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Chatty Member
Is she for real. What the fuck Bryony. Once again showing zero sensitivity, emotional tact or social intelligence... THIS is the exact sort of behaviour that got her foster child removed. Sharing highly sensitive details about a neglect case for clout online. Vile.

Not to mention using it to say ‘’fed is best 😌😌😌 I’m a normal busy mum too’’ when literally her only job is creating content about her cash cow virgin birth baby, and probably concealing her family wealth (mortgage in her parents name) to get government top up 🤢🤢🤢

I’m just waiting for one of her new solo mum friends to work up the courage to join this thread because I don’t believe for a second none of them have googled her and come across it. I’d love to know what they really think when they see her post this shit.
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I don’t know a single baby who sleeps 6pm to 5am. That's insanity, she is SO lucky and yet she still ignores him so she can sleep more.
She should go to bed earlier then, rather than staying up until midnight. I get that some people are night people and she might want to have some 'me time', but she has a child now, she can't do what she wants, she needs accommodate his needs and wants. She starts every vlog lying in bed at 9:30. The poor kid spends 15 hours alone in his bed.

She says her baby is grizzly when he's just hungry
Or bored/unstimulated.

In my view Bryony would have benefited by having several siblings are not being the star in her's and her parents show. IMO I'm not sure she'd be willing to relinquish her 'star role' even for her baby boy.
She also would have benefited from staying in school and/or getting a job and getting some real life experiences and socialising with different kinds of people. When her parents allowed her to leave school they reinforced her belief that she was in some way special, different and better than other people her age.
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So her reasoning was to not risk anything going wrong with a vaginal birth as it would have affected her bonding with him. She does realise caesareans are risky too, even if planned, and the recovery is much harder. Then again she's being waited on hand and foot (and totally indulged by the sounds of it!) so isn't having a normal postnatal period by any stretch.
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Bryony saying that child rearing is labour worthy of payment from the government strikes me as a big fat Universal Credit claim from her….
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What a vile human. Always looking to lie, steal, beg or manipulate someone to avoid being a responsible adult. And she wants to claim benefits for her laziness when the country is struggling and others can't even afford to eat. A rich person looking for tax breaks makes me sick. 26 and never worked an honest day in her life.
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How much do we want to bet she added formula top ups at night so her mum could get up with him?
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How does that makeup make her look like a 50 year old barmaid from the 1970s and a 6 year old who found mummy's makeup bag all at once?
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Chatty Member
The complex she has about the ‘’workload of motherhood’’ is thoroughly bizarre. We all know she had no responsibilities, her only job is filming herself talk shit, she has free childcare, a small flat she doesn’t leave, an easy baby etc.

But what bothers me most is how she is co-opting what is a genuine feminist concern of unequal labour distribution, mainly for working women in relationships with men. That has already been flattened into Instagram posts and Bryony looks at them and thinks ‘’Yep. That’s me. Oppressed for having to do dishes’’ holding the baby she paid for in the London flat her parents own.

Also the recent post saying‘’loving them is easy, only the workload is hard’’ is a wildly disingenuous dichotomy I cba to even unpack. But yes Bryony, you’re solely responsible for the physical care of the child you paid money to be inseminated with. I don’t know why that would need to be said.
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I don't have children so have never had a baby so I could easily be wrong, but how she's describing her baby being 'fussy' seems like normal behaviour? All she keeps on saying is that he won't 'go down' but surely she knows it isn't a doll that you can put down whenever you don't want to play with them anymore, and what is she going to do when he's not a newborn anymore and they don't sleep as much?

Not wanting to sleep unless they're sleeping on you doesn't seem like something that is a major issue to me, surely it's part of normal baby development, and it worries me that if she can't cope with that, is her child going to grow up feeling like his only caregiver isn't emotionally available for him?
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A mother using a private example of extreme neglect (that resulted in the children being removed from their parents and dealing with trauma for the rest of their lives) to give themselves a pat on the back for doing the absolute BARE minimum of feeding their child is unbelievably disgusting. How she was ever approved as a foster carer is beyond me and I am so glad she quit, she is not fit.

(Attaching the story so it doesn’t disappear in 24hrs)


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Instead of feeding on demand, she decided to prioritise her own sleep, take off license meds, wash less bottles, and have a growth restricted baby.

The most common fabricated illness (munchausen by proxy) is food related disorders and weight restriction.

I called it months ago, she'd have him in nursery ASAP despite not working. A full time mum sending her baby off for 2 days a week so she can have 'me time' and film herself prattling on to a camera for 20 mins. She's annoyed she has to walk 10 mins to ditch her baby for the day instead of 2 minutes.

So she wants benefits to be a mum, but also wants childcare. Having a baby was a career choice and excuse to sit on her arse all day. 4 holidays in 6 months even though it unsettles her baby too. She's a joke.
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Over the weekend she posted this. It must be really hard for her to comprehend that her "Let's do all kinds of fertility treatments as long as it makes people like meeeee, Bryony, happy" isn't always exactly ethical or should be government policy. You'd think she would have at least pondered the ethics of certain fertility treatments before going on her "journey'. Especially when it's not just semen donation but egg donation that can be quite tough on the bodies of the women who donate and therefore exploitative... 🙄🙄🙄
It’s quite shocking that a woman who has a child via donor wouldn’t be aware of the economic coercion and health risks in egg “donation”. Even when it’s called egg donation, donors actually receive hundreds+ in payment for their time. For a woman in poverty or a struggling student, that’s a lot of money. There is a lot of debate that the majority of egg donors aren’t making informed decisions and the egg retrieval process is highly taxing on the body and in 10% of cases it results in dangerous ovarian hyperstimulation. Knowing what I know about egg donation, I would call Germany progressive for this law!

