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Chatty Member
I do agree with you that Bryony's version of unschooling is rubbish, especially as she calls herself "too independent,driven and motivated" which is exactly the opposite of what Bryony actually done regarding education and careers. The homeschooling that I referred to in my last comment would be one to one tutoring (the fees of which I believe Bryony's parents would have been well to afford) and sitting the required British secondary school exams in the official exam hall. At 17 she was well enough to stick to a schedule of studying and tutoring if she was actually previously chronically ill from age 15. I would not generally believe in homeschooling per se, if there was no major chronic illness affecting a students ability to physically attend school for instance.
I believe that she would not have been smart enough to attend any university, so a polytechnic college degree would have suited her instead.( I do not mean to imply that anyone who attended a polytechnic college is unintelligent in any way).
Her business clearly will not last long term and she has no qualification to fall back on, so that she could gain employment instead of being allegedly "self-employed". Its her mother that coached her on business training.She doesn't even have a business education and qualification.
it seems her business has closed down, now she has claimed maternity pay.
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My mum would say "she looks like she needs a pint of blood and a good meal" 😂

I think she definitely needs a bit more sun and exercise in her life and spinach in her diet.

And as a disclaimer, I know people look the way they look, and I can't pick fault. I'm certainly no oil painting. But I just wish I could get a pair of tweezers on her brows 😬
Not even sun, but excercise and a decent diet. She looks so sallow, I'm pale as a ghost but I don't look like I have jaundice 🤣
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How many times does she cough on him or touch her nose ect then him without washing her hands. Poor little mite
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I think she looks a bit shorter than average, compared to objects like prams and doors and kitchen cabinets, but about average build.
She's odd looking, I don't know if it's just me but her eyes seem very small. To be fair if she ever pulled a face other than that frog like grimmace or that weird smirk that passes for a smile she’d probably be very pretty.
I wonder if she acts super awkward on purpose. Her body language is as if she doesn’t know how to move her limbs.
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She has a really easy-going baby and yet moans about it being so hard. She said he'll only nap on her and then proceeded to put him in bed. Her lies and desperation for attention and praise make for uncomfortable watching. Can you imagine how insufferable she would be if her son actually becomes hard work, or if she has another that isn't so easy?

I hope the baby being smaller isn't going to become the start of factitious illness for attention. She seems to have got the message that she can't whinge about her own made-up health problems anymore, so now it might become the baby that's ill and needy in some way so she can gain more attention.
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I get you with the deprivation of assets but she's openly said on a FB group for single mums by choice that this is what she intends to do.
And yes 100% she does, or anyone who is a single mum that didn't pay a clinic to become one.
She openly admitted this?? Hmm interesting 🤔 😏 silly girl Bryony.
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Has anyone ever messaged her calling her out on this bullshit? I wonder how she'd react.
She would and has blocked anyone who criticised her or asked a question that she didn,t like. I think the existence of this thread demonstrates this fact. Any opposition to her or asking questions she does not like is just being mean towards her-(according to her opinion or mindset). I note how every single comment under her youtube videos and facebook posts are all full of praise and positive towards her, with no one being in any way contradictory towards her on anything.

The water injection thing is interesting, agree with the above that as long as those getting it are fully informed then I see no issue.

Dying at the irony of her pushing quack science for years, but this is beyond the pale for her.
This reminds me.
The quack science in one of her earlier videos is of this amber-coloured" Baltic "necklace which she claimed reduced period pain. And a machine which she put nail clippings into ,which I am not sure what it was supposed to do...
I notice from her earlier videos she always had a chubby face. After having Oryn, she has put on weight...
Am I being mean?....
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It gives major creeper vibes. I hope O has people around him as much as possible to safeguard him.

I was disappointed to see someone recommend her as a SMBC to watch online. She shouldn't be indulged and should be monitored by professionals. I don't think NSPCC or her local HV or SS would look kindly on a child being left alone for 15 hours every single day, let alone at 9 months old.
Because seven year olds have an established personality and can talk back to her. She can't treat them like a doll.
Or speak up for themselves :( It really is chilling.
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Well she was angling for NHS funded fertility treatment for her adenomyosis (despite not actually knowing if it would affect her ability to conceive) so it wouldn't surprise me if she did try and class herself as having some kind of fertility issue.

Does she actually have adenomyosis though? I mean, I know she said she does but was she actually ever properly diagnosed? I feel like I remember the video being vague to say the least although I could be misremembering
From her latest Instagram story it doesn’t look like she had a c-section? She said that the mental health team needed to check on her before she left and that was the only thing keeping her now because they don’t work on weekends, but if she had him on Friday wouldn’t she only be leaving today/tomorrow if she had had a surgery? My friend just had a planned c-section and I believe she spent 3-5 days in the hospital, but we are in Canada so it may be different.


Active member
There's a lot to unpack here, but this tells me it isn't even worth trying to discuss how problematic and offensive your comments are.
It isn,t worth taking your comment seriously as clearly you appear to think children's fundamental rights and needs for a financially and mentally stable mother and a father (preferably their genetic parents if possible) are "problematic and offensive" and in its place you falsely believe that adults misperceived rights to have children is important.

There is no such thing as adults fundamental rights to have children. There are no special adults who have the right to have children more than other adults .

Adoption again fulfils children's needs and rights.

Thats all there is to "unpack".
Previous poster clearly has a very specific ethical view against assisted reproduction - @Itsmeagainat you may be interested in the work of Katy Faust?

