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Has anyone seen the recent update? Someone came to the house to do a newborn photo shoot but she didn’t feel well enough to get involved so her mum did while she laid on the sofa 😬. While it’s lovely she has family support I don’t think pandering to her does her much good. It’s not like she had to go anywhere the photographer came to them, she just had to get off the sofa for a bit
Oh dear it's starting! 🙈
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Keeping ovulation and pregnancy tests is a thing for those going through a long infertility and treatment journey. After they've taken 100s of tests the final positive one is special. Getting pregnant after infertility is different to having Covid. She was pregnant after her second IUI though, it wasn't even medicated was it?
Ah yes, I hadn't considered the infertility angle, though as you say it's not like she had any problem with that. I wonder if she'll tack herself onto that crowd in the future...
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Keeping ovulation and pregnancy tests is a thing for those going through a long infertility and treatment journey. After they've taken 100s of tests the final positive one is special. Getting pregnant after infertility is different to having Covid. She was pregnant after her second IUI though, it wasn't even medicated was it?
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I know i comment on it everytime but 🙈 sooooo glad poor, hard done to, exhausted Briony has another holiday booked with her parents. 3 of them entertain a baby on the plane and shes already griping about it. I wonder how many days she'll have to spend holed up in the holiday room "recovering" from the trauma of close contact parenting for the duration of the flight.

I wanted to reply to her insta story question and say "stick a screen infront of him, it's what you usually do" 🙄
I saw her story and came straight here 😅
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Beware incoming pedantry but is CEO accurate? Precious Stars was never, to my knowledge, a company. It was a business, but I don't believe she ever registered it as a company.
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Bryony Farmer #3 scrounges, complains and thinks her parents should do the chores and she just preaches on her high horse
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I also have to say that I don’t think she had suddenly developed mental health issues, I think she genuinely no longer wanted the baby hence why she planned to kill him. I’m absolutely shocked that she thinks social services won’t be monitoring her or stepping in to check that she hasn’t harmed him considering what she has said and the multiple times that she wished death upon him or planned herself to end his life. I also find it striking that she never (if this really was a mental health issue) decided to give him up for adoption or fostering….it was all centred around regret, even calling him a parasite. Further to that, if she had been suffering from major mental health issues, yet she was still “able” to make YouTube videos opening presents for him, film and arrange gender reveals; but secretly was planning on murdering him once he was born. That’s unhinged. That’s calculated.
you’ve totally hit the nail on the head there
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Chatty Member
I can't believe you're supporting international adoption here? What is wrong with you? On what planet is picking a child up out of their home culture and placing them in your own less problematic than using some frozen sperm?

There are far more problems with adoption vis-à-vis child rights than there are with donor eggs and sperm. The argument that the children did not consent to be here is complete rubbish, given that no child, however conceived, whether it be IVF, Sperm Donation, or in the hayloft of the hoe-down consented to be here.
I've never followed Bryony too closely, and just wanted to know what her status is with her pad business? Is she officially no longer involved with it, or has she just taken time or for materinty leave or what?
Not my original post, but both international adoption and anonymous donor conception are very controversial and I don’t morally agree with either - but the reality is they’re both legal and relatively common ways people have families.

When you look at the stats both groups (internationally adopted and donor conceived adults) have very high rates of physiological distress and confusion about their identity. Yes a person has a right to directly know and experience their cultural heritage which is denied through some adoptions, but they also have a right to know their genetic, medical and paternal family heritage which is denied in anonymous sperm donor conception.

I find your reaction totally disproportionate.
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IMO Bryony is just bone bloody idle. A cleaner?? Really?? Wonder who is paying for that? I'm guessing Ma & Pa or us, the taxpayer since she's on UC. My betting is baby will reach age 5 and she'll be back at the clinic trying for another child to continue her life of idleness - oh sorry I meant, of course, solo parent journey. If you're reading here Bryony. I resent my taxes supporting you. I see so many more worthy people to support. Sorry if you don't like that but I like to express my view which I'm sure you'll appreciate since you often express your (IMO uneducated) view on parenting.
Edit; since it is reported she's on UC. I think she was the one who shared this?
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Has she actually said she is claiming UC?? I find a lot about her life to be unbelievable but SURELY she wouldn't do that?!
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I genuinely believe she doesn’t realise how blessed she is to have what she has, I’m not saying if you are wealthy you can’t feel down or frustrated with life, money isn’t everything but there are soooo many people out there who have nothing and are grateful for everything.
She clearly has a lack of self-awareness.
I was shocked to see she's taking an anti-sickness medication considering that was likely one of the triggers of her extreme mental health issues in her pregnancy?! I don't know if it's the same drug but surely you'd be wary of taking something like that again considering it left her so deeply unwell.

