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I never really focused on silent lurkers journey but was so suss about Mrs Doyle since they claimed to make their own Ozempic. It was then I started to notice the conflicting stories.
Ah god I missed when she said she made her own ozempic 💀 sometimes I think they’re 2 different people like one profile (BA for example) seems intelligent enough especially with the sense of humour but then the other ones “me no speak English” and the making their own ozempic just seems like someone who can’t see how outrageous that sounds. They’d also argue back with other posters which seemed like a child at times.

I swear every other year in May we’re blessed with some scandal. Wasn’t the Bloggers unveiled in or around this time? I can remember because we were all bet into it at work and the weather was starting to get nice.

2018 BU scandal
2020 (doesnt count, there was too much scandal that year)
then May 2022 there was the GAA catfish
May 2024 this 😂
it’s like the gossip eclipse that comes around every 2 years for us ☀
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I probably worded that incorrectly. I don’t mean by tattlers who were suss at the tragic events posted by slj or inconsistencies with mrs D.. I meant that slj posted something that could fairly easily be fact checked so aroused suspicion for that account so they could retire it and carry on with others? And also maybe “gang up” on the account from another account.. if I’m making any sense? This is where I wish we had voice notes it makes sense in my head and I can’t transfer it clearly to text here 😂🙈

Again total tin foil hat stuff I could be talking out my arse
I only started to notice SLJ when they started talking about the sick child. When they posted that the child had died my first thought was they were saying that as a way to disappear. I hate to admit that I did have a look on RIP 🫣. But I was so surprised with the weird defense post a week or so later.
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Chatty Member
Well the surname is of a famous tea drinker we had here. It's weird they haven't come back on though isn't it.
Yeah, either of them. If they were genuine I would expect at least one to comment outraged at the accusations, the disappearing act says a lot
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There was a poster called itsnotmeitsyouok
I’m positive that was also funtupthehole/other nutcases! Does anyone remember this one!
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I don't think you can block people from viewing your past posts. I've never in all my years here seen a profile with their past posts blocked. It's actually one of the things I really like about Tattle - simply because you can check back if you get a bad feeling about a poster/think they're a spoofer. If you couldn't, these wans would be free to invent a different personal life for every thread they post on and and it'd be nearly impossible to cop it. And if you're genuine, who cares who sees your posts!

Also the lady who lost her teenage son is around Tattle for years. I've never noticed anything odd with her posts so I'm 99% she is genuine. Always enjoy her posts too.

Apologies for butting into this thread - I've been a reader of Burp's thread since day 1, but I'm usually playing catch up so I'm more of a lurker and a liker of posts than a poster. Delighted to see this thread here as I've had suspicions about some posters for sooo long and knew I couldn't be the only one!!
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When sloppy joined they were being classed as a celebrity as they were Marie123 on Tiktok. Did anyone remember them trolling Sarah over there? @Lucozadelover have we all the accounts you and your friends predicted?
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And person claiming “HG” that seems to be a rat in the camp now due to being a nurse?! 🤔 get in the bin 😂 the tattle FBI need to start issuing arrests 😂
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I got up at 5am

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Didn’t the tea maker say she was an hour from Athlone at some point, definitely not in Cork.

I took from Lizard’s post that she was defending SLJ, or am I completely wrong 😑
No she was saying they are the same person as BA. I can’t stand Liz she is a holy disgrace but she’s right on this. I hadn’t clicked about the other accounts but now people are saying it I’m starting to see it.
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I don’t think anyone defended them once people started seeing the lies, just that they must need help and hopefully they get it. Obviously we will never know the truth at this point and it’s a truly horrific thing to lie about, all the other lies as shown in screenshots from here would make me believe it was a lie too. Maybe it wasn’t, I don’t know I just can go with my gut 🤷🏼‍♀️

transparency first spotted it on an older thread it seems and said it here (which is fair) and that mad bastard liz obviously read the thread and replied to their comment here saying you’re right to question them basically, via an insta story and also decided to say they (SLJ) were BA too which transparency never said here

