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Yes it’s @Give me Strength following her 🤣 no no I’m joking The posters picture is Julie and her username has a county in it. Anytime I read it she’s all over Julie was like on TikTok etc keeping a list of nights away from kids being able to recall stuff. It’s madness how invested she is. Maybe it’s just me who thinks she’s ott
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The mods seem to be onto it now, if anymore pop I think we should just all report them and have them removed.
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Trigger warning - adding that in case the screenshot content upsets anyone ❤ I deep dive on SJL, looks like they were lying whole time, maths didn’t add up, added more as time went on….theres a screenshot here one of their first posts talking about multiple kids in school and their father then it changes to one child…..I actually think this person is seriously unwell and the sympathy on this thread spurred them on…..

Genuinely don’t know if it’s this posters child or not, I wouldn’t be able to say but she used the name issy in one of the mad rants about being found out then another poster found a child of the same name had unfortunately passed last year 😔
Holy inconsistent statements batman!

But yeah, I agree, it seems as though whoever that is isn't very well and needs some help. I hope they get it
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I’m afraid to engage with them on the thread 😂 no clue why they just seem unhinged. I’m a coward 😂 but I’m here with you 🍿

i did it, I commented 💪🏼 Mad this person is not giving up like
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lady luck

Chatty Member
I could swear she said she was a size 8 at one stage aswell 😂

I went to bed early ffs, woke up to pages and pages on both threads 😂😂
⛳ Marking my spot here now for the SLT return when she's read through the threads
I don’t think that account will appear again I think they ware gas lighting with their post last night. Booaatt I think a similar style account will pop on 🫢
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There was a poster called itsnotmeitsyouok
I’m positive that was also funtupthehole/other nutcases! Does anyone remember this one!
Yep I do. Used to have novels of posts and tagging regular posters. Got the hump one day cos someone said something about Burps and then came on saying they had something similar and it went back and forth for aaages " think Droolies twins go to Monaghan every weekend" back and forth and then they just disappeared
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Tag the account ye are talking about and let them have a fair chance to reply. It's bitchy chatting like this about them. I think this thread is going to be dangerous.
I feel this thread won't last long!

I think the person/account referred might be Bidscavan

I've already named a handful of accounts so why not hang myself again 🫠😅

As I said before, I don't follow Julie closely enough to identify but just guessing from a little nosey this morning.
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I hope there’s still no question over me. Do ye want me to get mods to verify it.

To be honest it’s actually put me off posting.
If the mods have to appear here again I’d say they’ll shut it down 😂🤣
I think you’re genuine because you’re not here posting batshit crazy stuff and I don’t think anyone else suspects you of being false
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Who do you believe started the witch hunt against themselves?
I probably worded that incorrectly. I don’t mean by tattlers who were suss at the tragic events posted by slj or inconsistencies with mrs D.. I meant that slj posted something that could fairly easily be fact checked so aroused suspicion for that account so they could retire it and carry on with others? And also maybe “gang up” on the account from another account.. if I’m making any sense? This is where I wish we had voice notes it makes sense in my head and I can’t transfer it clearly to text here 😂🙈

Again total tin foil hat stuff I could be talking out my arse
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Like I'd know the names of some profiles the ones that post regularly but I wouldn't come on tagging them if they hadn't posted in a while, but each to there own I suppose.

If tattle had a voice note option id be out of a job 🤣 I'd never get anything done

That is true but I’d at least be able to verbalise the thought process. Although my voice notes are like podcasts so be glad I’m not able to send them 😂

I think Louber is fairly on the money with their thoughts.
It’s mad though I’m starting to actually look at peoples profile names now and styles of posting it’s taking all the fun out of tattle for me but at the same time I’m a bloodhound for drama so I’ll still be here 😂
Yes it was so strange, she concocted a story that people were to blame for her not being able to use RIP and had to have a private funeral. But it was all to stop anyone here asking questions and uncovering her lies. I still can't believe there's a woman out there who would lie about the death of her own child. She mustn't be a mother because if she was she would never say something like that

That’s why I think it was all a plan to “retire” the persona. Surely they didn’t think they’d get away with posting something like that and somebody not question it?