If I remember rightly, during her pregnancy her GP didn't want to prescribe it and this time around her GP won't prescribe it either but she just goes right ahead and pays someone to give her what she wants. It's bizarre!
I would think that her mental health issues in her pregnancy also had to do with the fact she was literally having a strangers baby (its not only her offspring as she seems to like to think) and also at least some tiny part of her subconscious intuitively knew that what she was doing in bringing this child into the world was deeply wrong and cruel as well as a subversion of nature-the child is not the product of love and marriage between a woman and a man.
Maybe also she was actually traumatised by the IUI fertility procedure although she pretends not to have traumatised....

Her girl boss nonsense gets me everytime. Completely agree that what she’s talking about is very empty internet discourse regurgitated as her own life. She wants to come across as a socially engaged, politically informed and witty mum. But instead of being those things she just reads Instagram infographics all day 🫠

Is there a feminist cause which Bryony has publicly backed that doesn’t centre her own laziness or immediate desires? ‘’Women shouldn’t have to justify rest’’ = don’t criticise me for choosing to watch Netflix instead of getting a job or looking after my baby. ‘’Motherhood should be paid labour’’ = I want more government money. ‘’Pre natal depression should be normalised’’ = I monetised a video talking about killing my son ‘’Fathers don’t do enough housework’’ = my parents paid for me to get impregnated so I don’t have to have an adult relationship. Etc etc etc. it’s nauseating.
Also want to just say there are real reasons why women and specifically mothers are denied adequate rest or may feel guilty about it. But they are structural and societal reasons, none of which actually impact Bryony whatsoever. Is she really claiming she is denied rest or made to feel guilt for it? When? From who?

If she feels guilty watching a fantasy Netflix show meant for teenagers in the middle of the day maybe it’s because she should. She doesn’t work, has free childcare and nothing to do except clean her small flat. Sometimes guilt is a helpful emotion.
The fact that she apparently thinks of herself as feminist is laughable. The way she conceived him is nothing short of something like a scenario from the novel "The Handmaid,s Tale". The biological father of her child will have donated his sperm to other women also (possibly to feed his huge ego of spreading his DNA ). It would seem that more specifically related to the fact that her parents paid for her to get impregnated so that she does not have to have an adult relationship, it seems she considers herself feminist also for rejecting having had sexual intercourse with a man and also rejecting giving birth vaginally. Yet despite this she does not have a problem with inserting menstrual cups up her vagina...
This. Maybe she feels guilty relaxing because it usually follows hard work and she knows she isn’t doing that. A single parent sitting watching TV shows in the middle of the day whilst claiming universal credit and palming their child off to someone else is EXACTLY the kind of person who would be put on blast for taking advantage of the benefits system if she was of a lower social class, and had conceived her child the usual way. But because Bryony lives in a middle class tory area, in a flat bought for her by her wealthy parents, with her baby that they also bought her, she is trying to paint herself as some kind of feminist icon instead.
Yes, apparently it would appear that according to her that because those single mothers from working class or other less financially secure backgrounds than her parents , have had sexual intercourse and she considers sexual intercourse to be either disgusting or frightening or both and yet again she did not have a problem with sticking menstrual cups up her vagina....go figure...!
Although she hasn,t specifically referred to working-class single mothers explicitly in either a derogatory or neutral way in any of the videos that I have seen so far anyway. What is annoying is that she refers to herself as "a solo mother by choice"-some sort of yummy mummy term, when in actuality, she is a single mother or more specifically, an unmarried mother who conceived artificially...

Instead of feeding on demand, she decided to prioritise her own sleep, take off license meds, wash less bottles, and have a growth restricted baby.

The most common fabricated illness (munchausen by proxy) is food related disorders and weight restriction.

I called it months ago, she'd have him in nursery ASAP despite not working. A full time mum sending her baby off for 2 days a week so she can have 'me time' and film herself prattling on to a camera for 20 mins. She's annoyed she has to walk 10 mins to ditch her baby for the day instead of 2 minutes.

So she wants benefits to be a mum, but also wants childcare. Having a baby was a career choice and excuse to sit on her arse all day. 4 holidays in 6 months even though it unsettles her baby too. She's a joke.
She had no idea what having a baby would actually be like. As mentioned earlier when the child has his own individuality when he is older, she will not be able to handle it. If her mother wanted to be a grandmother so much, she should have allowed and or trained Bryony to interact with members of the opposite sex close to Bryony,s age since she was a teenager, but oh no, she/Bryony,s parents apparently did not want their daughter to get married and have sexual intercourse for whatever strange reason, probably a reason like Munchausens by proxy..