It’s completely valid but I don’t entirely agree with your framing and neither do most on this thread clearly. It would be a shame to derail and discourage discussion because people are upset.
Katy Faust did not come up the basic principles I outlined-whoever she is. I do not think I would find her an interesting person. There has been widespread knowledge of the psychological damage and distress experienced by children who were the product of extramarital affairs, long before "sperm donation" was in existence. There are lots of different types of people who object to sperm donation, egg donation and surrogacy, it isn,t confined to people of her type. Ms Faust did not back up her statements with sources., although it would appear to be "completely valid."
The following sample survey shows a significant number of adult people who were donor conceived experienced psychological distress when they found out they were donor conceived.

Its not likely that donor conceived children who always knew that they were donor conceived all of their lives will not be distressed once they become adults and understand what being donor conceived means. A significant number of people who come from married parents which that they had never been brought into existence , so somehow it is thought that people who come from donor conception/ science experiment would not be or never be distressed/psychologically harmed by it??!!

There is no such thing as adult rights over children's instinctual needs and rights.

This is also discussion.
I can't believe you're supporting international adoption here? What is wrong with you? On what planet is picking a child up out of their home culture and placing them in your own less problematic than using some frozen sperm?

There are far more problems with adoption vis-à-vis child rights than there are with donor eggs and sperm. The argument that the children did not consent to be here is complete rubbish, given that no child, however conceived, whether it be IVF, Sperm Donation, or in the hayloft of the hoe-down consented to be here.
I've never followed Bryony too closely, and just wanted to know what her status is with her pad business? Is she officially no longer involved with it, or has she just taken time or for materinty leave or what?
I can't believe you're supporting international adoption here? What is wrong with you? On what planet is picking a child up out of their home culture and placing them in your own less problematic than using some frozen sperm?

There are far more problems with adoption vis-à-vis child rights than there are with donor eggs and sperm. The argument that the children did not consent to be here is complete rubbish, given that no child, however conceived, whether it be IVF, Sperm Donation, or in the hayloft of the hoe-down consented to be here.
I've never followed Bryony too closely, and just wanted to know what her status is with her pad business? Is she officially no longer involved with it, or has she just taken time or for materinty leave or what?
In no way did I condone adoption where the natural mother or both natural parents did not choose or consent to give their child up for adoption. The reason why I mentioned international adoption is because there is a shortage of children in Britain available for adoption. "picking a child up out of their home and culture" . People of different races and ethnicities share British culture whether you like it or not-its 2023. No culture is more important than being rescued from chronic poverty. Adoption is not problematic because it is about the children's rights and needs for a mother and father , not adults wanting to have their own bloodline.

The fact that no one consented to exist does not in any way justify the use of donor eggs and sperm or women being exploited for surrogacy. In fact it bolsters the argument against donor eggs and sperm and a lot of surrogacy, because plenty of people -even from married parents of a father and mother, for a variety of reasons-wish that they did not exist. So if lots of people who knew both their biological parents wold rather not have existed, the chances of donoir conceived people resenting their existence and biological and non-biological parent is far likely to be much higher and that is the reality. It is your type of thinking "every adult has the right to have a child"that leads to a situation like Bryony.

Bryony does not do her pad business anymore and thinks that she can make enough money off youtube as far as I know and from what other people have said.

Your comments about adoption are bigoted . Vast amount of people in society and adoptees themselves see no problem with international adoption.
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I got round to watching them both too!

is it normal to not be able to get out of bed for days and days after a C-section? Sounded like Hannah was more interested in her baby than Bryony!

and talk on the first period where bryony thought she was ovulating so said mum I need to buy an ovulation test
Why??? So odd
Varies but considering she made out she had a really positive caesarean experience I'm surprised she needed days in bed to recover. Nowadays they like you to mobilise as soon as possible. Mind you she had her parents waiting on her hand and foot so she probably took full advantage of that.


VIP Member
I can't actually believe how much she went on about not wanting to have her baby close to Christmas. Did her first cycle not work then, as the baby is coming in February?


Well-known member
It's unusual for a full-time SAHM that BF to do it so little so early on, normally you'd feed freely during the day and night to establish and maintain a normal supply. It's no wonder she had difficulty when she limited it to a couple of times a day for Instagram pics. Avoiding BF to get more sleep and then taking a risky medication to try and counteract that is quite an odd choice. I've been prescribed the same medication myself, it's normally only given for 7 days now in the UK due to the risks.


Active member
I never actually addressed the whatabout of someone deciding to use sperm and egg donations because having their own genetic child would result in major disabilities, as you well know.
I was merely prioritising children's rights and not adult rights.
(The rights of the child to have his or her biological father and mother in his or her life instead of the adults perceived rights or urge to have children). I am sorry this offended you. No offence intended . There is always adoption( mostly from children born in other countries)

Also the world is overpopulated. Not having children should be normalised more.
With donor sperm, a child will have numerous half brothers and sisters with different women, and people do not find this disturbing?

Granted, no one knows much about him,but the guy who donated sperm to Bryony is very likely to be a creep,narcissistic and hugely egotistical.

I guess people think that adult wants are more important than the fundamental rights of the child(including not to be brought into the world in many instances). Or at least the popular view is adult wants are more important. than the rights of the child.
I can't believe you're supporting international adoption here? What is wrong with you? On what planet is picking a child up out of their home culture and placing them in your own less problematic than using some frozen sperm?

There are far more problems with adoption vis-à-vis child rights than there are with donor eggs and sperm. The argument that the children did not consent to be here is complete rubbish, given that no child, however conceived, whether it be IVF, Sperm Donation, or in the hayloft of the hoe-down consented to be here.
I've never followed Bryony too closely, and just wanted to know what her status is with her pad business? Is she officially no longer involved with it, or has she just taken time or for materinty leave or what?
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