own tooth fixed if she wanted to.
I agree, but clearly she has a phobia of the dentist after four years at least with half her front tooth missing and no matter how old a person is, they deserve support if they have a real fear. I had thought perhaps carla had offered support and been told no, but something tells me carla at this present moment in time does not give a and is only concerned with click bait youtube titles, money and free stuff. There is a recent video of carla with her daughter in dunelm and she says at the beginning "I'm here with natalie" and then points the camera to her, natalie spontaneously waves to say hi, then realises about her tooth and moves her arms up to cover her face, the gesture is very childlike. She's been told by carla to not show her tooth, cause clearly she gestures like that as if to say oops. I think carla is very much in control in her roost, quite enjoys her kids not married and stuck at home. She's very clever at playing the amiable clown on camera, all apologies and humility...but she's also capable of manipulating her viewers to get the money and items she wants.
That said, I do agree with you, she is a grown up, but acts like a child, her bedroom was like a teenage bomb site, i get shes probably tired from work, but theres something more to this. Four years no dentist, thats not normal especially as carla would not even go on camera with a broken tooth, she's self conscious enough about her fringe or her hair needing why would she let her daughter go on camera. Youtubers are like the tip of the iceberg, they show you what they want to see, but we know an iceberg goes a lot deeper than percieved, youtubers hate it when we work them out, you can paint a pretty picture......
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What gets me about carla is she says she needs all these snacks to break up the boringness of her job, how come she ate them before and probably triple that amount and never had that job then? 12 minutes of pure procrastination again and this 1 pound loss, yeh whatever. Then she starts blaming the viewers, it's always their fault lol.
If you work out all the sweet snacks she eats it comes to around the equivalent of at least a 100 grammes bar of chocolate a day, what diet reccommends that? It's too much saturated fat and sugar, never mind the calories.

Ohhhh....doing the old clickbait now are we?? (content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page). Did she need to put ** RANT WARNING ** in the title - no she didn't! Did she include this to get more views and so more ££ ... absolutely! So basically she knows what she is doing each week and loves the drama of it. She is also probably annoyed that her 'friend' ... grumpy Mrs M ...has (allegedly) lost 8 lbs this month on another paid for advertised 'not weight loss' programme! Hey! here's a idea - maybe Little Miss can get a friend discount and join her!! Join forces and get those ££££ rolling in!! Watch this space.

Well looky here ... I honestly don't want to blow my own little trumpet BUT - three months ago I gave Little Miss 4-6 months in a full time job and here we are - only about 3 months in and it's a leaving party with cake (maybe not!). Now I'm certainly not one to speculate but has anyone heard of a three month probation period? mmmm.... agree with Arty123 - all those smelly lunches, videoing at reception etc. didn't help! One other thing which I question ... if - as you say - you were bored with no work to do ... then why did you come home (and on video) going to bed at 7.30pm ABSOLUTELY EXHAUSTED ??? I don't get it ...just like I don't get an almost 50 year old throwing her Ebay blankies out of the pram! Believe me ...if this was any other YouTuber Little Miss would have a lot to say about them!! Strange to say 'I've never responded well to beingtold what to that's why I've been self-employed most of my life'.....ooohhhhh ....methinks there's been a little to-do in the office - this one wouldn't have left quietly!! Wish I'd been a fly on the wall !! On the plus side ... anyone who lives in Bristol - there's a free reception position - no work required - eat your lunch (however smelly) at your desk - Greggs on a Friday and out at 4pm....result!
Ya mrs m must have told her, oh just put rant in the title, you're onto a winner! mrs m likes to put emotional or sad these days cause she's forever struggling with her conscience! I can just imagine the conversation these two have behind their viewers backs bitching about them, how dare they have opinions, how dare they be irritated and speak the truth, just sit and do as your told, earn us cash. Youtube is just full of greedy distorted souls all looking for attention and money. I don't get a free ride of the backs of others empathy and time that would be better spent on their loved ones.
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