Strange we haven't seen her with a Just Stop Oil tee shirt
Why? Is that something that financially privileged young people just do?
Which reminds me, someday all her money including the inheritance money for Bryony will run out and she will have to learn the hard way to get some form of employment and qualifications. Sadly she will probably have had more children through sperm "donation". Its absolutely terrible (and cruel ) that she did this.
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It isn,t worth taking your comment seriously as clearly you appear to think children's fundamental rights and needs for a financially and mentally stable mother and a father (preferably their genetic parents if possible) are "problematic and offensive" and in its place you falsely believe that adults misperceived rights to have children is important.

There is no such thing as adults fundamental rights to have children. There are no special adults who have the right to have children more than other adults .

Adoption again fulfils children's needs and rights.

Thats all there is to "unpack".

Katy Faust did not come up the basic principles I outlined-whoever she is. I do not think I would find her an interesting person. There has been widespread knowledge of the psychological damage and distress experienced by children who were the product of extramarital affairs, long before "sperm donation" was in existence. There are lots of different types of people who object to sperm donation, egg donation and surrogacy, it isn,t confined to people of her type. Ms Faust did not back up her statements with sources., although it would appear to be "completely valid."
The following sample survey shows a significant number of adult people who were donor conceived experienced psychological distress when they found out they were donor conceived.

Its not likely that donor conceived children who always knew that they were donor conceived all of their lives will not be distressed once they become adults and understand what being donor conceived means. A significant number of people who come from married parents which that they had never been brought into existence , so somehow it is thought that people who come from donor conception/ science experiment would not be or never be distressed/psychologically harmed by it??!!

There is no such thing as adult rights over children's instinctual needs and rights.

This is also discussion.

In no way did I condone adoption where the natural mother or both natural parents did not choose or consent to give their child up for adoption. The reason why I mentioned international adoption is because there is a shortage of children in Britain available for adoption. "picking a child up out of their home and culture" . People of different races and ethnicities share British culture whether you like it or not-its 2023. No culture is more important than being rescued from chronic poverty. Adoption is not problematic because it is about the children's rights and needs for a mother and father , not adults wanting to have their own bloodline.

The fact that no one consented to exist does not in any way justify the use of donor eggs and sperm or women being exploited for surrogacy. In fact it bolsters the argument against donor eggs and sperm and a lot of surrogacy, because plenty of people -even from married parents of a father and mother, for a variety of reasons-wish that they did not exist. So if lots of people who knew both their biological parents wold rather not have existed, the chances of donoir conceived people resenting their existence and biological and non-biological parent is far likely to be much higher and that is the reality. It is your type of thinking "every adult has the right to have a child"that leads to a situation like Bryony.

Bryony does not do her pad business anymore and thinks that she can make enough money off youtube as far as I know and from what other people have said.

Your comments about adoption are bigoted . Vast amount of people in society and adoptees themselves see no problem with international adoption.
In my opinion you can't generalise like this.
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She'll be glad of the news that free childcare kicks in sooner. Once her cycle returns, she'll be looking for childcare so she can be lazy again.
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I may be being really presumptuous and bitchy here, but in my opinion Bryony keeps mentioning that's she's a "solo mother by choice" because she thinks that's better than being a 'single mum'. 'Single mums' are common working class women who get knocked up by a drunk one-night-stand, not Bryony, she's a 'solo mother' because she's just so much more independent and enlightened than a 'single mum' (/s).

Exactly, she's a fucking snob that gives herself airs and graces, and her describing herself as middle class pisses me right off. Going to Church once a year and having ballet lessons as a child do not a Middle Class lady make, Dear Bryony 🙄

You work, your parents work, you're working class. Accept it.
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I feel like she does this though!! I'm an sure I've commented before on this - she says things then uses it as an excuse the order a takeaway! Like, it's not just oh no stupid me, I walked off without my bag of carrots, it's OH NO I LEFT MY ENTIRE WEEKLY FOOD SHOP SO NOW I HAVE TO ORDER TAKEAWAY. Maybe her parents were weird about food or something I dunno, it just seems like she goes to great lengths (lies) to justify having a takeaway. Or maybe its still that she is eight, so having "bad food" is still naughty in her mind. I dunno, but watch out for it. I'm sure it's a thing with her.
Agreed, when she cooks it always seems to be rather childish and simple concoctions. And don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with 'simple' meals or oven food at all! But with Bryony it just stands out as another life lesson/part of growing up that she seems to have missed out on. Probably due to her weird teenage years. Even moving into her own apartment at a relative young age didn't seem to spur her on or inspire her to be learn to cook anything more inspiring than super noodles or ordering takeaways at great expense 😅
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