Typical narcissistic Bryony. People like her are entitled and see children as objects to have ownership of, rather than as complete human beings who might actually grow up to be interested in learning their genetic history, and knowing their donor parents and siblings. We heard how Bryony spoke about her child’s sperm donor - she doesn’t see him as a person.
I doubt she even looked into the ethics of donor conception or listened to stories from donor-conceived adults before going down this path - at least it didn’t seem that way from how she spoke about picking out a donor.
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As an autistic woman, I completely agree. I think she probably is autistic. I don't think this is an excuse for her being plainly Terrible parent. Like without sounding like a picture book, autism can be really awesome and can give you an edge and making you excellent at pretty much anything. For me, learning I was autistic and learning how to use my neurodivergence to my own benefit was one of the most valuable things I have ever done.
I do agree that her parents did her a massive disservice pulling her out of school. Obviously school is not the best place for everyone with autism and I am not saying school was an altogether positive experience for me (it wasn't) but the further I am away from it the more I realise that the social skills I picked up on/observed/learnt there were the most valuable part of school for me.
It sounds dumb and although masking isn't something we should have to do, it is really valuable to learn how a neurotypical person would act or respond in a situation. I know I often get over-focussed on my brain and how I think things should be done but school and work help me interact with other people and see other perfectly acceptable ways of doing things. Bryony sadly has never had any of that and I think that is of huge detriment to her. Reading through this thread pretty much all the "issues" with Bryony would be resolved if she had more insight of her neurodivergence and any level of socialisation. I keep coming back to her enormously stereotypical view of men and relationships. This is because she has absolutely no experience of either. I actually don't even mean in a romantic sense - she has no understanding of genuine human/human relationships and no understanding of men outside of what she has seen online or in books.
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Chatty Member
Saying she’s glad to have her body back and ‘’not be responsible for growing a human anymore’’??? Sorry what? Do you not understand what you’ve signed up to for the 18 years of your life? She really thinks the hard part is over because she can palm him off on her parents.

I literally will never ever get over her saying she planned on killing her newborn. Saying it publicly. For profit. And it scares me because this is the very very beginning of his life and that thought of murder - let’s call it what it was - was triggered by something as trivial as his gender. Imagine in 10 years time. Bryony stll has no friends, no real career to speak of, and is caring for both of her elderly parents. Her son has challenging behaviour, because her gentle parenting has failed and she’s otherwise emotionally devoid. Her one support system is no longer there. What’s to say those emotions won’t be triggered again? The feeling of being alone, finding everything beyond her capacity, and regretting his life. Is she going to consider killing him again and post about it online? What is there to suggest she won’t? I know this is far fetched but she is so incapable, so immature and so pathetic that I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility. Equally her total lack of judgement and refusal to keep dangerous, horrific thoughts private to protect her son all just paint a picture of somebody very unhinged. There is also no real evidence that she has any long term support in place. Literally nothing in her life has changed since she threatened infanticide. She is fucked.
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Has anyone seen the recent update? Someone came to the house to do a newborn photo shoot but she didn’t feel well enough to get involved so her mum did while she laid on the sofa 😬. While it’s lovely she has family support I don’t think pandering to her does her much good. It’s not like she had to go anywhere the photographer came to them, she just had to get off the sofa for a bit
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Imagine having to go on holiday with your adult daughter who doesn’t have a job and the baby you bought and your daughter insisting you do a bus tour because she’s tired because her baby does what babies too.
All these holidays with her parents. I just can’t wrap my head around it. I can’t think of anything I would want to do less tbh.
Mind boggling. The whole thing.
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Exactly, she's a fucking snob that gives herself airs and graces, and her describing herself as middle class pisses me right off. Going to Church once a year and having ballet lessons as a child do not a Middle Class lady make, Dear Bryony 🙄

You work, your parents work, you're working class. Accept it.
In fairness she doesn't exactly work, she sits on her arse all day while her parents wait on her hand and foot. I haven't regularly watched her videos in a long time but from what I can make out her business is run by other people and she just takes the money.
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God help us 😬
How you can go from considering abortion and planning the murder of your newborn to wanting a second child within 6 weeks is beyond me.
The attention isn't on her now, it's on her infant and she doesn't like not being the poor wilting waif who has 'fainting episodes' and is too frail to live alone. Maybe she's hoping next time she'll actually throw up and be able to claim it's HG.
Given how much she's making about the bump, I think the bump, like the wheelchair in her early pregnancy, the crutches and wheelchair again in her ME/CFS phase, and to a certain extent painkillers/period products is a prop for her to garner more sympathy from people. Anyone who's ever felt ill in public will tell you that the general public really don't give a shit, I once fainted from period pain at a bus stop and only one person other than my mother even looked up from their phones, so she uses things like the bump, the wheelchair, etc to draw that attention to her. She really gives me "pay attention to me, any attention at all!" vibes.
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