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Well-known member
She’s been complaining about her cold/flu for weeks now, still going out and about and visiting her elderly parents. Nice of her to spread it all around before she thinks to test… no doubt will still be at her parents tomorrow
I'm sorry why is she sharing this. Oh, yes IMO she'll want people to have a pity party. I'm not joining in since I think there are considerably worse things than that.


Active member
She thinks that her editing has improved over the years? How bad was it before? She does the sort of sit down videos that barely need any editing.

I bet in terms of the Foster caring, they initially thought she'd be doing more general videos about fostering, not vlogging the children. Thank God she stopped fostering.

Maybe there wasn't a lot of content about single parents because people have better things to do than paste their business all over the Internet? She really does live in her own little world. I can't see any new content taking off because she just isn't relatable.
i think she literally never edited anything and just uploaded a video straight after filming it, that’s how it seemed anyway. much the same now just a little bit of editing ig


Active member
Does Oryn have a lazy eye? On all the pictures of his full face one eye always looks turned in, but I’m surprised she hasn’t mentioned it as I’d expected her to be all excited about another ailment she can dramatise. It’s not like she keeps his medical matters private, she does whole videos dedicated to his supposed weight issues/allergies


Active member
tbh we can doubt her asexuality all we want lol. at the end of the day this is a gossip site, its literal purpose is for us to speculate about things influencers put into the public domain.
bryony doesn't even identify as fully asexual, she mentions frequently that she's open to a relationship in the future. She calls herself 'graysexual' which basically means she's straight but only occasionally sees men she's sexually/romantically attracted to. She also uses this 'identity' to lump herself into the lgbt community as if only being horny sometimes is an axis of oppression 😂 As someone who is actually in a same sex relationship I find this laughable and offensive.
Like most of Bryony's many ailments and identities, graysexual is just another one she's taken on to feel special and different, probably compounded by the fact she is emotionally stunted and has no social life and thus has never even met a potential sexual/romantic partner.
To be fair, I'll go with that one. I'm demi, I hear "that's just normal" a lot, but with Bryony yeah it probably is just another thing to feel special about.
I think the thing that makes Bryony unpleasant is the combination of everything. Elective c-sections by choice are normal and no less valid than a vaginal birth or medically required c-section, just as getting pregnant the way she did is perfectly valid, having struggles with pregnancy that aren't life threatening are valid, the list goes on. That's why I said we shouldn't shame people for elective c-sections, because there's nothing wrong with them. What's twisted about Bryony is her use of all of them to make everything about her and to manipulate and probably straight up lie on occasions to achieve that goal.

Millennial Pink

VIP Member
She’s been complaining about her cold/flu for weeks now, still going out and about and visiting her elderly parents. Nice of her to spread it all around before she thinks to test… no doubt will still be at her parents tomorrow
Jesus, wasn't her Dad unwell recently? That's the last thing he needs.

Knowing her she'll palm her son off to her parents tomorrow as she's 'so ill'.


Active member
going on about her size again in her latest story. ‘i had to size up in this tshirt, i got a small but i could’ve got an extra small to be honest’ like why does she always have to mention this thing about being ‘so small and petite’
i have no idea. I think she might have some body issues as she is constantly talking about it. Either that or she loves the attention of being soooo petite also, the small top looks like it fits her just fine so why is she even complaining.


Active member
I can't believe you're supporting international adoption here? What is wrong with you? On what planet is picking a child up out of their home culture and placing them in your own less problematic than using some frozen sperm?

There are far more problems with adoption vis-à-vis child rights than there are with donor eggs and sperm. The argument that the children did not consent to be here is complete rubbish, given that no child, however conceived, whether it be IVF, Sperm Donation, or in the hayloft of the hoe-down consented to be here.
I've never followed Bryony too closely, and just wanted to know what her status is with her pad business? Is she officially no longer involved with it, or has she just taken time or for materinty leave or what?
With adoption prospective adoptive parents are carefully vetted, unlike sperm donations we see with Bryony,so that is another reason why it is proper, in comparison to sperm donation ,egg donation and surrogacy. I do not approve of selling babies internationally if that is what you would consider to be adoption too.


Active member
I remember seeing 5 minute craft hacks turning boxer shorts into bras about 10 years ago now, something I never thought I'd see a resurgence of.


FML, I never thought i'd be watching bra-pants get made on a Saturday evening....but here I am. She never fails to amaze me 😂

ETA Pants-bra would perhaps be a better description?! Not bra pants 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've lost the plot now, obviously as has she!
I can’t work out if she is brilliantly frugal or just tight 😂


Active member
Does she not realise that in the vast majority of modern relationships, especially amongst our generation, housework and childcare are split? A partner IS someone who helps with washing, dishes, childcare etc - “You cooked tonight, I’ll do the dishes” “You’ve had the kids all day, I’ll do bedtime whilst you put your feet up”. Plus two incomes means more financial stability.

I’ve said it before but all her perceptions of relationships and men seem to come from her being chronically online with little to no real life experience. To be honest, if she was to date I can imagine her ending up in a relationship where she does all the housework and childcare purely because her attitude and seeming hatred towards men would put off a lot of the men who do pull their weight at home.
I got married to my now ex husband without living with him first, and even though we both worked, he only worked over the road and I travelled far, but he left me to do all the housework because he earned more money. He never even cleaned the toilet after he used it. I wondered if even though there was supposed to be equality, if most women were left to clean the toilet? I'm glad I never had children with him and spent years enjoying single life after him. I like it that my partner now has his own home, so when we're together it's nearly always a date night, and none of the boring tidying up after him apart from the odd times I'll make a special meal as thanks for him taking me out.