Honestly! The fucking lies I just scrolled never clicking but last night I went back to their very first post (it was a reply to BA actually) and it all unravelled plain as day. Once the number of losses kept growing as the sympathy was being given I stopped looking, stomach was turned then but it’s there plain as day for us all to see, as said by others too, like burps a liar needs a good memory
Do you know what, whatever about lying about certain stuff on here, lying about miscarriages and stillborn is actually horrendous.
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No I’m not lol but was thinking this was like some vip club. Didn’t realise ye were all familiar with each other
Long story short , there was posters that would make up stories about having no money and sick babies. As some posters have been chatting to each other for a few years they're familiar with each other. There is a consensus on thinking the posters making up stories have multiple accounts so when someone is new or non active, the regular posters are suss.
New posters are welcome imo , love having new people as yer all gas but just be warned of you are going to be telling us a lot of personal stories and not about influencer, we will be suss to thinking your one of those posters above. I hope that clarifies it .
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I know asking someone to "light a candle" is as irish as it gets, but there's something dodgy about all those troll accounts having sick babies in hospitals and requesting everyone lights a candle for them and keeps them in their prayers. 4 of the accounts all had multiple mc and would regularly complain about similar issues but all 4 would ask for people to "light a candle for my baby".

I just went down the rabbit hole on one account, and it was fucking weird seeing them talk to themselves over 3 accounts. Tattle really shines a light on the unwell 😩
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Ya she was full of shit. Like previously mentioned no one wants to read personal stuff really on a thread about Sarah etc. same with Mrs Doyle 🙄 each to their own but not my cup of tea.. I’ll see myself out after that terrible pun.
Ah go on 😂
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So...sorry talking about me here, but it's the only way I could relate..when SLJ posted on here about her child being sick and even when the child passed away, I didn't find it that weird, like when my sister passed last year I was absolutely glued to tattle , both when she was sick and the day she died. Like ye guys on here were the most amazing distraction and honestly I didn't post for attention, it was just posting as I was in turmoil and ye were here, i was stuck in america,my parents in ireland and obviously a mess no one bar my husband there, and ye were all amazing and honestly, sitting in the airport trying to get home, reading this and other threads kept me sane, as mad as that sounds. However, in light of everything and reflecting on the whole thing... a sister passing isn't the same as losing a child, what was she doing even thinking of tattle after losing her child, there are just so many questions. I feel deeply sorry for SLJ and 100% hope she gets the help she needs and I do hope she's OK. No one in their right mind would ever do what she has done, so please God she gets sorted
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Reminds me of when (the not native English speaker) Graywalls kept calling Keet a Jaffa in every single post and I snapped one day and she never called him it again 😂🤣

Yes!! That sounds familiar alright!
I never knew what a jaffa was until then. I'm still not entirely sure I know what it is. I keep thinking it's cause he's a ginger 😬
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I always thought BA and SLJ ware the same person to be honest did BA not claim to also have a sick child or a child that was always in and out of hospital? If the post about the child passing is made up that’s revolting that person needs help! I thought when mrs.d said she was a social worker and she go after burps if burps went after slj I thought that’s a bit much when you don’t know the person and I also thought how’d you go from being broke to a social worker? I had forgotten about the injections I hope the mods call them out tho if any of it is true the very ones giving out about burps and they are doing the same with lies and manipulation it’s crazy
I don’t think they were the same person, minus all the surrogacy attention seeking, BA was actually funny.. slj is a bit of a drip 😬 I must have missed it as I normally scroll past the nonsense but that stuff about being a social worker is mental.. I mean we all joke about how shit of a mother she is (posting kid without his consent and he being a minor) but i would never ever agree with getting social workers involved with an insta cunts kid 😶
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lady luck

Chatty Member
I still find it all confusing, but I also don’t think anyone will try to derail burps thread with poor me stories or insider info goss it’s been done the poster / posters ware found out and I think all the genuine posters will now call out anyone that tries that again 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I do think the suss accounts will have back up accounts to keep themselves on the site.
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