Second that with the person not being a mother… you just couldn’t pretend that kinda thing happened when you’ve kids of your own. I missed the drama the last week over some personal stuff going on because tattle or any kind of social media was the last thing on my mind. And Just in case anyone’s worried, I’ve zero intention of spilling my guts or giving a sob story 😂 (I only have one account I promise!)

I pass the time here, have a bitch and a giggle some days I post some days I lurk etc I assume like most folk use it. I didn’t check it at work till whoever it was showed me the magic paintbrush for discreet mode 🙈

SLJ coming on here to report their child had passed away that day just isn’t normal. That’s something I’d struggle to even text my friends if god forbid I was ever in that situation.

And it’s only now when people have put pieces together that you see how truly mental the whole situation is.
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Not yet to me, like sloppy duped me I genuinely thought it was one of keets mates partners sick of burps shit but now I’m seeing it all line up…..I didn’t know you had to invite people or that you could see who invited who……surely you’d have to know someone proper in real life and have their email address or else you’re setting up a second account for yourself?

I think feathers have been ruffled though, if Mrs D was legit I feel she’d have reported it to mods so they could confirm last night and we could move on….burps gives enough content with the banter on this thread anyway like it’s always a laugh until someone makes it personal

Always thought BA’s stories were too detailed, descriptive, OTT with the background (and I’m convinced she said she was using a Ukrainian surrogate but in Greece like she had her living with her in Ireland) but their posts were funny so I ignored the bullcrap until the funny shit about the blogger of topic was said

Oh and the poster that got defensive about the hens, now I know you can’t just set up an account Willy nilly and they didn’t do it in response to comments here so they had the account already, I think that’s a fake one too to stir on a story
I'm doing Sarah's best nodding dog impression to your whole post 🐶😆 must see if I can get my collarbone out!!

Can't remember who the poster about the hens is but that made no sense to me!

It's wild. Your own mother could be on that thread pretending they're your father.

It's the manipulation that pushed it too far. Looking for money and having people try to come up with every possible way to help.

The apparently fictitious dead child is on another level of sick.

Sloppy made me suspicious from the beginning. I hadn't thought they were a previous very active member at first, but I found how they appeared and became the leader of the thread so unusual. They were hilarious but it felt a bit too familiar..
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you should see the recaps on part time working mummy page 🙈😂

Who the fuck has time to be reading all of that? That would honestly put me off a thread.

Who's the nurse? I feel I didn't read burps thread properly and I don't want to go back and read it again. I admit I skimmed abcdcork's comment when I saw the word pregnancy. It's highly suspect that neither n&nmon, slj, sf or mrs d have commented since all this came out. Surely youd defend yourself if it was all shite?? I don't suspect anyone current and I hope nobody does come on with shit because my head was truly melted. I do love the goss though nosy af I am.

Whatever happened to to the user seamus?

I wish I hadn't watched baby reindeer episode 4 was a very hard watch. Does it get worse from here? I know there's only 7 in total but i'm still sick over that episode. We binged those 4 an' all.
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She posted about the chemist she bought jelly’s shampoo in and it’s ardee and said she’s near mullingar and athlone but would be an hour from Roscommon (for a food bank or something like that)
So living on one slice of toast a day but could easily nip to the chemist to pick up a shampoo she saw recommended 🤔😂😂
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The second comment you screeenshotted was Give me strength saying they didn't know who was the person in question (Bidscavan) on Julie's thread, as a previous poster said this person had seen Julie in real life and posted about it on the thread.

Give me strength was making a joke that maybe she was the person being speculated about as she had seen Julie in the hairdressers before and posted it on her thread.
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Calm down gals 🤣 I never have and never will interact with the personal stories/stories of death. It’s a bit much. I do love having the bants about these haunty cunts though 🤣 Sarah and Julie are my faves 🥰
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